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Título curso: Intermediate – beginner level
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
313,48 €
323,18 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Elemental - Nivel A1
Listening: Identifying the basic vocabularies when it is mentioned in a spoken script. Carrying out 2-3 orders. Understanding the special orders concerning family and friends. Listening to a simplified description of events and scenes and explaining it without the use of the language. The ability to describe something depending on a concept or a picture. Setting the sequence numbers. Listening and identifying week days, months, and dates. Reading: Reading the basic vocabularies silently, whether it appeared in the concept or not. Reading a short script (2-3 sentences) about familiar topics, answering with yes/no or right/wrong. Reading numbers from 1-100 written in letters. Reading prices and quantities. Reading sentences that have been orally controlled. Speaking and oral interaction: Describing family and friends (ages, relationships, weight, color…) Chanting solo and in groups. Composing sentences about one’s need and the others. Spelling the basic vocabularies that will be given in lists, with a right pronunciation. Answering questions and describing something after hearing a certain script. Asking for details about family and friends using specific words. Calculating quantities and money in the Arabic language. Expressing time by using certain words. Writing: Writing the numbers from 1-100. Writing the correct shape of the letter according to its position. Writing the given words in basic vocabularies list with clear hand writing. Writing short familiar sentences when dictated.
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Título curso: Diplomatic Arabic Course
Horas del curso: 17:00 - 19:45
Edad mínima: 18
694,14 €
715,61 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 8
Matricula de la academia: 69,25 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 4
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: Opcional y no incluidos
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Intermedio Superior - Nivel B2, Avanzado - Nivel C1, Profesional - Nivel C2
The Arabic for Diplomats course is specifically designed to develop the Arabic language skills required by diplomats and ambassadors in the everyday operation of their office. The course focuses in particular on improving participants’ oral communication skills, in both formal presentation, meeting and negotiation scenarios and more informal social situations. The Arabic for Diplomats course will assist participants to develop the Arabic language skills for: Communicating effectively and confidently in Arabic Preparing and delivering speeches and presentations on a wide range of topics Conducting negotiations Chairing and participating in meetings and conferences Discussing current and foreign affairs Speed-reading for specific information and absorbing high volumes of information in short periods of time Writing clear and concise E-Mails and letters Making and receiving telephone calls Entertaining diplomatic guests Training Focus The Arabic for Diplomats course is structured to cater for the needs of the individual participants; however the course training will generally include the following elements: Development of participants’ vocabulary, in particular focusing on persuasive and diplomatic language to enhance participants’ understanding of the subtleties of the Arabic language Individual fluency training designed to improve accent and pronunciation Practice presentations and speeches prepared and delivered under simulated time/pressure constraints Simulated negotiation exercises focusing on interaction with other participants, thought framing, processing arguments and responding appropriately Plenary discussion sessions on the news of the day based on, for example, articles from the famous Arabic newspaper, the Economist and Foreign Affairs As required by individual participants, remedial language training focusing on, for example, grammar, comprehension, oral and written expression Tailor Made Programme The Arabic for Diplomats course is tailored to our clients individual needs, which is why we closely monitor progress throughout the course to make sure that the client is learning effectively and within the pre-set objectives. Every participant is an individual and everyone learns at a different speed. Our teachers are in constant communication with each other and with our Director of Studies to make sure that your course is at exactly the right level at every stage.
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Título curso: Small group course
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
470,22 €
484,77 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Principiante, Elemental - Nivel A1, Pre-intermedio Nivel A2, Intermedio - Nivel B1, Intermedio Superior - Nivel B2, Avanzado - Nivel C1, Profesional - Nivel C2
