Announces 2014 Quality School Awards Recognizing World's Top Schools

On its 2nd Year of Awards Honours Over 148 Elite Language Schools Worldwide.
Quality school award 2014 LanguageBookings.comToday announced the schools that were awarded with its 2014  Quality School awards for Language Schools. The awards have identified the most outstanding Language Schools worldwide. has named more than 148 award-winning language schools around the world this year, with dedicated lists now covering almost +1000 language schools in 202 cities worldwide. Unlike any other School honours, Quality school winners are based on thousands of valuable reviews and opinions covering more than +1000 Schools and collected in a single year from students around the world. The Quality School Award is given to schools with high appeal for international students, with an unbroken record of best value for money compared to hundreds of schools served by In addition, they show a high quality in education, course availability and impeccable customer service history.
"Once again, is thrilled to recognize the Language Schools with higher levels of service quality and customer focus" said Esteban Di Falco, director at "It's the insights from thousands of students that make these awards so special, as they help others discover the Language Schools students love most - whatever the budget, in all corners of the world."

Lista de escuelas premiadas 2014

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