-¿Dónde ir para estudiar en el extranjero?
-Sugerencias para encontrar los mejores cursos de idiomas
-¿Cómo aprovechar al máximo tu experiencia de estudio en el extranjero?
¡Y mucho más!
Toda la información necesaria en un solo lugar. Contiene todo que usted necesitará siempre para obtener el máximo rendimiento de tu curso de idiomas y tener la mejor experiencia en el extranjero!
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The TestDaF - Test für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Test for German as a foreign language) was designed to standardise the access to a German University. This certificate verifies that your knowledge of German meets the demands of academic life and is recognised by all institutions of higher education in Germany. The results are assigned to three levels (TDN 5, TDN4, TDN3), you will need a TDN 4 to be admitted to a German University. With this certificate a presentation of your language skills with the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für die Hochschule (Exam German for University DSH) is not necessary. Please notice that the majority of our German and Austrian language schools offer the preparation for these exams within their standard or intensive courses.