The Educational plan for Teaching the Arabic Language for non-Arabic speakers for small groups Beginners Level: Studying hours: 20 hour per week. Week days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. (From 9.00 am – 12.55 pm) or from (02.00 pm - 17.55 pm) Passing grade: 60% Average Level: Studying hours: 20 hours per week. Week days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. (From 9.00 am – 12.55 pm) or from (02.00 pm - 17.55 pm) Passing grade: 65% The advanced Level: Studying hours: 22 hours per week + office hour (Thursday from 2:00- 2:00 pm). Week days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (from 9:00am-12:55 pm) or from (02.00 pm - 17.55 pm) Monday, Wednesday (from 9:00am-13.55pm) Passing grade: 70% Oral examination (interview): The oral exam stands on several standards, such as: Pronunciation • Fully understood with a slight foreign accent. • Understood with an obvious foreign accent. • Difficult to understand due to the pronunciation problems, asked to repeat his/herself frequently. • Have pronunciation problems that require careful listening. It leads to misunderstanding. • Has pronunciation problem that makes his/her conversation difficult to understand. Grammar • Makes a few grammatical mistakes that do not affect the content. • Make grammatical mistakes that do not cause ambiguity in the content. • Makes grammatical mistakes that cause ambiguity in the content. • Difficult to understand due to the grammatical mistakes. • Many grammatical mistakes, which makes the conversation hard to understand. Linguistic vocabularies • Uses the vocabularies that are preferable by the native speaker. • Uses inexpressible vocabularies but the content is understandable. • Chooses some false vocabularies sometimes, which causes a blare meaning in his/her conversation. • His/her vocabularies are limited, and uses vocabularies in the wrong concept. • His/her narrow vocabularies makes it hard to understand. Understanding • Understands what is being told without an obvious difficulty. • Understands what is being told with asking about the question’s meaning from while to while. • Understands almost what is being told after the repeating the question several times. • Finds severe difficulty following the examiner. • Does not understand the examiner’s question at all. Fluency • Fluent as the native speaker is. • With a little hesitation and repeating can express exactly what he/she wants. • Hesitate and stator and extreme slow with expressing what he/she wants. It might be difficult to understand some parts of his/her conversation. • Hesitates and keeps quiet for long periods which make it difficult to understand. • Hesitates and keeps quiet for long periods which make his/her conversation not understandable. Goals of teaching the linguistic skills Lower-beginners Level: Listening skill: • Listening to a spoken short script and setting the requested vocabularies. • Setting the number of participants and their gender in a spoken script. • Understanding the heard language and carrying out orders, (point, stand, set, go, put,,…. Etc). • Understanding the personal data orders (name, age, address). • Understanding the special orders by identifying people and things. • Identifying the alphabetical letters and numbers till 50. • Listening and setting the words that shows time. Reading skill: • Reading all basic vocabularies when mentioned in a silent reading script. • Reading the class-room colleague’s names. • Reading numbers from 1-60 written in letters. • Reading words list related to a specific concept. • Identifying the writing- codes for sounds (connecting the sound with the letter). • Reading a description of familiar things (one sentence). Speaking skill and oral interaction: • Naming public things. • Presenting personal data (name, age, address). • Finding and chanting a group on of chanting • Participating in a short dialogue. • Describing public things in a short form. • Buying goods and others. • Ability to express one’s self and others. Writing skill: • Writing the alphabetical letters in its different shapes. • Writing numbers from 1-60. • Writing his/her name, colleagues, and colleague’s last names. • Writing the basic vocabularies by conveying it from a written form. • Coping short messages and words lists in clear hand writing. • Completing a short description for a person or something related to a certain concept. Intermediate- beginner’s level Listening skill: • Identifying the basic vocabularies when it is mentioned in a spoken script. • Carrying out 2-3 orders. • Understanding the special orders concerning family and friends. • Listening to a simplified description of events and scenes and explaining it without the use of the language. • The ability to describe something depending on a concept or a picture. • Setting the sequence numbers. • Listening and identifying week days, months, and dates. Reading skill: • Reading the basic vocabularies silently, whether it appeared in the concept or not. • Reading a short script (2-3 sentences) about familiar topics, answering with yes/no or ight/wrong. • Reading numbers from 1-100 written in letters. • Reading prices and quantities. • Reading sentences that have been orally controlled. Speaking skill and oral interaction: • Describing family and friends (ages, relationships, weight, color...) • Chanting solo and in groups. • Composing sentences about one’s need and the others. • Spelling the basic vocabularies that will be given in lists, with a right pronunciation. • Answering questions and describing something after hearing a certain script. • Asking for details about family and friends using specific words. • Calculating quantities and money in the Arabic language. • Expressing time by using certain words. Writing skill: • Writing the numbers from 1-100. • Writing the correct shape of the letter according to its position. • Writing the given words in basic vocabularies list with clear hand writing. • Writing short familiar sentences when dictated. The upper-beginners level: Listening skill: • Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. • Carrying