#0 CI_DB_driver->display_error(Array ([0] => Error Number: 1054,[1] => Unknown column '67≤vel' in 'where clause',[2] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC)) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/database/DB_driver.php:330] #1 CI_DB_driver->query(SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/database/DB_active_rec.php:963] #2 CI_DB_active_record->get() called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/core/MG_Model.php:417] #3 MG_Model->get(Array ([#literal#] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ), 0, 0, main.endpublish ASC, ) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/promotions_model.php:472] #4 Promotions_Model->get(Array ([#literal#] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ), 0, 0, main.endpublish ASC) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/promotions_model.php:1326] #5 Promotions_Model->get_list_promotions(viareggio, italia, italiano, , Array ([course] => 6563,[coursetype] => Array ([0] => 67,[1] => 67≤vel=3,[2] => 7))) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/promotions_model.php:1425] #6 Promotions_Model->search(Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[idid] => 14,[link] => /cursos-italiano,[search_link] => /cursos-italiano), Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Confianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12,[link] => /cursos-italiano/italia), Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389,[link] => /cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio), , Array ([course] => 6563,[coursetype] => Array ([0] => 67,[1] => 67≤vel=3,[2] => 7))) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/courses_model.php:2099] #7 Courses_Model->search(Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[idid] => 14,[link] => /cursos-italiano,[search_link] => /cursos-italiano), Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Confianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12,[link] => /cursos-italiano/italia), Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389,[link] => /cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio), , Array ([course] => 6563,[coursetype] => Array ([0] => 67,[1] => 67≤vel=3,[2] => 7)), 0, 15) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/controllers/coursessearch.php:358] #8 Coursessearch->index(cursos, italiano, italia, viareggio) #9 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Coursessearch Object ([] => es,[] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => es,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 1),[] => Array ([id] => 3,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:45:47,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:24,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => c-82,[1] => c-35,[2] => c-27,[3] => c-119),[code] => es,[sort] => 40,[active] => y,[locale] => es_ES,[file] => back_video.jpg,[image_language] => 3spanish.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 634,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Español,[name2] => ,[sysname] => espanol,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de español para extranjeros - Aprender español - Academias de Castellano,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio para cursos de español para extranjeros - Ofertas y paquetes -de clases de castellano como lengua extrangera.,[mkeys] => curso de espanol, curso español, aprender español, aprender el espanol, español extranjeros, español para extranjeros, español para extranjero, castellano para extranjeros, cursos español lengua extranjera, cursos español para extranjeros, cursos de español para extranjeros, clases español para extranjeros, cursos español extranjeros, cursos de castellano para extranjeros, clases de español para extranjeros, curso español para extranjeros, curso de español para extranjeros, profesores de español, curso de castellano para extranjeros, aprender español para extranjeros,[extratitle] => Encuentra cursos de español para extranjeros al precio mas bajo!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de español para extranjerosEstás buscando cursos de español para extranjeros? ¿Unas clases de español para extranjeros? ¿Te gustaría aprender español en España? ¿O economicos cursos español lengua extranjera? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de castellano en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de español para extranjeros hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de castellano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas para extranjeros. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de español. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de español para extranjeros.

Algunos consejos para hacer tu curso de español para extranjeros más divertido

Los cursos de español para extranjeros puede hacer más que enriquecer tu vocabulario. Te puede abrir el mundo. La globalización es una tendencia creciente que afecta a casi todas las naciones del mundo. Lo cierto es que, a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, la comunicación en otros idiomas da una gran cantidad de beneficios económicos y sociales en las naciones involucradas.

Además, la apertura de su país para que otros lo visiten refuerza los lazos con estos paises de habla espana. La comunidad mundial se está reduciendo a un pueblo en el que cada país conozca y entienda las otras culturas. ¿Por qué no unirse a esta tendencia, el aprendizaje a travez de unos cursos de español para extranjeros que se puede utilizar en diversos destinos?

El idioma español se encuentra entre los cinco idiomas internacionales, así como Inglés, francés, italiano y alemán. Además, unos cursos de español para extranjeros le dará la oportunidad de recorrer los paises de habla espana y lugares turísticos famosos. Sumergirse con la forma de vida española a través de cursos de español también puede facilitar una mejor retención de sus lecciones. No sólo eso, usted puede practicar sus habilidades de habla del idioma español, mientras toma un tour en los países de las calles más transitadas y zonas comerciales.

Consejos sobre cursos de español que te pueden ayudar aprender mejor

 Desarrolla un "oído" para la lengua española. Mientras que usted está tomando unos cursos de español para extranjeros, tiene que desarrollar su sentido de la audición de este nuevo lenguaje. Se recuerda que el idioma se aprende a través de la comunicación oral en un primer momento. Es posible, siempre hablar con un español nativo y pídele que te corrija cuando pronuncian mal o realiza un mal uso de la palabra. También se puede enriquecer su vocabulario mediante la escucha de canciones en español y ver películas en español.

Tomar unos cursos de español para extranjeros no es una tarea fácil. Es por eso que tenemos que aprender en cualquier lugar. Usted puede crear tarjetas pequeñas donde se puede escribir una palabra en español con su equivalente en su idioma nativo. Tome estas tarjetas recordatorias donde quiera que vaya y a través de ellos durante los momentos en que no están haciendo nada. Usted puede utilizar estas tarjetas recordatorias mientras están en internet, en el tren, o en espera para su clase en el curso de español para extranjeros.

Tenga en cuenta el "sello español" de las cosas a su alrededor. Se puede practicar lo que está aprendiendo de su curso de español a través de la creación de etiquetas para las cosas que te rodean. Tenga en cuenta el término español para la puerta, pared, cama, cocina, TV, coche, y las otras cosas que utilizan constantemente.

Realizar unos cursos de español para extranjeros pueden enriquecer su vida. Visitar un país extranjero se convierte en una experiencia única cuando usted sabe hablar su idioma. Cuando usted visita España, Argentina o Mexco por ejemplo puede aprender su idioma a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, que le dara el conocimiento suficiente para comunicarse con nativos y entender sus cuentos fascinantes sobre su tierra natal. Unos cursos de español para extranjeros abrirá las puertas de España para que usted pueda darle la mejor experiencia de su vida.  

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de español. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de español en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de español en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender español impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender español con acreditados profesores de español, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de español en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su español de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[idid] => 5),[] => ,[] => ,[isdev] => ,[] => Array ([en] => /search/learn-italian/italy/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[es] => /search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[it] => /search/corso-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[de] => /search/kurs-italienisch/italien/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[fr] => /search/cours-italien/italie/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[pt] => /search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[ru] => /search/kursy-italyyanskiy/italiya/viardzho?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[zh] => /search/learn-italian/italy/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[ko] => /search/learn-italian/italy/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7,[ja] => /search/learn-italian/italy/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => 2400,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([id] => 11,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 10:48:19,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:58:06,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => c-181),[code] => ar,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => 01simple.xlsx,[image_language] => 2arabic.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => es,[name] => Árabe,[name2] => ,[sysname] => arabe,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Curso Idioma Arabe Cursos de idioma Arabe - Escuelas,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idioma árabe en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para curso de idioma arabe en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

Curso de idioma ArabeEstás buscando clases árabe en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de árabe en Inglaterra? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de árabe económica en l extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de árabe en el esterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idioma árabe en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre numerosos de cursos de árabe en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de árabe al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de árabe. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de árabe al extranjero.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de árabe en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de árabe en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender árabe impecable. Tu podras hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como tambien tomar clases y aprender árabe con acreditados profesores de árabe, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de árabe en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su árabe de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 48),[1] => Array ([id] => 20,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-04 12:48:47,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-14 15:12:18,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => ca,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2catalan.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 3,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 20,[lang] => es,[name] => Catalán,[name2] => ,[sysname] => catalan,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de catalan - Clases de Catalan al precio mas bajo,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idioma Catalan que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para curso de idioma Catalan!,[extradesc] =>

Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idioma Catalan que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre numerosos de cursos de Catalan hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de Catalan al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de Catalan. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de Catalan.


Nuestro Servicio Garantiza


Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de catalan,[short_description] =>
Cursos de Catalan son una buena manera de sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender catalan impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender catalan con acreditados profesores de catalan, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de catalan son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su catalan de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 94),[2] => Array ([id] => 10,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 19:34:39,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:58:34,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-23,[1] => c-93,[2] => c-92),[code] => zh,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => zh_CN,[file] => ,[image_language] => chino.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 52,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => es,[name] => Chino Mandarín,[name2] => ,[sysname] => chino-mandarin,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Chino Baratos - Cursos de Mandarín,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de chino mandarin en el extranjero en cualquier escuela o academia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => Cursos de Chino, Cursos de Mandarín,[extratitle] => Encuentra precios baratos para Cursos de chino mandarin en el extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

cursos de mandarinEstás buscando clases de mandarin en China? ¿Estudiar mandarin en el extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de mandarin en el extranjero? ¿O economicas escuelas de chino en el extranjero? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de chino mandarin en el extranjero en cualquier escuela o academia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de mandarin en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de mandarin al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de mandarin. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de mandarin en el extranjero.




Nuestro Servicio Garantiza





Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de chino. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más















,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de chino en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de chino en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender chino impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender chino con acreditados profesores de chino, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de chino en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su chino de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 43),[3] => Array ([id] => 13,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 13:19:21,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:03,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => cs,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2Czech.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => es,[name] => Checo,[name2] => ,[sysname] => checo,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Checo en el extranjero - Curso del idioma Checo,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de checo en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de checo en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de ChecoEstás buscando clases checo en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de checo en el extranjero? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de checo económica en l extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de checo en el esterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de checo en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre numerosos de cursos de checo en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de checo al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de checo. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de checo al extranjero.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza


Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., .más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de Checo en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de Checo en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Checo impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Checo con acreditados profesores de Checo, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de Checo en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Checo de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 58),[4] => Array ([id] => 14,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 15:59:15,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:18,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => da,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 4Danish.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => es,[name] => Danés,[name2] => ,[sysname] => danes,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Danes - Escuelas de idiomas de Danés - Aprender Danes,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de danés en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de danés en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de DanesEstás buscando clases danés en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de danés en el extranjero? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de danés económica en l extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de danés en el esterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de danés en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre numerosos de cursos de danés en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de danés al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de danés. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de danés al extranjero.

