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"Spędziłam tam dwa miesiące i muszę przyznać, że było to bardzo przyjemne i pouczające doświ..."
El cuestionario de evaluación se realiza a los estudiantes que han estudiado en International Language School STUDIOITALIA
Tienen por objeto informar los servicios básicos que se puede esperar, lo bueno que es el lugar donde, si se divirtieron durante su estadia, la calidad de la educación y de la experiencia en general.
De esta manera, puede tener una mejor impresión sobre la academia.
Puntuación | 92% |
Muy pobre | Malo | Promedio | Buena | Excelente | ||
Instalaciones | 91% | |||||
Ubicación | 89% | |||||
Diversión | 94% | |||||
Enseñanza | 93% |
Comentarios sobre International Language School STUDIOITALIA
Los comentarios estan ordenados por idioma y fecha. Máximo 25 comentarios por página
E stata un’esperienza meravigliosa! Ho frequentato un corso d’Italiano per una settimana. Insegnanti sono molt bravi! Mi sono divertita un succo. Una settimana lezione era troppo breve,vorrei venire a qui ancora al piu presto possible. I have spent one week at StudioItalia. It was great experience for me. Teachers are friendly,kind and enthusiastic. The lessen was focused on conversation. At the same time teachers instructed grammar in detail. Sometime we used quiz and game. It was fun. I had
It was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. Now I feel how I have grown up during two months of the study. When I began the class I had a reason, but no passion to learn Italian language. And what the teachers made out of me?! Day after day I was falling in love with the language! I was learning not only language, but myself too. I am very thankfull to the professional teachers and specialists of the administration department for being a strong support and kind friend along the way!
It was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. Now I feel how I have grown up during two months of the study. When I began the class I had a reason, but no passion to learn Italian language. And what the teachers made out of me?! Day after day I was falling in love with the language! I was learning not only language, but myself too. I am very thankfull to the professional teachers and specialists of the administration department for being a strong support and kind friend along the way!
It was one of the most beautiful experiences in my life. Now I feel how I have grown up during two months of the study. When I began the class I had a reason, but no passion to learn Italian language. And what the teachers made out of me?! Day after day I was falling in love with the language! I was learning not only language, but myself too. I am very thankfull to the professional teachers and specialists of the administration department for being a strong support and kind friend along the way!
studio italiais great! I had a good time and it helped... The classes are not to big, the teacher experienced and motivated! and the school is easy to reach... I recommend it!
the dependence in rome is great, had a good time and it helped! Recomment it.
Ciao tutti! Напишу свой отзыв и я, итак... Я начала учить (играючи) итальянский в конце марта 2016 года. СКАЖУ СРАЗУ, это даже учебой назвать трудно ибо учебный материал заходит очень легко. В связи с тем что, школа старше *своих учеников , это делает ей хороший ОГРОМНЫЙ ПЛЮС, в связи с опытом подачи материала ну и разрешения рядовых ситуаций. Акредитация и авторитет ( имеет премию -как лучшая школа итальянского, для иностранцев),, так же согласитесь??радуют ;) Учителя стали мои друзья мгновенно!!!! Ну и о том что с тобой в классе учатся люди со всего света , это такое удовольствие , общаться и знакомиться с разными культурами при этом изучать язык Данте всем вместе. Как не грустно, но для меня закончилась маленькая жизнь! Я вам не советую -я настаиваю!!!!! Вам однозначно будет весело и что не мало важно, комфортно
Amazing experience all together, I'd highly recommend
Spędziłam tam dwa miesiące i muszę przyznać, że było to bardzo przyjemne i pouczające doświadczenie. Codziennie przychodziłam tam bez stresu, jak to w szkołach czasami bywa. Widać, ze nauczyciele są tam głównie po to, żeby nam pomóc, ułatwić naukę. Zależy im na uczniach. Tworzą super atmosferę! Lekcje są ciekawe, często nawet dopasowane do zainteresowań uczniów. Polecam!
Отличная школа рядом с Ватиканом! Школа италиянского языка для иностранцев. Группы в среднем около 5-8 человек. Стоимость по сравнению с остальными школами в Риме средняя, даже можно сказать дешевле большинства. Занятия проходят каждый рабочий день 3часа и пол урока ведет один учитель затем половину другой.Очень интересно,т.к. можно лучше выучить разные произношения. За четыре недели сменились 7учителей. Занятия интересные и в основном каждый день независимые. В основном 40% общение, затем чтение и изучение нового текста, разборка грамматики из текста+ новые слова, и решение заданий для закрепления пройденного. Место школы отличное. Каждый день после занятий школа организует бесплатные экскурсии либо просмотры фильмов. Единственный минус что школа не дает книгу а работают на ксероксах, в прочем как и все школы в Риме. А так-всем советую! :-)
Die Schule bietet jede Woche Neustarts in verschiedenen Niveaustufen an, sodass ich mein Nivea wirklich selbst bestimmen kann. Die Flexibilität und Sympathie der Lehrenden ist hilfreich und ich habe beim methodenreichen Unterricht viel gelernt :)
I have spent 5 weeks at StudioItalia and couldn't be happier! The staff is professional, available and accommodating. The teachers are fun, engaging and always available for questions. The classes that they prepare are great because of the communicative approach and the use of real-life material such as newspapers or magazines, making it interesting and useful. The school location is unbeatable, well connected by both metro and bus, in a beautiful neighbourhood near the Vatican. If you are looking for a language school in Rome to learn Italian, stop looking! You found it!