out 4-5 orders. • Earning the skill of distinguishing by listening to a paragraph and identifying the right and wrong expressions according to the paragraph. • Carrying out special orders related to facts. • Listening to a short spoken script then conveying the mentioned data in a different style (table, descriptive form...) Reading skill: • Reading paragraphs (2-3 sentences), then answering yes/no questions and other related questions. • Reading short paragraphs (2-3 sentences) then setting right concluded expressions. • Reading and explaining data in a table or a descriptive form. • Dictating and reading a story. Speaking skill and oral interaction: • Answering some questions and presenting some data after listening to a script. • Composing 2-3 sentences about familiar topics. • Composing a number of connected sentences about a picture, map, or descriptive drawing, following a specific pattern. • Ability to express time and its fragment. • Describing a short chain of previous events depending on some words, those are provided for help. • Composing full sentences depending on related words to a specific concept. • Using greeting and excusing expressions. Writing skill: • Writing a short description for a person or a thing related to certain concept. • Writing short familiar sentences when dictated. • Writing words and expressions in clear hand writing. • Re-arranging sentences to compose a connected paragraph. The Lower-average Level: Listening skill: • Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. • Earning concluding skills by listening to a paragraph and identifying the right and wrong concluded expressions. • Understanding special orders related to facts and personal data related to a certain topic. • Listening to a short script then conveying the data in a different style. • Understanding and carrying out a number of connected orders. • Understanding the general concept of a short story. • Identifying the emotional status of the speaker through his/her voice and the tone. Reading skill: • Reading a story (2-3 paragraph) about a familiar topic, then choosing the expression that contains the main idea from several expressions (multiple choice). • Re-arranging a number of sentences or paragraphs in the right order. • Earning the skill of using dictionaries. • Carrying out a number of written connected directions. • Reading some parts of a script the expecting the following events (multiple choice). • Reading a script (3-5 paragraphs) searching for certain words. • Setting the pronouns and the relative pronouns. Speaking skill and oral interaction: • Answering several questions and presenting a detailed description for something after listening to a script. • Describing a picture related to some aspects of a certain topic. • Narrating a number of connected sentences showed in pictures in the past tense. • Participating in a group in order to solve problem, which requires concluding some information. • Expressing his/her opinion around certain causes and topics. • Using the speech strategies, such as changing the conversation topic, presenting new information, and inviting others to participate in the conversation. • Presenting a sequence number of directions. • Presenting and carrying out orders. Writing skill: • Writing short personal notes about a familiar topic and presenting it to a friend (post card). • Writing one sentence answers about several questions to show the question’s meaning. • Dictating a one paragraph around a familiar script. • Composing a number of sentences by using the conjunction tools. The intermediate- average level: Listening skill: • Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. • Earning the concluding skill by listening to a paragraph and identifying the right and the wrong concluding expressions in a script. • Understanding the special orders related to facts and personal data. • Understanding the main ideas and distinguishing it from the secondary ones. • Differentiating between facts and opinions through a regular conversation. Reading skill: • Reading a script (3-5 paragraphs) and identifying the main idea. • Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs), then searching for specific words. • Identifying the logical relationships that are expressed in a script (3-5 paragraphs) about a familiar topic. • Distinguishing between the main and secondary ideas in a script. • Identifying the meaning of new words from the concept. • Accurate speech and pronunciation with consideration of grammar. • Searching in extended scripts (telephone guide or dictionary) for specific information. • Reading a short story about a familiar topic, then summarizing it orally. Speaking skill and oral interaction: • Presenting a short summary, that contains the main points in a spoken script. • Presenting a detailed description of a picture, that expresses a familiar scene. • Describing simplified activates. • Describing a number of sequence events. • Participating in a group in order to solve a problem, which requires connecting information between spoken and written scripts. • Expressing opinions around certain causes and topics. • Using the speech strategies that are specialized in orienting speech, objecting, and auditing what has been said in a conversation. • Choosing the appropriate expressions for different situations. Writing skill: • Writing a short description for an object or a familiar scene. • Writing a summary for a novel in one paragraph. • One paragraph dictating from unfamiliar script. • Clear hand-writing and drawing the letters