,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de Danés en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de Danés en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Danés impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Danés con acreditados profesores de Danés, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de Danés en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Danés de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 63),[5] => Array ([id] => 2,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-03 15:53:42,[update_timestamp] => 2023-08-29 16:59:28,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-113,[1] => p-196,[2] => p-77,[3] => p-33,[4] => c-48,[5] => c-2,[6] => c-1,[7] => c-147,[8] => c-41,[9] => c-79),[code] => en,[sort] => 50,[active] => y,[locale] => en_US,[file] => ,[image_language] => english.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 1387,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => es,[name] => Inglés,[name2] => ,[sysname] => ingles,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Inglés en el extranjero l Academias y Escuelas de Inglés,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Ingles Ofertas y paquetes super barato Comentarios de Estudiantes descripciones detalladas ? mapas y ?fotos de alta calidad. Estudiar en Academias de Inglés,[mkeys] => academias ingles extranjero, centros de estudios de ingles, becas ingles, becas estudiar ingles, cursos intensivos de ingles, clases ingles en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases ingles en el extranjero, becas para aprender ingles en el extranjero, estudiar ingles en el extranjero en verano, cursos de ingles al extranjero, aprende ingles extranjero, cursos ingles el extranjero, cursos de ingles en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de ingles en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso ingles verano extranjero, cursos de ingles en extranjero, ingles en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, ingles extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar ingles en extranjero, aprender ingles en extranjero, cursos de ingles extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar ingles extranjero, becas para estudiar ingles en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender ingles en el extranjero, estudiar ingles en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de ingles en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende ingles en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de ingles en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Inglés en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

aprender ingles en el extranjeroEstás buscando clases ingles en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de ingles en Inglaterra baratos? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de ingles económica en l extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de ingles en el esterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de ingles en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de ingles en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de ingles al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de ingles. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de ingles al extranjero.

Cursos de Inglés en el Extranjero - hacerlo bien la primera vez!

Cursos de Inglés en el extranjero son una gran manera no sólo de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura, sino también una gran oportunidad para aprender Inglés impecable.
No sólo va a estar haciendo un montón de amigos internacionales como de tomar clases, usted aprenderá los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero que son impartidas por profesores acreditados, nativo de Inglés con acento correcto.

Después de todo, es un hecho que los países en todo el mundo ofrecen clases de Inglés, pero muchas veces no nativos los países de habla Inglés, hay pronunciaciones mal involucrados o un fuerte acento.

Al aprender cursos de Inglés en el extranjero, tendrá valor de su dinero por el hecho de que usted va a obtener una gramática de primera clase y la educación de pronunciación de instructores experimentados que están capacitados no sólo para hablar Inglés correctamente, sino también para enseñar la lengua con eficacia.

Te sentiras en un ambiente cómodo con los compañeros de diferentes países en el mundo y aprender los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero juntos. Si te encanta hacer nuevos amigos y hablar con ellos en Inglés, que mejorará en gran medida tu forma de hablar.

Las ventajas de los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero

Cursos de ingles en el extranjeroUna gran ventaja de los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero es que te guste o no, usted se verá obligado a hablar Inglés correctamente.

A diferencia del aprendizaje de Inglés en su propio país, donde el Inglés casi no se habla, los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero será necesario que hable con fluidez con el fin de ser entendida como usted hace compras en los centros comerciales, ver los lugares turísticos o ir alrededor de lugares de interés con su nuevo grupo de amigos.

Este proceso inevitable mejorará en gran medida su forma de hablar Inglés con rapidez.  Aparte de esto, los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero se abra su mente a nuevas culturas, nuevas experiencias del mundo y gente nueva que va a mejorar su conocimiento de otros países.

Cursos de Inglés en el extranjero están a cargo de calificados, experimentados instructores que se asegurará de que usted aprenda a pronunciar cada palabra correctamente antes de que sean capaces de pasar al siguiente nivel.

Además, los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero también le dará la oportunidad de aprender Inglés de Negocios, Inglés Académico e Inglés para los turistas, en función de cuál es la especialidad que usted prefiera.

Por estas razones y más, los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero es más eficaz si se toma en serio el aprendizaje del idioma Inglés con fluidez.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones.
,[image1] => ,[link1] => #1,[image2] => ,[link2] => #2,[image3] => ,[link3] => #3,[image4] => ,[link4] => #4,[short_title] => Cursos de Inglés en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
El conocer y dominar el ingles es imprecindible hoy en día. Nuestros cursos de Inglés en el extranjero son una excelente manera de no solo conocer el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura pero también una gran oportunidad para aprender Inglés impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Inglés con acreditados profesores de Inglés, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de Inglés en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Inglés de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 2),[6] => Array ([id] => 4,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:52:27,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:44,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-113,[1] => p-17,[2] => c-51,[3] => c-24,[4] => c-61),[code] => fr,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => fr_FR,[file] => ,[image_language] => french2.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 138,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => es,[name] => Francés,[name2] => ,[sysname] => frances,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Francés en el extranjero Baratos- Cursos intensivo verano,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en cursos intensivo de frances en el extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes para el verano- Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y …,[mkeys] => cursos frances en el extranjero, estudiar frances en el extranjero, frances en el extranjero, curso intensivo de frances, frances en el extranjero, cursos frances verano, cursos frances en el extranjero, estudiar frances en el extranjero, frances en el extranjero, curso intensivo de frances, frances en el extranjero, cursos frances verano, cursos frances extranjero,[extratitle] => Encuentra cursos intensivos de frances en el extranjero al precio mas bajo!,[extradesc] =>

cursos frances en el extranjeroEstás buscando un curso intensivo de frances en el extranjero? ¿Estudiar frances en el extranjero barato? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de frances en Francia? ¿O economicas escuelas de frances? Cualquiera sea el tipo de cursos de frances en verano que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de frances en Francia y Canada hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de frances al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Francia o Canada. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de frances. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus cursos de verano en el estranjero.

Descubre el verdadero francés y desfruta de una experiencia para toda la vida

Un curso de frances en el extranjero le ayudará a comprender el francés en su profundidad, sera capaz de entender las publicaciones francesas, como la prensa diaria, revistas populares y similares entre otras. Usted ya no tendrá que encontrar la versión en su idioma del cine francés. Usted puede disfrutar de una variedad más amplia de las cosas que no pudieron disfrutar en el pasado.

Los estudiantes que planean inscribirse en una universidad francesa tendrá que tomar un curso de francés en el extranjero antes de empezar la universidad. Por esta razón, asegúrese de tomar un curso de francés antes de que realmente lo necesita.

Idealmente, un curso de francés en el extranjero es progresivo y está disponible para todos los niveles de comprensión del francés. Hay muchas lecciones de vocabulario que también tendrá que tomar durante su curso de francés.

Es importante determinar qué nivel de francés va a ser adecuado para su grado particular de comprensión. Tomando el nivel adecuado le llevará más allá de sin sobreestimar lo bien que entendía el francés.

A medida que su curso de frances en el extranjero avanza, también se le enseñará cómo utilizar los artículos de lengua francesa, los adjetivos, expresiones comunes, los sustantivos, las opiniones, los pronombres y preposiciones. También podrá aprender los verbos, los tiempos y preguntas. También se verá obligado a hablar la lengua francesa a medida que avanza sobre la vida cotidiana. Incluso las tareas más mundanas como ir de compras te sumergirán en la necesidad de tener que utilizar lo que había aprender en clases de francés.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de Francés en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de Francés en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Francés impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Francés con acreditados profesores de Francés, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de Francés en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Francés de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 8),[7] => Array ([id] => 17,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-01-17 10:52:08,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:57,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-205),[code] => ka,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2Georgian.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 1,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => es,[name] => Georgiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => georgiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Curso Idioma Georgiano Cursos de idioma Georgiano – Escuelas,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idioma Georgiano en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para curso de idioma Georgiano en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

 Estás buscando clases Georgiano en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de Georgiano en Inglaterra? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de Georgiano económica en l extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de Georgiano en el esterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idioma Georgiano en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre numerosos de cursos de Georgiano en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de Georgiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de Georgiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de Georgiano al extranjero.

,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de georgiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de georgiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender georgiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender georgiano con acreditados profesores de georgiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de georgiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su georgiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 78),[8] => Array ([id] => 5,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:53:09,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:11,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-16,[1] => c-117,[2] => c-64,[3] => c-118,[4] => c-101),[code] => de,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => de_DE,[file] => ,[image_language] => german.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 85,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => es,[name] => Alemán,[name2] => ,[sysname] => aleman,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Aleman en el Extranjero Baratos - Estudiar en Academias de Aleman,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Aleman - ?Ofertas y paquetes ? Comentarios de Estudiantes ? descripciones detalladas ?mapas y ?fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => Cursos de Aleman, academias aleman extranjero, centros de estudios de aleman, becas aleman, becas estudiar aleman, cursos intensivos de aleman, clases aleman en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases aleman en el extranjero, becas para aprender aleman en el extranjero, estudiar aleman en el extranjero en verano, cursos de aleman al extranjero, aprende aleman extranjero, cursos aleman el extranjero, cursos de aleman en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de aleman en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso aleman verano extranjero, cursos de aleman en extranjero, aleman en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, aleman extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar aleman en extranjero, aprender aleman en extranjero, cursos de aleman extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar aleman extranjero, becas para estudiar aleman en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender aleman en el extranjero, estudiar aleman en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de aleman en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende aleman en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de aleman en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Saca el mayor provecho a tu curso de alemán,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de AlemanLos cursos de aleman es una excelente manera de mejorar su comprension del idioma en muchos aspectos. Con el advenimiento de la tecnología de hoy en día que nos permite hacer negocios en cualquier parte del mundo, tenemos que estar equipados con el conocimiento que nos permite acercarnos y comprender otra cultura de manera tal de establecer relaciones diplomáticas, comerciales o simplemente viajar y conocer. Si usted está interesado en la cultura alemana, realizar cursos de aleman será una gran herramienta para ayudarle a entender el modo de vida alemán.
Al realizar cursos de aleman, pronto verá que Alemania es un gran país lleno de lugares de interés turístico. El aprendizaje de su lengua te dota de los conocimientos necesarios para disfrutar de su estancia en el país y admirar sus tesoros. Los cursos de aleman también puede ayudarle a hacer su viaje más aventurero ya que con audacia se puede caminar por las calles sin el temor de perderse y no tener a nadie con quien hablar. Aprender el idioma de este país, mientras que experimentan su vasta riqueza a través de cursos de aleman le proporcionará una experiencia que recordará por el resto de su vida.

Cursos de aleman - Algunos consejos para principiantes

Aprender un idioma extranjero y desconocido puede ser realmente un reto. Si encuentra que su curso de aleman es difícil y frustrante, entonces no se preocupe más. Estos son algunos consejos que pueden ayudarle a disfrutar de su lengua alemana más:

Utilizar asociaciones de palabras similares entre sí y en poco tiempo, vera que podra habla el idioma alemán con fluidez. Usted también puede aprender más de estos a través de cursos de aleman en Alemania.

Aprender un segundo idioma lleva algún tiempo. Los cursos de aleman tomarán algún tiempo antes de obtener una buena comprensión de la gramática y el uso de la lengua. Sumergirse en el país puede ayudar a aprender su idioma rápidamente. También puede tratar de leer, escribir y hablar en alemán con tanta frecuencia como sea posible para mejorar sus habilidades de habla alemana.