Hello! This summer I took a one week Corso Intensivo Plus at Accademia StudioItalia in Rome. During the course, I stood in the B&B. All this had been arranged by Accademia StudioItalia. I took the course to improve my Italian, before I started I had level B1 in Italian. The course has helped me very much improving my Italian, mostly my speaking abilities. I feel much more confident when I speak Italian, and it has also become more natural for me to speak Italian and having conversations in Italian. I also speak it much more fluently now! Although my mother tongue is Dutch, a language that almost hasn´t any similarities, to Italian, the course and progression have gone very well. The teachers really help you improving your language skills, by having conversations with you, asking you questions, etc. When I took a Starter course in the summer of 2015, this was the same. You also learn about the grammar and how to write Italian properly, but the course´s focus is conversation capacities, at least on my level. During the lessons, you will also learn about Rome and Italy in general. After the lessons, I also participated in the social activities: it was very nice to get to know Rome in this way, and tob e with other teenagers from all over the world! In fact, you will become part of the culture of Italy and of Rome! During this course, I stood in the B&B at 16 Via Tibullo. The room was perfectly clean all the time, and the landlady was very nice and helpful! The B&B offers a perfect point of departure for all your trips through Rome. A metro station is closeby, and the most renowned touristic places can be reached walking. The other touristic places can be reached easily by metro and walking. This B&B is in the same street as the school. In the summer, it can be fairly warm in Rome (up to 38 degrees Celcius, 100 degrees Fahrenheit), so if you don´t like this kind of weather, I would recommend you to take your course in May or June. In short, I would recommend this course, but also this school, to everyone who wants to learn to speak Italian or wants to improve his capacities, and to learn about and to enjoy the Italian culture! Dirk, 17 years old
Ainda no Brasil, me inscrevi no Studioitalia e não em outro dos milhares cursos de italiano de Roma por alguns motivos: a localização parecia ótima, todas as reviews eram boas, pelos prêmios que a escola recebeu e em parte por imaginar que, não sendo dos mais baratos, seria melhor. Quando cheguei na Itália, já na primeira aula, vi que tinha feito a escolha certa. Os níveis dos grupos são dois, iniciante-intermediário e intermediário-avançado, e dessa forma não há como o aluno se sentir desanimado por estar numa sala com colegas de nível muito alto, e nem desestimulado se acontecer o contrário. No fim do seu período escolhido de curso, a escola emite um certificado com o parecer dado pelos professores (A1, A2, B1, etc). Cada semana há um revezamento dos professores, que são todos muito (muito) bons, de forma que o aluno tem contato com várias didáticas diferentes e nunca se sente entediado. Em vez de escolherem apenas um livro, a escola escolhe exercícios de vários livros diferentes, pra que o aluno tenha também contato com vários métodos. As aulas passam rápido, sempre muito divertidas, e a quantidade de conhecimento que eles conseguem passar em um dia é inacreditável! Durante a tarde, quase todo dia há alguma atividade (visitas a museus, a restaurantes históricos, aulas de conversação, passeios pela cidade) em que se aprende a língua na rua, em contato com outras pessoas. Quando comecei, eu já tinha noções do italiano escrito, mas era simplesmente incapaz de falar. Fiz duas semanas do curso Intensive Plus, que vai das 9:15 a 12:30 e das 13:30 às 15h, e juro que já não falo mais inglês em Roma! Definitivamente, o melhor método que já tive contato, depois de ter feito aulas de espanhol, francês, alemão e inglês. Recomendadíssimo!!!
A fantastic school in the perfect, central location. The small, international groups are taught by wonderful and enthusiastic teachers who have the capacity to engage students of all ages, abilities and nationalities.
I took the one week intensive (20 hrs) & loved it. Marco & Claudia were great instructors & made me feel confident with my learning. I had studied on my own at home (Rosetta Stone & Living Language) and really needed help speaking & linking it all together. This course did that, giving me the confidence I needed to speak with locals. I highly recommend it. Plus I added a private hour lesson with Lucca who did an excellent job teaching me daily living vocabulary. I highly recommend StudioItalia!
ha estado para mi una experiencia enriquecedora en esta escuela, los maestros son muy buenos y su personal muy atentos, Excelente los recomiendo!
Volveria sin ninguna duda!
Excelente escuela,totalmente recomendable!!!
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