correctly. • Taking in consideration the silent letters in some words. • Taking in consideration the basic dictation rules in writing. • Earning the fluency in free-writing. The upper-average level: Listening skill: • Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. • Earning the concluding skills by listening to a paragraph and expecting a suitable ending. • Understanding the special orders about facts and personal data around a specific topic. • Listening to a short script then conveying the mentioned information by presenting it in a different style. • Finding the main ideas and distinguishing it from the secondary ones. • Differentiating between facts and opinions in a conversation. • Understanding a short story when it’s event not in order. Reading skill: • Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs) then setting the main ideas. • Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs) and searching for specific words, then presenting the basic information in other form (table, descriptive drawing). • Setting the logical relationships that are expressed by the conjunction tools in a script (5-10 paragraphs) about unfamiliar topic. • Identifying new vocabularies from the concept. • Following a tale or a description when the events are not in order. • Differentiating between facts and opinions. The speaking skill and oral interaction: • Presenting a detailed summary about the main points and the mentioned information as spoken evidence. • Presenting an oral presentation about a familiar topic. • Presenting a short oral presentation about given information in some shapes, drawings, maps, pictures, and any other information not scripted. • Describing some sequence events in different tenses. • Participating in a group in order to solve a problem, which requires connecting between written and spoken scripts. • Auditing opinions using helping verbs. • Using the right un-linguistic behavior. Writing skill: • Writing a summary using bullets for a short written or spoken script. • Writing a script using the provided information in unscripted concept. • Writing one paragraph summary of a controversial script about a certain topic. • Writing a dictation (3-5 paragraphs) from a familiar script. The first Advanced level: Listening skill: • Finding the detailed information in a script. • Understanding the basic points and the general concept for an extended script. • Following a group of extended directions. • Differentiating between facts and opinions. • Identifying the musical sounds differences. • Identifying the characteristics and the style of a script. • Identifying the relations that connect the speakers in a conversation. • Identifying the emotional status of the speaker. • Understanding the details in short conversations about certain unfamiliar topics. Reading skill: • Reading a script (3-5 paragraphs) and setting the main idea. • Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs) then searching for specific words. • Setting the logical relationships that are expressed by the conjunction tools in a script (3-5 paragraphs) about unfamiliar topics. • Following a tale or a description, in which the events are not in order. • Setting the exiting topics from the main line in a written script . • Understanding the hidden and functional goals of the script. • Differentiating between the main and marginal information related to a script. Speaking skill and oral interaction: • Presenting the oral presentation about a familiar topic. • Using a number of formal and informal speech styles. • Participating in a group in order to solve a number of problems, which require some assumptions. • Questioning about abstract topics and answering the questions. • Using a number of speech strategies. Writing skill: • Using punctuation marks. • Writing a short essay, divided into paragraphs, to present the main information. • Quick writing, erasing, and correcting by considering them a part of writing drafts and composing. • Using the preparation writing strategies. • Using the revision writing strategies. The teacher expectations from the students: • Regular attendance. Teachers are not allowed to be absent without a previous notification. • Attending on time, and the mental preparation for the class-room activities. • Preparing, writing, and handing in homework on time. • The serious participation in the classroom. Working with the classroom colleagues nicely and cooperatively. • Speaking in Arabic only in the classroom, and with the colleagues and administration staff in the center. • Focusing on using the new vocabularies and expressions in the homework and during the class activities. • Dealing with notes seriously. • Using Arabic-Arabic dictionaries. • Non-Arabic dictionaries are not allowed in the classroom, and it is better if you do not use it at home. • Respecting everyone in the classroom and giving others the opportunity to participate. • Do not evaluate the colleague’s work. • Committing to the classroom philosophy and curriculum, in which it is based on a studied plan for the second- advanced level. • Dealing with the program flexibly and fully committing to the classroom rules.
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Título curso: The advanced level
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
358,26 €
369,35 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Avanzado - Nivel C1