Como último consejo, hay que disfrutar el aprendizaje del idioma a través de cursos de aleman. Las personas que son impulsados por la pasión para lograr algo son los que tienen éxito con sus esfuerzos. Si usted hace su mejor esfuerzo mientras que usted está estudiando un curso de aleman, que también es probable que dominar los aspectos básicos de este lenguaje.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..s


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de alemán en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de alemán en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender alemán impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender alemán con acreditados profesores de alemán, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de alemán en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su alemán de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 10),[9] => Array ([id] => 15,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-10-20 22:14:40,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-14 15:18:29,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-202,[1] => c-183),[code] => gr,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 3greek.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 2,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => es,[name] => Griego,[name2] => ,[sysname] => griego,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Griego - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Greek course and language school Greece in you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price! ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Clases y Cursos de Griego!,[extradesc] =>

Estás buscando clases de Griego? ¿ Estudiar Griego? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de Griego? ¿O economicas escuelas de Griego? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso o clases de idiomas en cualquier escuela o academia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de Griego hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de Griego al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de Griego. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de Griego. Con LanguageBookings.com aprende mas y paga menos!

,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de Griego en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de Griego en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Griego impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Griego con acreditados profesores de Griego, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de Griego en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Griego de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 68),[10] => Array ([id] => 19,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-04 12:20:07,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:24,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => he,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2hebrew.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => es,[name] => Hebreo,[name2] => ,[sysname] => hebreo,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Hebreo Barato en las Mejores Escuelas Aprender polaco,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de hebreo en escuelas en Israel que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Clases y Cursos de hebreo!,[extradesc] =>

Estás buscando clases de hebreo? ¿Unas clases de hebreo de negocios? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de hebreo barato? ¿O economicas escuelas de hebreo Rusia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de hebreo en escuelas que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de hebreo hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de hebreo al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de hebreo. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de hebreo.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de hebreo en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de hebreo en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender hebreo impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender hebreo con acreditados profesores de hebreo, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de hebreo en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su hebreo de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 89),[11] => Array ([id] => 26,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-03-25 10:44:16,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:37,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-197),[code] => hu,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => hu-HU,[file] => ,[image_language] => hungarian-language.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 26,[lang] => es,[name] => Húngaro,[name2] => Húngaro,[sysname] => hungaro,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Húngaro en Hungría Baratos - Estudia en las mejores Academias de Idiomas Húngaro,[mtitle2] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Hungaro en Hungría!,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Húngaro - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad… Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Hungaro en Hungría!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Hungaro en Hungría!,[extradesc] =>

¿Estás buscando cursos de Húngaro en Hungría baratos? ¿Unas clases de Húngaro de negocios en Budapest? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de Húngaro? ¿O economicas escuelas de Húngaro? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Hungría que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de Húngaro en Hungría hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de Húngaro al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Hungría. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de Húngaro. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de Húngaro en Hungría.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Hungarian Language Courses Abroad,[short_description] =>
Hungarian courses abroad are a great way to see the world and immerse yourself in another culture and also a great opportunity to learn impeccable Hungarian. All of our language courses are designed to combine a cultural holiday with a language learning experience. The idea is to use your language course to enhance your holiday and your holiday to enhance your language course. You will be making a lot of international friends as you take classes and learn Hungarian with accredited, native Hungarian speakers with correct accents. 
,[multilang_id] => 218),[12] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 14),[13] => Array ([id] => 6,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:06,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:01:13,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-89,[1] => c-26),[code] => ja,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ja_JP,[file] => ,[image_language] => japanese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 16,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => es,[name] => Japones,[name2] => ,[sysname] => japones,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Japones en Japon Baratos - Estudia en las mejores Academias de Idiomas Japones,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Japones - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias japones japon, centros de estudios de japones, becas japones, becas estudiar japones, cursos intensivos de japones, clases japones en japon, cursos en japon para jovenes, clases japones en el japon, becas para aprender japones en el japon, estudiar japones en el japon en verano, cursos de japones al japon, aprende japones japon, cursos japones el japon, cursos de japones en el japon mec, agencias de cursos de japones en el japon, cursos japon mec, becas estudiar japon, curso japones verano japon, cursos de japones en japon, japones en el japon verano, becas mec japon, japones japon adultos, cursos subvencionados en el japon, becas japon, estudiar japones en japon, aprender japones en japon, cursos de japones japon, idiomas en japon verano, estudiar japones japon, becas para estudiar japones en el japon, escuelas de idiomas en el japon, aprender japones en el japon, estudiar japones en el japon, cursos de idiomas en japon para jovenes, academias de japones en japon, cursos de idiomas en japon becas mec, aprende japones en japon, cursos idiomas japon, cursos de japones en japon,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Japonés en Japon!,[extradesc] =>

¿Estás buscando cursos de japones en Japon baratos? ¿Unas clases de japones de negocios en Tokio? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de japones? ¿O economicas escuelas de japones? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Japon que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de japones en Japon hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de japones al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Japon. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de japones. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de japones en Japon.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de húngaro en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de húngaro en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Húngaro impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Húngaro con acreditados profesores de Húngaro, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de Húngaro en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Húngaro de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.


,[multilang_id] => 12),[14] => Array ([id] => 25,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-11-27 14:18:32,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:01:24,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => ko,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ko_KR,[file] => ,[image_language] => ,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 25,[lang] => en,[name] => Korean,[name2] => Korean,[sysname] => korean,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ,[extradesc] => ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[multilang_id] => 174),[15] => Array ([id] => 18,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-05-05 13:33:24,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:01,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12),[code] => la,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => latin.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 2,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 18,[lang] => es,[name] => Latín,[name2] => ,[sysname] => latin,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de latin - Language Bookings,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Latin course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Nuestro Servicio Garantiza,[extradesc] =>

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de latin,[short_description] =>
Cursos de latin son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender latin impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender latin con acreditados profesores de latin.
Los cursos de latin son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su latin de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.


,[multilang_id] => 84),[16] => Array ([id] => 21,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-17 20:53:28,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:19,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-169),[code] => pl,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => polish.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 6,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => es,[name] => Polaco,[name2] => ,[sysname] => polaco,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Polaco Barato en las Mejores Escuelas Aprender polaco,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de polaco en escuelas en Polonia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Clases y Cursos de polaco!,[extradesc] =>

Estás buscando clases de polaco? ¿Unas clases de polaco de negocios? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de polaco barato? ¿O economicas escuelas de polaco Rusia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de polaco en escuelas que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de polaco hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de polaco al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de polaco. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de polaco.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de polaco en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de polaco en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender polaco impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender polaco con acreditados profesores de polaco, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de polaco en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su polaco de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 104),[17] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Portugués,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugues,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Portugues - Cursos de Portugués en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de portugues en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de portugues en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de PortuguesEstás buscando clases portugues en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de portugues el extranjero? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de portugues económica en el extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de portugues en el exterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de portugues en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre numerosos de cursos de portugues en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de portugues al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de portugues. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de portugues al extranjero.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de Portugues en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de Portugues en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Portugues impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Portugues con acreditados profesores de Portugues, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de Portugues en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Portugues de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 53),[18] => Array ([id] => 9,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-26 22:13:48,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:01,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-183,[1] => c-91,[2] => c-90),[code] => ru,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ru_RU,[file] => ,[image_language] => russian.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 33,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => es,[name] => Ruso,[name2] => ,[sysname] => ruso,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Ruso Barato en las Mejores Escuelas Aprender ruso,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de ruso en escuelas en Rusia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Clases y Cursos de ruso!,[extradesc] =>

Estás buscando clases de ruso? ¿Unas clases de ruso de negocios? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de ruso barato? ¿O economicas escuelas de ruso Rusia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de ruso en escuelas que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de ruso hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de ruso al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de ruso. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de ruso.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de ruso en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de ruso en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender ruso impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender ruso con acreditados profesores de ruso, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de ruso en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su ruso de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 38),[19] => Array ([id] => 3,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:45:47,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:24,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => c-82,[1] => c-35,[2] => c-27,[3] => c-119),[code] => es,[sort] => 40,[active] => y,[locale] => es_ES,[file] => back_video.jpg,[image_language] => 3spanish.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 634,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Español,[name2] => ,[sysname] => espanol,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de español para extranjeros - Aprender español - Academias de Castellano,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio para cursos de español para extranjeros - Ofertas y paquetes -de clases de castellano como lengua extrangera.,[mkeys] => curso de espanol, curso español, aprender español, aprender el espanol, español extranjeros, español para extranjeros, español para extranjero, castellano para extranjeros, cursos español lengua extranjera, cursos español para extranjeros, cursos de español para extranjeros, clases español para extranjeros, cursos español extranjeros, cursos de castellano para extranjeros, clases de español para extranjeros, curso español para extranjeros, curso de español para extranjeros, profesores de español, curso de castellano para extranjeros, aprender español para extranjeros,[extratitle] => Encuentra cursos de español para extranjeros al precio mas bajo!,[extradesc] =>

Cursos de español para extranjerosEstás buscando cursos de español para extranjeros? ¿Unas clases de español para extranjeros? ¿Te gustaría aprender español en España? ¿O economicos cursos español lengua extranjera? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de castellano en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre diversos de cursos de español para extranjeros hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de castellano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas para extranjeros. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de español. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de español para extranjeros.

Algunos consejos para hacer tu curso de español para extranjeros más divertido

Los cursos de español para extranjeros puede hacer más que enriquecer tu vocabulario. Te puede abrir el mundo. La globalización es una tendencia creciente que afecta a casi todas las naciones del mundo. Lo cierto es que, a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, la comunicación en otros idiomas da una gran cantidad de beneficios económicos y sociales en las naciones involucradas.

Además, la apertura de su país para que otros lo visiten refuerza los lazos con estos paises de habla espana. La comunidad mundial se está reduciendo a un pueblo en el que cada país conozca y entienda las otras culturas. ¿Por qué no unirse a esta tendencia, el aprendizaje a travez de unos cursos de español para extranjeros que se puede utilizar en diversos destinos?

El idioma español se encuentra entre los cinco idiomas internacionales, así como Inglés, francés, italiano y alemán. Además, unos cursos de español para extranjeros le dará la oportunidad de recorrer los paises de habla espana y lugares turísticos famosos. Sumergirse con la forma de vida española a través de cursos de español también puede facilitar una mejor retención de sus lecciones. No sólo eso, usted puede practicar sus habilidades de habla del idioma español, mientras toma un tour en los países de las calles más transitadas y zonas comerciales.

Consejos sobre cursos de español que te pueden ayudar aprender mejor

 Desarrolla un "oído" para la lengua española. Mientras que usted está tomando unos cursos de español para extranjeros, tiene que desarrollar su sentido de la audición de este nuevo lenguaje. Se recuerda que el idioma se aprende a través de la comunicación oral en un primer momento. Es posible, siempre hablar con un español nativo y pídele que te corrija cuando pronuncian mal o realiza un mal uso de la palabra. También se puede enriquecer su vocabulario mediante la escucha de canciones en español y ver películas en español.

