ialca - Italian Association of Language Consultants and Agents

ialca - Italian Association of Language Consultants and Agents

The Ialca, the Italian Association of Language Consultants and Agents (Italian Association of Language Consultants and Agents) was founded in 1997 with the aim of providing a useful point of reference in the wide range of language courses abroad.

A language course abroad is a particular product: it is not a package but a real educational experience. For this reason, in order to carefully choose a destination, a school or a particular type of course, it is good to rely on language consultants, professionals who have their own field of specialization courses of study abroad.

Each member of the Ialca is a language consultant who has made a commitment to ensure: accurate information about the courses; quality control of the schools; a high standard of efficiency of services offered, before, during and after the course.

All members Ialca undertake to maintain close working relationships with each other, despite their autonomy, and to share all the information about the courses and schools they can serve to provide a better service to the customer.

Lista de escuelas

International Language School STUDIOITALIA

Via Tibullo 16, Roma, 12 Mostrar mapa

STUDIOITALIA es una escuela de idioma italiano para extranjeros, fundada en 1985. Durante los últimos 25 años ha sido uno d... Más información »


Obten la Guía Completa para Estudiar en el extranjero!

Complete guide for language study travel abroad -¿Dónde ir para estudiar en el extranjero?
-Sugerencias para encontrar los mejores cursos de idiomas
-¿Cómo aprovechar al máximo tu experiencia de estudio en el extranjero?
¡Y mucho más!

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