Listening: Finding the detailed information in a script. Understanding the basic points and the general concept for an extended script. Following a group of extended directions. Differentiating between facts and opinions. Identifying the musical sounds differences. Identifying the characteristics and the style of a script. Identifying the relations that connect the speakers in a conversation. Identifying the emotional status of the speaker. Understanding the details in short conversations about certain unfamiliar topics. Reading: Reading a script (3-5 paragraphs) and setting the main idea. Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs) then searching for specific words. Setting the logical relationships that are expressed by the conjunction tools in a script (3-5 paragraphs) about unfamiliar topics. Following a tale or a description, in which the events are not in order. Setting the exiting topics from the main line in a written script . Understanding the hidden and functional goals of the script. Differentiating between the main and marginal information related to a script. Speaking and oral interaction: Presenting the oral presentation about a familiar topic. Using a number of formal and informal speech styles. Participating in a group in order to solve a number of problems, which require some assumptions. Questioning about abstract topics and answering the questions. Using a number of speech strategies. Writing: Using punctuation marks. Writing a short essay, divided into paragraphs, to present the main information. Quick writing, erasing, and correcting by considering them a part of writing drafts and composing. Using the preparation writing strategies. Using the revision writing strategies.
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Título curso: The advanced – intermediate level
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
358,26 €
369,35 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Intermedio Superior - Nivel B2
Listening: Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. Earning the concluding skills by listening to a paragraph and expecting a suitable ending. Understanding the special orders about facts and personal data around a specific topic. Listening to a short script then conveying the mentioned information by presenting it in a different style. Finding the main ideas and distinguishing it from the secondary ones. Differentiating between facts and opinions in a conversation. Understanding a short story when it’s event not in order. Reading: Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs) then setting the main ideas. Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs) and searching for specific words, then presenting the basic information in other form (table, descriptive drawing). Setting the logical relationships that are expressed by the conjunction tools in a script (5-10 paragraphs) about unfamiliar topic. Identifying new vocabularies from the concept. Following a tale or a description when the events are not in order. Differentiating between facts and opinions. The speaking and oral interaction: Presenting a detailed summary about the main points and the mentioned information as spoken evidence. Presenting an oral presentation about a familiar topic. Presenting a short oral presentation about given information in some shapes, drawings, maps, pictures, and any other information not scripted. Describing some sequence events in different tenses. Participating in a group in order to solve a problem, which requires connecting between written and spoken scripts. Auditing opinions using helping verbs. Using the right un-linguistic behavior. Writing: Writing a summary using bullets for a short written or spoken script. Writing a script using the provided information in unscripted concept. Writing one paragraph summary of a controversial script about a certain topic. Writing a dictation (3-5 paragraphs) from a familiar script.
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Título curso: The Lower – intermediate Level
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
358,26 €
369,35 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Intermedio - Nivel B1
Listening: Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. Earning concluding skills by listening to a paragraph and identifying the right and wrong concluded expressions. Understanding special orders related to facts and personal data related to a certain topic. Listening to a short script then conveying the data in a different style. Understanding and carrying out a number of connected orders. Understanding the general concept of a short story. Identifying the emotional status of the speaker through his/her voice and the tone. Reading: Reading a story (2-3 paragraph) about a familiar topic, then choosing the expression that contains the main idea from several expressions (multiple choice). Re-arranging a number of sentences or paragraphs in the right order. Earning the skill of using dictionaries. Carrying out a number of written connected directions. Reading some parts of a script the expecting the following events (multiple choice). Reading a script (3-5 paragraphs) searching for certain words. Setting the pronouns and the relative pronouns. Speaking and oral interaction: Answering several questions and presenting a detailed description for something after listening to a script. Describing a picture related to some aspects of a certain topic. Narrating a number of connected sentences showed in pictures in the past tense. Participating in a group in order to solve problem, which requires concluding some information. Expressing his/her opinion around certain causes and topics. Using the speech strategies, such as changing the conversation topic, presenting new information, and inviting others to participate in the conversation. Presenting a sequence number of directions. Presenting and carrying out orders. Writing: Writing short personal notes about a familiar topic and presenting it to a friend (post card). Writing one sentence answers about several questions to show the question’s meaning. Dictating a one paragraph around a familiar script. Composing a number of sentences by using the conjunction tools.