Tomar unos cursos de español para extranjeros no es una tarea fácil. Es por eso que tenemos que aprender en cualquier lugar. Usted puede crear tarjetas pequeñas donde se puede escribir una palabra en español con su equivalente en su idioma nativo. Tome estas tarjetas recordatorias donde quiera que vaya y a través de ellos durante los momentos en que no están haciendo nada. Usted puede utilizar estas tarjetas recordatorias mientras están en internet, en el tren, o en espera para su clase en el curso de español para extranjeros.

Tenga en cuenta el "sello español" de las cosas a su alrededor. Se puede practicar lo que está aprendiendo de su curso de español a través de la creación de etiquetas para las cosas que te rodean. Tenga en cuenta el término español para la puerta, pared, cama, cocina, TV, coche, y las otras cosas que utilizan constantemente.

Realizar unos cursos de español para extranjeros pueden enriquecer su vida. Visitar un país extranjero se convierte en una experiencia única cuando usted sabe hablar su idioma. Cuando usted visita España, Argentina o Mexco por ejemplo puede aprender su idioma a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, que le dara el conocimiento suficiente para comunicarse con nativos y entender sus cuentos fascinantes sobre su tierra natal. Unos cursos de español para extranjeros abrirá las puertas de España para que usted pueda darle la mejor experiencia de su vida.  

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de español. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de español en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de español en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender español impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender español con acreditados profesores de español, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de español en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su español de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 5),[20] => Array ([id] => 22,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-23 13:14:08,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:43,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-86,[1] => p-190,[2] => p-75,[3] => p-178,[4] => p-54),[code] => th,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => thai.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 3,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 22,[lang] => es,[name] => Tailandés,[name2] => ,[sysname] => tailandes,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de tailandés en el extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Thai course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Nuestro Servicio Garantiza,[extradesc] =>

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de tailandés en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de tailandés en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender tailandés impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender tailandés con acreditados profesores de tailandés, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de tailandés en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su tailandés de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 100),[21] => Array ([id] => 16,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-30 18:10:14,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:04:04,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-51,[1] => c-448,[2] => c-558),[code] => tk,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => turkish.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 12,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => es,[name] => Turco,[name2] => ,[sysname] => turco,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Turco Barato- Escuelas de Turco,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de turco en el extranjero en cualquier escuela o academia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de turco en el extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

cursos de turcoEstás buscando clases de turco en Turquia barato? ¿Estudiar turco en el Istanbul? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de turco en el extranjero? ¿O economicas escuelas de turco en el extranjero? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de turco en el extranjero en cualquier escuela o academia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

Busca entre miles de cursos de turco en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de turco al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de turco. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de turco en el extranjero.

Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

Best Price Guaranteed

El mejor precio garantizado

100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
Excellent Advice

Atención al Cliente Excepcional

Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
100% Confirmed

¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de turco en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
Cursos de turco en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender turco impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender turco con acreditados profesores de turco, nativos con acentos correctos.
Los cursos de turco en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su turco de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
,[multilang_id] => 73)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[benchmark] => CI_Benchmark Object ([marker] => Array ([total_execution_time_start] => 0.73678200 1714756774,[loading_time:_base_classes_start] => 0.73678800 1714756774,[loading_time:_base_classes_end] => 0.73807800 1714756774,[controller_execution_time_( coursessearch / index )_start] => 0.73810400 1714756774,[profilechrono_start] => 0.81101400 1714756774,[mgcontroller_start] => 0.73975300 1714756774,[mgcontroller_end] => 0.75151000 1714756774,[initialization_start] => 0.75163500 1714756774,[s_init_start] => 0.77707400 1714756774,[s_init_end] => 0.77810400 1714756774,[s_normalization_start] => 0.77811000 1714756774,[s_normalization_end] => 0.78377100 1714756774,[s_courses_start] => 0.78377600 1714756774,[s_courses_end] => 0.80857300 1714756774,[s_filters_start] => 0.80857900 1714756774,[s_filters_end] => 0.80859300 1714756774,[s_filteredget_start] => 0.80859700 1714756774,[s_promotion_start] => 0.81039300 1714756774)),[hooks] => 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=> tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C lb_session,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_secure] => ,[global_xss_filtering] => ,[csrf_protection] => ,[csrf_token_name] => lb_sec,[csrf_cookie_name] => lb_c_sec,[csrf_expire] => 7200,[compress_output] => ,[time_reference] => local,[rewrite_short_tags] => ,[proxy_ips] => ,[redis_host] => localhost,[redis_port] => 6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array (),[_config_paths] => Array ([0] => 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300,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_secure] => ,[global_xss_filtering] => ,[csrf_protection] => ,[csrf_token_name] => lb_sec,[csrf_cookie_name] => lb_c_sec,[csrf_expire] => 7200,[compress_output] => ,[time_reference] => local,[rewrite_short_tags] => ,[proxy_ips] => ,[redis_host] => localhost,[redis_port] => 6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array (),[_config_paths] => Array ([0] => ../application/)))),[output] => CI_Output Object ([] => ,[] => 0,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([hqx] => application/mac-binhex40,[cpt] => application/mac-compactpro,[csv] => Array ([0] => text/x-comma-separated-values,[1] => 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Redirect\s+302,[4] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?)),[input] => CI_Input Object ([ip_address] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[_allow_get_array] => 1,[_standardize_newlines] => 1,[_enable_xss] => ,[_enable_csrf] => ,[] => Array (),[security] => CI_Security Object ([] => ,[] => 673f754e504009d2a7c73259ab5be904,[] => 7200,[] => lb_sec,[] => lb_c_sec,[] => Array ([document.cookie] => [removed],[document.write] => [removed],[.parentNode] => [removed],[.innerHTML] => [removed],[window.location] => [removed],[-moz-binding] => [removed],[] => -->,[ <![CDATA[,[] => <comment>),[] => Array ([0] => javascript\s*:,[1] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;),[2] => vbscript\s*:,[3] => Redirect\s+302,[4] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?)),[uni] => CI_Utf8 Object ()),[lang] => CI_Lang Object ([language] => Array (),[is_loaded] => Array ()),[load] => MG_Loader Object ([_ci_loaded_sparks] 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6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array (),[_config_paths] => Array ([0] => ../application/))),[router] => CI_Router Object ([config] => CI_Config Object ([config] => Array ([base_url] => https://es.languagebookings.com/,[index_page] => ,[uri_protocol] => AUTO,[url_suffix] => ,[language] => english,[charset] => UTF-8,[enable_hooks] => 1,[subclass_prefix] => MG_,[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-,[allow_get_array] => 1,[enable_query_strings] => ,[controller_trigger] => c,[function_trigger] => m,[directory_trigger] => d,[log_threshold] => 1,[log_path] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/../logs/,[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s,[cache_path] => ,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C lb_session,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_secure] => ,[global_xss_filtering] => ,[csrf_protection] => ,[csrf_token_name] => lb_sec,[csrf_cookie_name] => lb_c_sec,[csrf_expire] => 7200,[compress_output] => ,[time_reference] => local,[rewrite_short_tags] => ,[proxy_ips] => ,[redis_host] => localhost,[redis_port] => 6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array (),[_config_paths] => Array ([0] => 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300,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_secure] => ,[global_xss_filtering] => ,[csrf_protection] => ,[csrf_token_name] => lb_sec,[csrf_cookie_name] => lb_c_sec,[csrf_expire] => 7200,[compress_output] => ,[time_reference] => local,[rewrite_short_tags] => ,[proxy_ips] => ,[redis_host] => localhost,[redis_port] => 6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array (),[_config_paths] => Array ([0] => ../application/)))),[output] => CI_Output Object ([] => ,[] => 0,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([hqx] => application/mac-binhex40,[cpt] => application/mac-compactpro,[csv] => Array ([0] => text/x-comma-separated-values,[1] => text/comma-separated-values,[2] => application/octet-stream,[3] => application/vnd.ms-excel,[4] => application/x-csv,[5] => text/x-csv,[6] => text/csv,[7] => application/csv,[8] => application/excel,[9] => application/vnd.msexcel),[bin] => application/macbinary,[dms] => application/octet-stream,[lha] => application/octet-stream,[lzh] => application/octet-stream,[exe] => Array ([0] => application/octet-stream,[1] => application/x-msdownload),[class] => application/octet-stream,[psd] => application/x-photoshop,[so] => application/octet-stream,[sea] => application/octet-stream,[dll] => application/octet-stream,[oda] => application/oda,[pdf] => Array ([0] => application/pdf,[1] => application/x-download),[ai] => application/postscript,[eps] => application/postscript,[ps] => application/postscript,[smi] => application/smil,[smil] => application/smil,[mif] => application/vnd.mif,[xls] => Array ([0] => application/excel,[1] => application/vnd.ms-excel,[2] => application/msexcel),[ppt] => Array ([0] => application/powerpoint,[1] => application/vnd.ms-powerpoint),[wbxml] => application/wbxml,[wmlc] => application/wmlc,[dcr] => application/x-director,[dir] => application/x-director,[dxr] => application/x-director,[dvi] => application/x-dvi,[gtar] => application/x-gtar,[gz] => application/x-gzip,[php] => application/x-httpd-php,[php4] => application/x-httpd-php,[php3] => application/x-httpd-php,[phtml] => application/x-httpd-php,[phps] => application/x-httpd-php-source,[js] => application/x-javascript,[swf] => application/x-shockwave-flash,[sit] => application/x-stuffit,[tar] => application/x-tar,[tgz] => Array ([0] => application/x-tar,[1] => application/x-gzip-compressed),[xhtml] => application/xhtml+xml,[xht] => application/xhtml+xml,[zip] => Array ([0] => application/x-zip,[1] => application/zip,[2] => application/x-zip-compressed),[mid] => audio/midi,[midi] => audio/midi,[mpga] => audio/mpeg,[mp2] => audio/mpeg,[mp3] => Array ([0] => audio/mpeg,[1] => audio/mpg,[2] => audio/mpeg3,[3] => audio/mp3),[aif] => audio/x-aiff,[aiff] => audio/x-aiff,[aifc] => audio/x-aiff,[ram] => audio/x-pn-realaudio,[rm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio,[rpm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin,[ra] => audio/x-realaudio,[rv] => video/vnd.rn-realvideo,[wav] => Array ([0] => audio/x-wav,[1] => audio/wave,[2] => audio/wav),[bmp] => Array ([0] => image/bmp,[1] => image/x-windows-bmp),[gif] => image/gif,[jpeg] => Array ([0] => image/jpeg,[1] => image/pjpeg),[jpg] => Array ([0] => image/jpeg,[1] => image/pjpeg),[jpe] => Array ([0] => image/jpeg,[1] => image/pjpeg),[png] => Array ([0] => image/png,[1] => image/x-png),[tiff] => image/tiff,[tif] => image/tiff,[css] => text/css,[html] => text/html,[htm] => text/html,[shtml] => text/html,[txt] => text/plain,[text] => text/plain,[log] => Array ([0] => text/plain,[1] => text/x-log),[rtx] => text/richtext,[rtf] => text/rtf,[xml] => text/xml,[xsl] => text/xml,[mpeg] => video/mpeg,[mpg] => video/mpeg,[mpe] => video/mpeg,[qt] => video/quicktime,[mov] => video/quicktime,[avi] => video/x-msvideo,[movie] => video/x-sgi-movie,[doc] => application/msword,[docx] => Array ([0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,[1] => application/zip),[xlsx] => Array ([0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,[1] => application/zip),[word] => Array ([0] => application/msword,[1] => application/octet-stream),[xl] => application/excel,[eml] => message/rfc822,[json] => Array ([0] => application/json,[1] => text/json)),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 1),[security] => CI_Security Object ([] => ,[] => 673f754e504009d2a7c73259ab5be904,[] => 7200,[] => lb_sec,[] => lb_c_sec,[] => Array ([document.cookie] => [removed],[document.write] => [removed],[.parentNode] => [removed],[.innerHTML] => [removed],[window.location] => [removed],[-moz-binding] => [removed],[] => -->,[ <![CDATA[,[] => <comment>),[] => Array ([0] => javascript\s*:,[1] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;),[2] => vbscript\s*:,[3] => Redirect\s+302,[4] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?)),[input] => CI_Input Object ([ip_address] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[_allow_get_array] => 1,[_standardize_newlines] => 1,[_enable_xss] => ,[_enable_csrf] => ,[] => Array (),[security] => CI_Security Object ([] => ,[] => 673f754e504009d2a7c73259ab5be904,[] => 7200,[] => lb_sec,[] => lb_c_sec,[] => Array ([document.cookie] => [removed],[document.write] => [removed],[.parentNode] => [removed],[.innerHTML] => [removed],[window.location] => [removed],[-moz-binding] => [removed],[] => -->,[ <![CDATA[,[] => <comment>),[] => Array ([0] => javascript\s*:,[1] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;),[2] => vbscript\s*:,[3] => Redirect\s+302,[4] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?)),[uni] => CI_Utf8 Object ()),[lang] => CI_Lang Object ([language] => Array (),[is_loaded] => Array ()),[load] => MG_Loader Object ( *RECURSION*,[db] => CI_DB_mysqli_driver Object ([dbdriver] => mysqli,[_escape_char] => `,[_like_escape_str] => ,[_like_escape_chr] => ,[_count_string] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS ,[_random_keyword] => RAND(),[delete_hack] => 1,[use_set_names] => ,[ar_select] => Array ([0] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *),[ar_distinct] => ,[ar_from] => Array ([0] => `promotions` main),[ar_join] => Array ([0] => JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en'),[ar_where] => Array ([0] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ),[ar_like] => Array (),[ar_groupby] => Array (),[ar_having] => Array (),[ar_keys] => Array (),[ar_limit] => ,[ar_offset] => ,[ar_order] => ,[ar_orderby] => Array ([0] => `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[ar_set] => Array (),[ar_wherein] => Array (),[ar_aliased_tables] => Array ([0] => main,[1] => lang),[ar_store_array] => Array (),[ar_caching] => ,[ar_cache_exists] => Array (),[ar_cache_select] => Array (),[ar_cache_from] => Array (),[ar_cache_join] => Array (),[ar_cache_where] => Array (),[ar_cache_like] => Array (),[ar_cache_groupby] => Array (),[ar_cache_having] => Array (),[ar_cache_orderby] => Array (),[ar_cache_set] => Array (),[ar_no_escape] => Array ([0] => ),[ar_cache_no_escape] => Array (),[username] => lb2,[password] => aHCWz6RE37WXHUZA,[hostname] => localhost,[database] => lb2,[dbprefix] => ,[char_set] => utf8,[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci,[autoinit] => 1,[swap_pre] => ,[port] => ,[pconnect] => 1,[conn_id] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[result_id] => ,[db_debug] => 1,[benchmark] => 0.0066745281219482,[query_count] => 113,[bind_marker] => ?,[save_queries] => 1,[queries] => Array ([0] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `code` = 'es',[1] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'es',[2] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[3] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[4] => SELECT * FROM languages_lang WHERE ownid IN(11,20,10,13,14,2,4,17,5,15,19,26,7,6,25,18,21,12,9,3,22,16) AND lang = 'es',[5] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[6] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[7] => INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_queue (query) VALUES ('INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker (id,ip,inpag,outpag,intime,views,referer,lastviewtime,browser,affid) VALUES (\'293887441\',INET_ATON(\'\'),\'/search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7\',\'/search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7\',\'2024-05-03 19:19:34\',1,\'no\',\'2024-05-03 19:19:34\',\'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)\',\'\')'),[8] => INSERT DELAYED INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_track (ownid,pag,timestamp,referer,`host`) VALUES ('293887441','/search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7','2024-05-03 19:19:34','no','es.languagebookings.com'),[9] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'italiano',[10] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'italiano',[11] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '7',[12] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '7',[13] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'italia',[14] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'italia',[15] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12' AND `schoolcity` = 'y',[16] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12' AND `schoolcity` = 'y',[17] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '929',[18] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '929',[19] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[20] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[21] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[22] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[23] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `code` = 'it',[24] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'it',[25] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[26] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[27] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[28] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[29] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[30] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[31] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[32] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[33] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[34] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[35] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[36] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[37] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[38] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[39] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[40] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[41] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[42] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[43] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[44] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[45] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[46] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[47] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[48] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[49] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[50] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[51] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[52] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[53] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[54] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[55] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[56] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[57] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[58] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[59] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[60] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[61] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[62] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[63] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[64] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[65] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[66] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[67] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[68] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[69] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[70] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[71] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[72] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[73] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[74] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[75] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[76] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[77] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[78] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[79] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[80] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[81] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[82] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[83] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[84] => SELECT id, sales FROM categories WHERE idi = 7 ORDER BY sales DESC,[85] => SELECT lessons, SUM(sales) ventas FROM courses GROUP BY lessons ORDER BY ventas DESC,[86] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[87] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[88] => SELECT * FROM accreditations_lang WHERE ownid IN(19,1,2,81,3,33,4,102,5,34,6,7,92,8,9,103,115,10,104,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,105,46,20,86,90,116,108,22,23,24,25,84,109,26,87,27,70,106,28,29,30,95,31,96,32,110,133,93,124,120,36,37,132,69,112,118,38,39,82,100,71,40,79,131,66,35,44,42,117,80,75,43,76,45,107,123,89,111,47,122,67,130,88,74,48,101,68,49,51,50,113,52,97,53,54,18,99,128,129,55,94,114,119,85,41,57,56,83,73,98,77,58,126,78,59,127,72,134,60,61,62,125,65) AND lang = 'es',[89] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[90] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[91] => SELECT * FROM accommtypes_lang WHERE ownid IN(20,26,21,18,22,23,17,19,11,12,13,14,16,24,25) AND lang = 'es',[92] => SELECT * FROM single WHERE id = 3,[93] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '7' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city = '929') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[94] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[95] => SELECT * FROM courses_lang WHERE ownid IN(6538,6557,6559,6562,6563,6564,6565,6566,10142,10144) AND lang = 'es',[96] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[97] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[98] => SELECT * FROM countries_lang WHERE ownid IN(229,228,107,124,231,125,40,226,127,27,126,235,122,123,121,219,223,119,225,218,118,217,116,221,25,115,120,24,114,145,220,224,117,222,86,37,113,110,191,215,157,39,23,112,85,129,216,213,11,96,111,109,15,108,212,211,36,151,106,210,56,99,209,21,105,44,208,101,103,104,17,100,170,156,207,14,205,16,3,236,202,9,206,203,98,201,43,204,200,199,198,97,197,91,22,95,92,93,196,138,94,12,214,195,89,139,90,84,88,194,128,35,192,87,190,183,189,185,186,182,187,82,184,180,81,173,75,174,179,77,80,176,175,76,135,20,102,132,181,177,78,30,74,178,73,171,70,31,227,72,69,4,71,172,233,232,79,32,2,65,165,6,68,66,64,67,19,169,166,167,133,164,63,18,62,38,193,188,168,47,45,160,57,5,130,42,162,131,234,58,59,141,137,140,163,159,41,8,83,61,158,161,55,60,13,1,50,53,49,54,155,154,152,150,52,51,153,7,149,148,48,230,33,147,34,28,146,142,237,46,143,144,10,29,136,134,26) AND lang = 'es',[99] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[100] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[101] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[102] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[103] => SELECT * FROM currency_lang WHERE ownid IN(15,6,17,8,9,16,1,12,3,7,14,11,13,2,21,5,10,19,4) AND lang = 'es',[104] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1082',[105] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1082',[106] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1695',[107] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1695',[108] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '7' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city = '929') AND `category` IN ('67', '67≤vel=3', '7') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[109] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[110] => SELECT * FROM courses_lang WHERE ownid IN(6563) AND lang = 'es',[111] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12',[112] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12',[113] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[query_times] => Array ([0] => 7.3909759521484E-5,[1] => 4.887580871582E-5,[2] => 0.0001220703125,[3] => 6.5803527832031E-5,[4] => 8.082389831543E-5,[5] => 5.1021575927734E-5,[6] => 3.9100646972656E-5,[7] => 0.00010085105895996,[8] => 0.00014615058898926,[9] => 6.4849853515625E-5,[10] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[11] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[12] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[13] => 5.1021575927734E-5,[14] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[15] => 4.7922134399414E-5,[16] => 3.9815902709961E-5,[17] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[18] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[19] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[20] => 3.6001205444336E-5,[21] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[22] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[23] => 4.7922134399414E-5,[24] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[25] => 4.6968460083008E-5,[26] => 3.9815902709961E-5,[27] => 4.2915344238281E-5,[28] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[29] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[30] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[31] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[32] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[33] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[34] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[35] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[36] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[37] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[38] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[39] => 4.6968460083008E-5,[40] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[41] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[42] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[43] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[44] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[45] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[46] => 4.7922134399414E-5,[47] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[48] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[49] => 3.7908554077148E-5,[50] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[51] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[52] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[53] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[54] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[55] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[56] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[57] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[58] => 4.6968460083008E-5,[59] => 3.8862228393555E-5,[60] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[61] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[62] => 5.0067901611328E-5,[63] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[64] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[65] => 3.9100646972656E-5,[66] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[67] => 3.7193298339844E-5,[68] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[69] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[70] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[71] => 3.9100646972656E-5,[72] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[73] => 3.6001205444336E-5,[74] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[75] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[76] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[77] => 3.8862228393555E-5,[78] => 4.3153762817383E-5,[79] => 3.7193298339844E-5,[80] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[81] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[82] => 4.3869018554688E-5,[83] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[84] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[85] => 3.4809112548828E-5,[86] => 0.00014901161193848,[87] => 5.2928924560547E-5,[88] => 8.2015991210938E-5,[89] => 5.0067901611328E-5,[90] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[91] => 3.0994415283203E-5,[92] => 3.2901763916016E-5,[93] => 0.00012493133544922,[94] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[95] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[96] => 0.00018715858459473,[97] => 6.103515625E-5,[98] => 0.00012397766113281,[99] => 8.2969665527344E-5,[100] => 4.9114227294922E-5,[101] => 4.3869018554688E-5,[102] => 5.0067901611328E-5,[103] => 3.1948089599609E-5,[104] => 7.4863433837891E-5,[105] => 6.7949295043945E-5,[106] => 7.7009201049805E-5,[107] => 6.9856643676758E-5,[108] => 0.00090909004211426,[109] => 5.1021575927734E-5,[110] => 3.6001205444336E-5,[111] => 4.887580871582E-5,[112] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[113] => 0),[data_cache] => Array (),[trans_enabled] => 1,[trans_strict] => 1,[_trans_depth] => 0,[_trans_status] => ,[cache_on] => ,[cachedir] => ,[cache_autodel] => ,[CACHE] => ,[_protect_identifiers] => 1,[_reserved_identifiers] => Array ([0] => *),[stmt_id] => ,[curs_id] => ,[limit_used] => ,[stricton] => ),[modulegenerator] => Modulegenerator Object ([obj] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[fields] => ,[buttons] => Array (),[posterrors] => ,[javascript] => Array ([includes] => ,[general] => ,[class] => try { jsObjects['left_topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("left_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_topdestinations'] = new button("add_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_topdestinations'] = new button("remove_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['left_geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("left_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_geotargeting_select'] = new button("add_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_geotargeting_select'] = new button("remove_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][volume]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][volume]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][price]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][price]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precio]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precio]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precioiv]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precioiv]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][activa]'] = new radio("transfer[{I}][activa]"); }catch(e){ }; ,[onload] => ),[js_incluidos] => ,[jsok] => Array (),[cmd] => ,[default_width] => 200,[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[jsfiles] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[1] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js,[2] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[4] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[5] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[6] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[7] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[8] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[9] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[10] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[11] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[12] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[13] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js,[14] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[15] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[16] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[17] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[18] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js,[19] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js,[20] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js,[21] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[22] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true,[23] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[cssfiles] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[2] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[4] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[widgetvars] => Array ([topdestinations] => Array (),[file] => Array (),[image_language] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[cover_image] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[geotargeting_select] => Array (),[price] => ,[discount_publication_start] => Array (),[discount_publication_end] => Array (),[discount_reservation_start] => Array (),[discount_reservation_end] => Array (),[price_particular] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[city] => Array (),[autoterms] => Array (),[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[transfer] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0)),[widgets] => Array ([Languages_Model-topdestinations-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

