Preparación para Examenes de Español 20 Clases semanales
Niveles: Pre-intermedio Nivel A2, Intermedio - Nivel B1, Intermedio Superior - Nivel B2, Avanzado - Nivel C1, Profesional - Nivel C2
The SIELE (Servicio Internacional de Evaluación de la Lengua Española) was recently created to evaluate students' language skills in a digital format. The exam uses language that reflects the vast variety of Spanish spoken in different countries, by using vocabularies and expressions from various countries, as well as referencing The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Students can choose to take the exam in separate parts or to take a global exam that evaluates all four language skills: reading, writing, listening and oral communication. Grades will not be decided in terms of "pass" or "fail", rather students earn a language mastery level, which is scored between 0 and 1,000 points (250 points for each skill). Once completed you will receive a certification recognized internationally for a period of two years.
The SIELE has the advantage of speed; results can be received in three weeks thanks to its digital nature. The exam is flexible; it can be taken at any time. And perhaps most importantly, the exam is extremely useful as it is uses the various dialects of Spanish as spoken in both Spain and America. The exam is backed by the University autonomous of Mexico, Instituto Cervantes, the University of Buenos Aires and the University of Salamanca.
Marquesa de Almarza, 1, Salamanca, España
No hay opiniones de los estudiantes
Cantidad de aulas: 30 (up to 60 in the summer)
N º promedio de estudiantes por aula: 8
Edad mínima de los estudiantes: 14
Examen de nivelación el primer dia:
Distancia desde el aeropuerto: 20 km.
Aeropuerto más cercano: Salamanca
Año de inauguración de la escuela: 1998
Horarios de la escuela: 9:00 - 19:30
Fechas de cierre: ver
•ENFOREX está orgulloso de ser capaz de ofrecer todas las comodidades y servicios de una escuela moderna mientras residía en un extraordinario e impresionante ejemplo de arquitectura Castellana. También ofrecemos cursos de idiomas extranjeros para españoles y organizar intercambios conversacionales gratis con estos estudiantes, proporcionando la oportunidad perfecta para los estudiantes extranjeros hacer amigos españoles y mejorar sus habilidades lingüísticas fuera del aula.