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Título curso: The advanced – beginner level
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
313,48 €
323,18 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Pre-intermedio Nivel A2
Listening: Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. Carrying out 4-5 orders. Earning the skill of distinguishing by listening to a paragraph and identifying the right and wrong expressions according to the paragraph. Carrying out special orders related to facts. Listening to a short spoken script then conveying the mentioned data in a different style (table, descriptive form…) Reading: Reading paragraphs (2-3 sentences), then answering yes/no questions and other related questions. Reading short paragraphs (2-3 sentences) then setting right concluded expressions. Reading and explaining data in a table or a descriptive form. Dictating and reading a story. Speaking and oral interaction: Answering some questions and presenting some data after listening to a script. Composing 2-3 sentences about familiar topics. Composing a number of connected sentences about a picture, map, or descriptive drawing, following a specific pattern. Ability to express time and its fragment. Describing a short chain of previous events depending on some words, those are provided for help. Composing full sentences depending on related words to a specific concept. Using greeting and excusing expressions. Writing: Writing a short description for a person or a thing related to certain concept. Writing short familiar sentences when dictated. Writing words and expressions in clear hand writing. Re-arranging sentences to compose a connected paragraph.
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Título curso: Lower – beginner Level
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
313,48 €
323,18 €
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Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Principiante, Elemental - Nivel A1
Listening: Listening to a spoken short script and setting the requested vocabularies. Setting the number of participants and their gender in a spoken script. Understanding the heard language and carrying out orders, (point, stand, set, go, put,,…. Etc). Understanding the personal data orders (name, age, address). Understanding the special orders by identifying people and things. Identifying the alphabetical letters and numbers till 50. Listening
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Título curso: The intermediate – intermediate level
Horas del curso: 09:00 - 12:45
Edad mínima: 18
358,26 €
369,35 €
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hay plazas disponibles
Dias del curso: lun, mar, mié, jue, dom Máximo nº de alumnos en clase: 10
Matricula de la academia: 46,17 € tooltip Nº promedio de alumnos en clase: 6
Duración de la clase: 45 Minutos Materiales del curso: 23,08 € Obligatorio y no incluidos tooltip
Certificado del curso:  
Niveles: Intermedio - Nivel B1
Listening: Identifying the basic vocabularies when mentioned in a spoken script. Earning the concluding skill by listening to a paragraph and identifying the right and the wrong concluding expressions in a script. Understanding the special orders related to facts and personal data. Understanding the main ideas and distinguishing it from the secondary ones. Differentiating between facts and opinions through a regular conversation. Reading: Reading a script (3-5 paragraphs) and identifying the main idea. Reading a script (5-10 paragraphs), then searching for specific words. Identifying the logical relationships that are expressed in a script (3-5 paragraphs) about a familiar topic. Distinguishing between the main and secondary ideas in a script. Identifying the meaning of new words from the concept. Accurate speech and pronunciation with consideration of grammar. Searching in extended scripts (telephone guide or dictionary) for specific information. Reading a short story about a familiar topic, then summarizing it orally. Speaking and oral interaction: Presenting a short summary, that contains the main points in a spoken script. Presenting a detailed description of a picture, that expresses a familiar scene. Describing simplified activates. Describing a number of sequence events. Participating in a group in order to solve a problem, which requires connecting information between spoken and written scripts. Expressing opinions around certain causes and topics. Using the speech strategies that are specialized in orienting speech, objecting, and auditing what has been said in a conversation. Choosing the appropriate expressions for different situations. Writing: Writing a short description for an object or a familiar scene. Writing a summary for a novel in one paragraph. One paragraph dictating from unfamiliar script. Clear hand-writing and drawing the letters correctly. Taking in consideration the silent letters in some words. Taking in consideration the basic dictation rules in writing. Earning the fluency in free-writing.
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Nº Estudiantes