Seleccionar Todos

Seleccionar Todos
),[Languages_Model-file-fileupload] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Languages_Model-image_language-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
    ),[Countries_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
      ),[Cities_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
        ),[Cities_Model-cover_image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => cover_image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Cover Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
          ),[Accreditations_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            ),[Courses_Model-geotargeting_select-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Seleccionar Todos

            Seleccionar Todos
            ),[Courses_Model-price-courseprice] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios de curso,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Course price list + Add new price list

            Start date Weeks Tools
            New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
            Start Date Weeks Actions
            Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso
            ),[Courses_Model-price_particular-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Número de clases,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Precio total,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Número de clasesPrecio total 
            ),[Schools_Model-city-autocomplete] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Schools_Model-autoterms-autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Servicios deben pagarse en su totalidad días antes del curso se inicia con el fin de completar la inscripción y asegurar un lugar en el curso y alojamiento. Las reservas no son transferibles. Los gastos bancarios son pagaderos por los estudiantes Los estudiantes deben estar años de edad o más

            Política de Cancelación

            La cancelación debe ser comunicada por escrito a la escuela por la persona que reservado el curso. No se permitirá ningún cambio de rumbo para compensar los reembolsos en caso de cancelación del curso. Donde se recibe la cancelación días después de matriculación allí no habrá ningún reembolso alguno. El depósito no es reembolsable. Cuotas de inscripción no son reembolsables. La cuota de inscripción no son reembolsables. Tasa de reserva de alojamiento no son reembolsables. Para acortar la duración del curso después de que el pago no se realizará ningún reembolso. No hay ningún reembolso por cualquier cancelación una vez que ha comenzado el curso. Después de un curso haya comenzado allí no es reservado ningún reembolso por cualquier alojamiento o cualquier otro elemento. No matrícula son reembolsos para llegadas tardías, salidas anticipadas o ausencias, por cualquier motivo, de las clases en cualquier curso. Si un estudiante está ausente por uno o más semanas a la vez, se pueden hacer arreglos para que la duración del curso que se extenderá en ningún coste adicional.

            Política de reembolso

            No son reembolsos por cancelaciones de ningún tipo. Gastos de cancelación se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento. Gastos de cancelación se calculan como un porcentaje del pago total. Gastos de cancelación son una cantidad fija.


            Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar

            Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

            cuota de inscripción

            matrícula de la semana

            alojamiento semana

            Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

            cuota de inscripción

            matrícula de la semana

            alojamiento semana

            Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

            cuota de inscripción

            matrícula de la semana

            alojamiento semana

            Si se cancela un curso menos de días y la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

            cuota de inscripción

            matrícula de la semana

            alojamiento semana

            Fijar la cantidad

            Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

            Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana/s antes de la fecha de comienzo del curso.

            Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana antes de la fecha de comienzo de curso.


            Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

            Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

            Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes del curso comienzan:

            Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

            Si se cancela un curso menos de días antes de que se cobrará el precio completo de la fecha de inicio.

            Rechazo de Visado

            No son reembolsos de denegación de Visa alguna. Tasas de denegación del visado se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento Las tasas de rechazo de Visa son una cantidad fija.

            Fijar la cantidad

            En el caso de una visa es rechazada al estudiante, la escuela cobrará Euros y el saldo restante serán devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.


            Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela es informado más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

            cuota de inscripción

            matrícula de la semana

            alojamiento semana

            Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela se informa entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

            cuota de inscripción

            matrícula de la semana

            alojamiento semana

            El saldo restante será devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.

            ),[Schools_Model-coordinates-googlemap] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Coordenadas,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Conjunto ubicación según dirección

            Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.

            ),[Schools_Model-transfer-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transferencias,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio y llegada,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            AeropuertoSalida de precioSalida de precio y llegadaActivo 
            )),[acl] => admin,[oldobjs] => Array (),[widget] => ,[widgetscache] => Array ([Languages_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[name2] => ,[sysname] => ,[topdestinations] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Seleccionar Todos

            Seleccionar Todos
            ),[code] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ,[extradesc] => ,[file] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[image_language] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
              ),[home_publish] => ),[Currency_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[symbol] => ,[value] => ,[iso] => ,[active] => ),[Countries_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[sysname] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[language] => ,[languageb] => ,[currency] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                ),[active] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Cities_Model] => Array ([region] => ,[name] => ,[sysname] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[language] => ,[currency] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                  ),[cover_image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => cover_image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Cover Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                    ),[active] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      ),[order] => ,[active] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[description] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ),[Courses_Model] => Array ([school] => ,[sku] => ,[language] => ,[category] => ,[lessons] => ,[duration_lesson] => ,[avgclasssize] => ,[max_students_class] => ,[age_min] => ,[classdays] => ,[hstart] => ,[hend] => ,[certificate] => ,[levels] => ,[calification] => ,[mainimg] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[geotargeting_option] => ,[geotargeting_select] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Seleccionar Todos

                      Seleccionar Todos
                      ),[charges_admin] => ,[material_type] => ,[material] => ,[type_course] => ,[price] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios de curso,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Course price list + Add new price list

                      Start date Weeks Tools
                      New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
                      Start Date Weeks Actions
                      Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
                      ),[discount_active] => ,[discount] => ,[minweeks] => ,[maxweeks] => ,[discount_publication_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar
                      ),[discount_publication_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado
                      ),[discount_reservation_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo
                      ),[discount_reservation_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso
                      ),[commission] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ,[holidays] => ,[price_particular] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Número de clases,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Precio total,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Número de clasesPrecio total 
                      ),[horary_course] => ,[url] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Schools_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[address] => ,[address2] => ,[cp] => ,[city] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[respmarketing] => ,[resp1_charge] => ,[emailmarketing] => ,[skype] => ,[phone] => ,[fax] => ,[resp_reservations] => ,[resp2_charge] => ,[email_reservations] => ,[urlweb] => ,[currency] => ,[company] => ,[regnumber] => ,[vatnum] => ,[bankname] => ,[banksortcode] => ,[banknumber] => ,[bankiban] => ,[bankswift] => ,[bankaddress] => ,[bankaddress2] => ,[comm_course] => ,[commission_accomm] => ,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[comm_promotion] => ,[classrooms] => ,[averageage] => ,[minimumage] => ,[leveltest] => ,[nearestairport] => ,[airportdistance] => ,[yearschoolopen] => ,[openingtimeshi] => ,[openingtimeshf] => ,[openingdays] => ,[videos] => ,[facilities] => ,[accrs] => ,[autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Servicios deben pagarse en su totalidad días antes del curso se inicia con el fin de completar la inscripción y asegurar un lugar en el curso y alojamiento. Las reservas no son transferibles. Los gastos bancarios son pagaderos por los estudiantes Los estudiantes deben estar años de edad o más

                      Política de Cancelación

                      La cancelación debe ser comunicada por escrito a la escuela por la persona que reservado el curso. No se permitirá ningún cambio de rumbo para compensar los reembolsos en caso de cancelación del curso. Donde se recibe la cancelación días después de matriculación allí no habrá ningún reembolso alguno. El depósito no es reembolsable. Cuotas de inscripción no son reembolsables. La cuota de inscripción no son reembolsables. Tasa de reserva de alojamiento no son reembolsables. Para acortar la duración del curso después de que el pago no se realizará ningún reembolso. No hay ningún reembolso por cualquier cancelación una vez que ha comenzado el curso. Después de un curso haya comenzado allí no es reservado ningún reembolso por cualquier alojamiento o cualquier otro elemento. No matrícula son reembolsos para llegadas tardías, salidas anticipadas o ausencias, por cualquier motivo, de las clases en cualquier curso. Si un estudiante está ausente por uno o más semanas a la vez, se pueden hacer arreglos para que la duración del curso que se extenderá en ningún coste adicional.

                      Política de reembolso

                      No son reembolsos por cancelaciones de ningún tipo. Gastos de cancelación se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento. Gastos de cancelación se calculan como un porcentaje del pago total. Gastos de cancelación son una cantidad fija.