Student Apartment
Personas por hab.: 2
Régimen de comidas: Sin comidas pero con uso de cocina
Edad mínima: 18
Tipo de alojamiento: Apartamento

Precio total

55,40 €
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Distancia desde la escuela: 15 minutes en transporte público
Cargo administrativo de la academia: 36,93 €
Instalaciones: Balcon, Television por Cable, Cerca de las atracciones locales, Equipamiento de cocina, Limpiaza diaria no incluida, Acceso a Internet, Llaves entregadas a la llegada, Cocina, Microondas, Cerca de la Academia, Transporte publico cercano, Refrigerador, Television Satelital, Zona soggiorno, Television, Lavarropas, Wireless (WIFI) Internet
We provide an apartment that you share with other students, Arab students if possible, which will help you to practice your Arabic and to easily and closely discover the Arabic culture. It will let you experience a different reality from the one you are used to in your country with a better immersion into the country’s culture. Usually, you share your room, however, if you prefer to stay alone you should pay an extra fee of 120 US Dollar per month. Food : In the apartment you will generally share the bathrooms, the living room, and the kitchen. You will manage all the issues concerning food, shopping, cooking in the apartment or eating in restaurants. Furniture : Each room will be simply furnished containing 2 beds, a wardrobe, a commode, a bureau, a table, a chair and a fan. You will find in the living-room a sofa set, a TV and in the kitchen, a fridge, a stove, a washing machine and a microwaves. The apartment is equipped with an electric water-heater and Internet. Distance and Transportation : The apartment is only 15 minutes away from the institute. Your transportation expenses are not covered. A 15 minutes taxi ride costs a little more than 1 Euro (1JD) and 0.50 JD by public transportation. Insurance : You should have your own insurance to cover the treatment costs abroad and the loss of personal belongings during your stay.
+ más información aquí »

3 - Recogida

Servicio de recogida desde/al aeropuerto

Precio total

Nº Estudiantes

0,00 €

Resumen de Reserva

Para reservar por favor selecciona el número de estudiantes a parte del curso que quieres reservar

LanguageBookings El mejor precio garantizado
100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo.
Excelente Atencion
Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti.
Reservas 100% confirmadas
Ninguno de nuestros competidores garantiza la reserva como nosotros

Datos sobre la escuela: Euroccl

Cantidad de aulas: 7

N º promedio de estudiantes por aula: 6

Edad mínima de los estudiantes: 18

Examen de nivelación el primer dia:

Distancia desde el aeropuerto: 40 km.

Aeropuerto más cercano: Queen Alia Airport

Año de inauguración de la escuela: 2011

Horarios de la escuela: 8:00 - 8:00

Fechas de cierre: ver

Información para estudiantes

•We offer a team of highly qualified, experienced and caring teachers – some of the best educators in the field. The most of our Arabic Teachers are PhD holders and have made it their life’s work (at the University of Jordan or at the Damascus University) to teach and support learners, especially those who have language difficulties. And it shows in the way they work with the students and in the outstanding results we deliver.

Términos y Condiciones: Euroccl

Política de Cancelación

Política de reembolso

Rechazo de Visado

Otros Términos

Full payment must be received by the Supplier School not less than 14 days before your Start Date. You will not be allowed to commence your Course if payment is not made by that time. Payment may be made by bank transfer, credit or debit card or in person to the Relevant Account. Additional charges may apply depending on the choice of payment medium and such charges are identified on the Price List.