                      Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar

                      Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                      cuota de inscripción

                      matrícula de la semana

                      alojamiento semana

                      Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                      cuota de inscripción

                      matrícula de la semana

                      alojamiento semana

                      Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                      cuota de inscripción

                      matrícula de la semana

                      alojamiento semana

                      Si se cancela un curso menos de días y la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                      cuota de inscripción

                      matrícula de la semana

                      alojamiento semana

                      Fijar la cantidad

                      Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

                      Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana/s antes de la fecha de comienzo del curso.

                      Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana antes de la fecha de comienzo de curso.


                      Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

                      Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

                      Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes del curso comienzan:

                      Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

                      Si se cancela un curso menos de días antes de que se cobrará el precio completo de la fecha de inicio.

                      Rechazo de Visado

                      No son reembolsos de denegación de Visa alguna. Tasas de denegación del visado se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento Las tasas de rechazo de Visa son una cantidad fija.

                      Fijar la cantidad

                      En el caso de una visa es rechazada al estudiante, la escuela cobrará Euros y el saldo restante serán devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.


                      Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela es informado más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                      cuota de inscripción

                      matrícula de la semana

                      alojamiento semana

                      Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela se informa entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                      cuota de inscripción

                      matrícula de la semana

                      alojamiento semana

                      El saldo restante será devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.

                      ),[description] => ,[info_students] => ,[terms] => ,[mainimg] => ,[coordinates] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Coordenadas,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Conjunto ubicación según dirección

                      Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.

                      ),[details] => ,[location] => ,[practice_info] => ,[sysname] => ,[order] => ,[isready] => ,[visible] => ,[global_discount] => ,[active] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[followup_needs_editing] => ,[transfer] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transferencias,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio y llegada,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      AeropuertoSalida de precioSalida de precio y llegadaActivo 
                      ))),[debug] => ),[single_model] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[session] => MG_Session Object ([] => 1,[] => Redis Object ([socket] => Resource id #2),[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_cookie_name] => lb_session,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_secure] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C flash,[time_reference] => local,[gc_probability] => 5,[userdata] => Array ([session_id] => efbddf2b3c284db41226961c653a9437,[ip_address] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[last_activity] => 1714756774,[user_data] => a:3:{s:11:"currentlang";s:2:"es";s:8:"currency";i:1;s:7:"trackid";i:293887441;},[currentlang] => es,[currency] => 1,[trackid] => 293887441),[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[now] => 1714756774,[setted_cookies] => Array ()),[Languages_Model] => Languages_Model Object ([] => Array ([es] => cursos-,[en] => learn-,[fr] => cours-,[de] => kurs-,[it] => corso-,[pt] => cursos-,[ru] => кursy-,[zh] => learn-,[ko] => learn-,[ja] => learn-),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[name2] => Array ([name] => Name Alternative,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alternative name for russian and other languages),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => System name (not modify),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[topdestinations] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[code] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separadorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorciudad] => Array ([name] => Metas para Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorlanding] => Array ([name] => Extra text for Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[extratitle] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[extradesc] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadorfiles] => Array ([name] => Upload a file,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[file] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%)),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => languages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 22,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => name2,[3] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoiZXMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 3,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:45:47,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:24,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => c-82,[1] => c-35,[2] => c-27,[3] => c-119),[code] => es,[sort] => 40,[active] => y,[locale] => es_ES,[file] => back_video.jpg,[image_language] => 3spanish.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 634,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Español,[name2] => ,[sysname] => espanol,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de español para extranjeros - Aprender español - Academias de Castellano,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio para cursos de español para extranjeros - Ofertas y paquetes -de clases de castellano como lengua extrangera.,[mkeys] => curso de espanol, curso español, aprender español, aprender el espanol, español extranjeros, español para extranjeros, español para extranjero, castellano para extranjeros, cursos español lengua extranjera, cursos español para extranjeros, cursos de español para extranjeros, clases español para extranjeros, cursos español extranjeros, cursos de castellano para extranjeros, clases de español para extranjeros, curso español para extranjeros, curso de español para extranjeros, profesores de español, curso de castellano para extranjeros, aprender español para extranjeros,[extratitle] => Encuentra cursos de español para extranjeros al precio mas bajo!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cursos de español para extranjerosEstás buscando cursos de español para extranjeros? ¿Unas clases de español para extranjeros? ¿Te gustaría aprender español en España? ¿O economicos cursos español lengua extranjera? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de castellano en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre diversos de cursos de español para extranjeros hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de castellano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas para extranjeros. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de español. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de español para extranjeros.

                      Algunos consejos para hacer tu curso de español para extranjeros más divertido

                      Los cursos de español para extranjeros puede hacer más que enriquecer tu vocabulario. Te puede abrir el mundo. La globalización es una tendencia creciente que afecta a casi todas las naciones del mundo. Lo cierto es que, a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, la comunicación en otros idiomas da una gran cantidad de beneficios económicos y sociales en las naciones involucradas.

                      Además, la apertura de su país para que otros lo visiten refuerza los lazos con estos paises de habla espana. La comunidad mundial se está reduciendo a un pueblo en el que cada país conozca y entienda las otras culturas. ¿Por qué no unirse a esta tendencia, el aprendizaje a travez de unos cursos de español para extranjeros que se puede utilizar en diversos destinos?

                      El idioma español se encuentra entre los cinco idiomas internacionales, así como Inglés, francés, italiano y alemán. Además, unos cursos de español para extranjeros le dará la oportunidad de recorrer los paises de habla espana y lugares turísticos famosos. Sumergirse con la forma de vida española a través de cursos de español también puede facilitar una mejor retención de sus lecciones. No sólo eso, usted puede practicar sus habilidades de habla del idioma español, mientras toma un tour en los países de las calles más transitadas y zonas comerciales.

                      Consejos sobre cursos de español que te pueden ayudar aprender mejor

                       Desarrolla un "oído" para la lengua española. Mientras que usted está tomando unos cursos de español para extranjeros, tiene que desarrollar su sentido de la audición de este nuevo lenguaje. Se recuerda que el idioma se aprende a través de la comunicación oral en un primer momento. Es posible, siempre hablar con un español nativo y pídele que te corrija cuando pronuncian mal o realiza un mal uso de la palabra. También se puede enriquecer su vocabulario mediante la escucha de canciones en español y ver películas en español.

                      Tomar unos cursos de español para extranjeros no es una tarea fácil. Es por eso que tenemos que aprender en cualquier lugar. Usted puede crear tarjetas pequeñas donde se puede escribir una palabra en español con su equivalente en su idioma nativo. Tome estas tarjetas recordatorias donde quiera que vaya y a través de ellos durante los momentos en que no están haciendo nada. Usted puede utilizar estas tarjetas recordatorias mientras están en internet, en el tren, o en espera para su clase en el curso de español para extranjeros.

                      Tenga en cuenta el "sello español" de las cosas a su alrededor. Se puede practicar lo que está aprendiendo de su curso de español a través de la creación de etiquetas para las cosas que te rodean. Tenga en cuenta el término español para la puerta, pared, cama, cocina, TV, coche, y las otras cosas que utilizan constantemente.

                      Realizar unos cursos de español para extranjeros pueden enriquecer su vida. Visitar un país extranjero se convierte en una experiencia única cuando usted sabe hablar su idioma. Cuando usted visita España, Argentina o Mexco por ejemplo puede aprender su idioma a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, que le dara el conocimiento suficiente para comunicarse con nativos y entender sus cuentos fascinantes sobre su tierra natal. Unos cursos de español para extranjeros abrirá las puertas de España para que usted pueda darle la mejor experiencia de su vida.  

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de español. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de español en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de español en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender español impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender español con acreditados profesores de español, nativos con acentos correctos.
                      Los cursos de español en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su español de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                      ,[idid] => 5),[YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6ODoiaXRhbGlhbm8iO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                      Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                      ,[idid] => 14),[YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjE6IjciO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czoyOiJlcyI7fWI6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                      Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                      ,[idid] => 14),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoiaXQiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                      Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                      ,[idid] => 14),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImVuIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => en,[name] => Italian,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italian,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Learn and Speak Italian in Italy - Study in the best Italian Language Schools,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => The best price on Italian Courses - Offers & Packages - Reviews of Students, detailed descriptions, maps, and photos of high quality ...,[mkeys] => learn and speak italian, beginners italian, language course italian, Italian schools abroad, study centers of Italian, Italian scholarships, fellowships to study Italian, Italian intensive courses, Italian classes in foreign language courses abroad for young, Italian classes abroad, scholarships for overseas study Italian, learn Italian summer abroad, Italian language courses abroad, learn Italian abroad, Italian courses abroad, Italian language courses abroad mec agencies, Italian courses abroad, overseas mec courses, study abroad scholarships, summer courses abroad Italian , Italian courses abroad, Italian abroad summer MEC abroad, foreign Italian adults, subsidized courses abroad, overseas scholarships, study abroad Italian, learn Italian abroad, Italian language courses abroad, Study abroad summer , Italian study overseas, Italian Scholarship to study abroad, language schools abroad, learning Italian abroad, study Italian abroad, language courses abroad for young, Italian academies abroad courses Study abroad scholarships mec, learn Italian abroad, foreign language courses, Italian courses abroad,[extratitle] => Find the lowest prices for Italian Language Courses Abroad!,[extradesc] =>

                      Italian language courseAre you looking for Italian language schools in Rome or a specific Italian language course? How about to learn and speak Italian in Italy or beginners Italian course in Sicily? Whatever type of Italian course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!
                      Browse over many Italian schools in many locations across the globe until you find the Italian course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools abroad and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and students reviews for a great variety of Italian schools abroad. Choose Languagebookings.com for all your courses reservations, and see why more and more students are choosing us for to study Italian language abroad.

                      Our Service Guarantees

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Exceptional Customer Support

                      Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!
                      100% Confirmed

                      Your booking 100% confirmed!

                      It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                      Trust and SafetyTrust & Safety

                      We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations.