Contacta con la academia

Suscríbete a nuestro email de Ofertas


Reservar con nosotros es muy fácil. Tan sólo tienes que ir a la página de la escuela en la que estás interesado. Donde dice CURSO y COMIENZO, seleccionas las fechas en las que quieres estudiar. Después, seleccionas la cantidad de semanas que deseas permanecer en destino.

Tras esto, debes seleccionar el curso que quieres. Si vas más abajo en esta misma página, encontrarás la opción 2 de ALOJAMIENTO. Aquí seleccionas el tipo de alojamiento que deseas. (No tienes que seleccionar las fechas aquí ya que sale automáticas y son iguales que las del curso; si fuesen distintas las fechas a las que vas a realizar el curso, entonces si debes modificarlas)
Después de alojamiento, tienes una opción que dice TRASLADO. Esta opción te permite seleccionar un servicio mediante el cuál personal de la escuela irá a recogerte al aeropuerto y te llevará hasta tu alojamiento.

Una vez que hayas seleccionado todas estas opciones, en la parte derecha de la pantalla, te aparece un RESUMEN DE RESERVA con toda la información de los datos previamente seleccionados y sus respectivos precios. Debes pinchar sobre el Botón Naranja que dice RESERVAR AHORA y te llevará a una página para que introduzcas tus datos personales. A la hora de reservar, sólo es necesario el pago de un pequeño depósito que se te descontará posteriormente del precio total. Tras recibir este, enviaremos tu reserva a la escuela y ella confirmará la misma. Una vez que la academia la confirme, la plaza en el curso y en el alojamiento estarán asegurados. Los mismo ocurre con la reserva de alojamiento sólo. El resto del dinero no tiene que ser pagado hasta 15 días antes de que comience el curso. Puedes hacer los pagos de tres formas muy seguras y fáciles: mediante tarjeta de crédito/débito, cuenta de paypal o transferencia bancaria.
Mejor precio garantizado: pago del precio más bajo 100% garantizado. Te ofrecemos los precios más bajos posible - nunca pagarás más que si reservas directamente con la escuela o cualquier otra agencia. Nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cargamos ningún coste de reserva. 

Confianza & Seguridad: Somos una empresa que promueve la confianza y la colaboración. Esto es por lo que hemos construído los mejores servicios y herramientas para atenderte y ayudarte a tomar la mejor decisión. Lee testimonios de estudiantes, referencias de anfitriones, sellos de calidad de las escuelas y acreditaciones, etcétera, ... más información 

Atención al cliente:
 Si necesitas ayuda, siempre puedes llamar o contactar con nuestro servicio al cliente, da igual que seas estudiante, escuela, huésped o anfitrión; todas tus preguntas serán respondidas, antes, en y después de reservar con nosotros. Estás a un solo click de contactar mediante email, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo! 

Tu reserva 100% confirmada: Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti. 
Las fechas de inicio de los cursos intensivos y generales son flexibles por lo general. Si tienes un conocimiento básico del idioma podrás empezar cualquier lunes del año en la mayoría de las escuelas. Si eres principiante, los cursos empiezan una o dos veces al mes. 
Ten en cuenta que las escuelas de idiomas tienen muchos estudiantes durante la época de verano (Julio y Agosto) que durante otra época del año, lo que significa que los precios de admisión, de alojamiento y demás costes incrementan. Si quieres reservar un curso para estos meses, te recomendamos que lo hagas cuanto antes: las escuelas se están quedando sin plazas disponibles. Las posibilidades de conseguir el alojamiento y el curso que deseas son limitadas, ya que las mejores se agotan las primeras.
Los cursos de idiomas durantes las temporadas bajas (de Septiembre a Junio) no sólo son más baratos, sino que tienen clases más pequeñas. Si eres capaz de esperar unos meses, pagarás menos por tu curso e incluso podrás tener una mejor oferta de alojamiento. Por favor comprueba esta infomación de la página de la escuela en la que quieres estudiar. 
Puedes informarte sobre la disponibilidad de un curso o de un alojamiento justo debajo del precio en la página de la escuela o del anfitrión. Sin embargo, si para cuando haces la reserva la disponibilidad ha cambiado, nosotros te devolvemos el total del depósito pagado.