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Italian Language Courses Abroad,[short_description] =>
                      Italian courses abroad are a great way to see the world and immerse yourself in another culture and also a great opportunity to learn impeccable Italian. All of our language courses are designed to combine a cultural holiday with a language learning experience. The idea is to use your language course to enhance your holiday and your holiday to enhance your language course. You will be making a lot of international friends as you take classes and learn Italian with accredited, native Italian speakers with correct accents. 
                      ,[idid] => 15),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImVzIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                      Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                      ,[idid] => 14),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6Iml0IjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => it,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Corsi di italiano all'estero Economiche- Studiare nelle migliori Scuole di lingua italiana,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Il miglior prezzo per i Corsi di italiano - Offerte e pacchetti - Opinioni degli studenti, descrizioni dettagliate, mappe e foto di alta qualità ...,[mkeys] => Scuole italiane all'estero, i centri di studio della lingua italiana, borse di studio italiane, borse di studio per studiare l'italiano, corsi di italiano intensivi, corsi di italiano in corsi di lingua straniera all'estero per giovani, corsi di italiano all'estero, borse di studio per studiare italiano all'estero, imparare l'italiano estate all'estero, corsi di lingua italiana all'estero, imparare l'italiano all'estero, corsi di italiano all'estero, corsi di lingua italiana all'estero le agenzie di mec, corsi di italiano all'estero, corsi di mec all'estero, borse di studio all'estero, corsi estivi di italiano all'estero , corsi di italiano all'estero, l'estate italiana all'estero MEC all'estero, stranieri adulti italiani, corsi sovvenzionati all'estero, borse di studio all'estero, studio all'estero italiana, imparare l'italiano all'estero, corsi di lingua italiana all'estero, studio all'estero estate , studio italiano all'estero, borse di studio per studiare italiano all'estero, scuole di lingua all'estero, imparare l'italiano all'estero, studiare italiano all'estero, corsi di lingua all'estero per i giovani, le scuole italiane all'estero, corsi di Studiare all'estero Mec Borse di studio, imparare l'italiano all'estero, corsi di lingue straniere, corsi di italiano all'estero,[extratitle] => Trova i prezzi più bassi per i corsi di lingua Italiano all'estero!,[extradesc] =>

                      Corsi di italiano all'esteroStai cercando delle scuole di lingua Italiana o una scuola estiva di Italiano in Italia economiche? Oppure stai pensando di fare un corso in qualche altra citta’ Italiana o magari uno di lingua per adulti in Italia? Qualunque sia il tipo di corso di Italiano che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com ti aiutera’ a trovarlo — e al prezzo più conveniente!

                      Potrai valutare l’offerta di numerose scuole di Italiano in decine di citta’ in tutto il mondo, fino a trovare il corso che piu’ si adatta alle tue esigenze. Noi ti aiutiamo a trovare i prezzi piu’ vantaggiosi delle scuole piu’ frequentate fornendo informazioni dettagliate sull’istituto, foto, video e recensioni di studenti.

                      Visita Languagebookings.com e scoprirai perché sempre più studenti stanno scegliendo il nostro sito per studiare l'Italiano all'estero!

                      Garanzia dei nostri servizi

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      Miglior Prezzo Garantito

                      Garantiamo al 100% che pagherai il prezzo più basso. Ti offriamo le tariffe più basse possibili per i corsi di lingua - non pagherai mai di più, nemmeno prenotando direttamente con la scuola stessa o da qualunque altra parte. Inoltre, il nostro servizio è gratuito. Non addebitiamo alcuna spesa di prenotazione.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Assistenza clienti eccezzionale

                      Ogni volta che avrai bisogno di assistenza, potrai sempre chiamare il nostro servizio clienti. Prima, durante e alla fine del tuo corso, noi saremo sempre qui per te. Puoi contattare facilmente i nostri cordiali e professionali consulenti. Siamo sempre ad un "click" da te, attraverso e-mail, telefono, skype o anche chat live!
                      100% Confirmed

                      La tua prenotazione confermata al 100%!

                      E' davvero poco probabile qualcosa vada storto con la tua prenotazione, una volta confermata dalla scuola di lingua. Infatti, noi siamo talmente fiduciosi, che se non avessi il tuo posto prenotato presso la scuola scelta, ti restituiremmo l'intero deposito e troveremmo un'altra possibile alternativa per te.

                      Trust and SafetyFiducia & Sicurezza

                      Siamo un'attività che promuove fiducia e collaborazione. Questo perchè abbiamo costruito i migliori strumenti di classe per assisterti ed aiutarti a prendere le giuste decisioni. Trova i commenti degli studenti, le referenze dei locatori e i marchi di qualità e le certificazioni della scuola, ... per saperne di più


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Corsi di italiano e vacanze studio all'estero,[short_description] =>
                      Language Bookings propone corsi di italiano all'estero, soggiorni studio e corsi di preparazione accademica a studenti internazionali.  I corsi di italiano per studenti di tutti i livelli - principiante, intermedio e avanzato- sono studiati per aiutare gli studenti a raggiungere i propri obiettivi nel più breve tempo possibile, anche grazie alle attività di socializzazione organizzate dalla scuola per far sì che gli studenti continuino a praticare l' italiano al di fuori delle aule. Con un soggiorno studio LanguageBookings lo studente avrà l'opportunità di viaggiare, venire a contatto con nuove culture, incontrare studenti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, consentirà di migliorare le prospettive di carriera, arricchire il CV e avere una mentalità più aperta nel mondo del lavoro. Il modo più efficace, e allo stesso tempo piacevole, per imparare o migliorare l' italiano è partecipare ad una delle nostre vacanze studio.
                      ,[idid] => 20),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImRlIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => de,[name] => Italienisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italienisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Italienisch Sprachurlaub - Studieren in den besten italienischen Sprachschulen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!,[mkeys] => learn and speak italian, beginners italian, language course italian, Italian schools abroad, study centers of Italian, Italian scholarships, fellowships to study Italian, Italian intensive courses, Italian classes in foreign language courses abroad for young, Italian classes abroad, scholarships for overseas study Italian, learn Italian summer abroad, Italian language courses abroad, learn Italian abroad, Italian courses abroad, Italian language courses abroad mec agencies, Italian courses abroad, overseas mec courses, study abroad scholarships, summer courses abroad Italian , Italian courses abroad, Italian abroad summer MEC abroad, foreign Italian adults, subsidized courses abroad, overseas scholarships, study abroad Italian, learn Italian abroad, Italian language courses abroad, Study abroad summer , Italian study overseas, Italian Scholarship to study abroad, language schools abroad, learning Italian abroad, study Italian abroad, language courses abroad for young, Italian academies abroad courses Study abroad scholarships mec, learn Italian abroad, foreign language courses, Italian courses abroad,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Italienisch Sprachkurs !,[extradesc] =>

                      Italienisch sprachurlaubSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die italienische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule ?

                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Italienischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten , bis Du „Deinen Italienischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Italienischschulen an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Italienisch zu lernen.


                      Unsere Service Garantie

                       Beste-Preis Garantie

                      Beste-Preis Garantie

                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                      100% Confirmed

                      Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                      Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                      Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Italienisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                      Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Italienischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                      Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Italienischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Italienisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                      ,[idid] => 31),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImZyIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => fr,[name] => Italien,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italien,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cours d'italien à l'étranger pas cher- Séjour linguistique Italien,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Le meilleur prix sur cours d'italien à l'étranger - Offres & Forfaits - Avis des étudiants, des descriptions détaillées, des cartes et des photos de haute qualité ...,[mkeys] => learn and speak italian, beginners italian, language course italian, Italian schools abroad, study centers of Italian, Italian scholarships, fellowships to study Italian, Italian intensive courses, Italian classes in foreign language courses abroad for young, Italian classes abroad, scholarships for overseas study Italian, learn Italian summer abroad, Italian language courses abroad, learn Italian abroad, Italian courses abroad, Italian language courses abroad mec agencies, Italian courses abroad, overseas mec courses, study abroad scholarships, summer courses abroad Italian , Italian courses abroad, Italian abroad summer MEC abroad, foreign Italian adults, subsidized courses abroad, overseas scholarships, study abroad Italian, learn Italian abroad, Italian language courses abroad, Study abroad summer , Italian study overseas, Italian Scholarship to study abroad, language schools abroad, learning Italian abroad, study Italian abroad, language courses abroad for young, Italian academies abroad courses Study abroad scholarships mec, learn Italian abroad, foreign language courses, Italian courses abroad,[extratitle] => Trouvez les prix les plus bas pour les Cours d'italien à l'étranger!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cours d'italien à l'étrangerVous cherchez des cours d'italien en Italie, des leçons d'affaire à Rome, un cours intensif en Sicile ou une école d'économie à Florence pas cher? Quel que soit le type de cours de langue en Italie que vous cherchez LanguageBookings.com vous aidera à le trouver au meilleur prix possible!

                      Recherchez parmi nos différents écoles en Italie le cours d'italien qui vous convient. Il est désormais facile de trouver des séjours linguistiques d'italien aux meilleurs prix dans les écoles les plus célèbres d'Italie. Vous trouverez également des photos, vidéos et commentaires d'étudiants sur un grand nombre d'académies italiennes. Choisissez LanguageBookings.com pour toutes les réservationsde vos cours, hébergement et transferts, et vous verrez pourquoi les étudiants sont de plus en plus nombreux à nous choisir pour effectuer leur séjour linguistique en Italie.

                      Cours d'italien à l'étranger et la beauté de l'Italie

                      Réaliser un séjour linguistique d'italien est la meilleure façon d'apprendre le "langage de l'amour."  Beaucoup de gens décident de prendre des cours d'italien à l'étranger, parce qu'ils sont intimidés par l'harmonie mélodieuse de la langue qui est surtout parlée en Europe. Suivre un cours d'italien à l'étranger vous permettra d'apprécier encore plus le pays, ainsi vous vous mêlerez aux indigènes facilement, et aurez surement l'occasion d'écouter et de comprendre leurs histoires au sujet de leur cher pays.

                      L'apprentissage d'une seconde langue est une excellente idée surtout si vous vous intéressez non seulement à la langue mais aussi à la culture du pays lui-même. Un cours d'italien à l'étranger vous permettra de parcourir le pays et voir sa beauté sous un nouveau jour. Il va aussi vous permettre de vous entretenir facilement avec les gens que vous rencontrerez.

                      De plus, lorsque vous choisissez de suivre un cours d'italien à l étranger, vous apprenez non seulement la grammaire de la langue, mais aussi sur les origines de celle-ci. La plupart des écoles qui dispensent des cours d'italien à l'étranger commence leurs cours avec un bref historique de cette langue. Après avoir pris connaissance de la riche histoire du pays, vous pourrez également apprécier la littérature, maintenant que vous savez parler et écrire en italien.
                      La langue italienne vient d'une langue qui est parlée par tous les universitaires dans le monde qui est le latin. Un cours d'italien à l'étranger vous enseignera les similitudes de ces deux langues. Cette langue est également similaire à la langue parlée dans les pays voisins qui nous amènera à notre sujet suivant.

                      Nos Services Garantis

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      Meilleur Prix Garanti

                      100% garanti signifie que vous paierez le prix le plus bas. Nous offrons les cours au meilleur prix possible, pas cher! - vous ne paierez jamais plus que si vous réserviez directement avec l'école ou ailleurs. De plus, notre service est gratuit. Nous ne facturons pas de frais de réservation.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Service Client Exceptionnel

                      Dès que vous avez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez appeler notre service client. Avant, pendant et après vos cours, nous sommes là pour vous. Vous pouvez facilement contacter nor conseillers étudiants expérimentés. Ils sont juste à portée de clic via email, skype, téléphone et même le tchat!
                      100% Confirmed

                      Votre réservation 100% confirmée!

                      Il est très peu probable que quelque chose se passe mal une fois que votre réservation soit confirmée par l'école de langue. Et dans le cas où il y avait un souci et que vous n'obteniez pas de cours dans l'école que vous aviez choisi, nous vous rembouserons votre acompte et nous vous trouverons une autre alternative.
                      Trust and Safety

                      Sécurité & Confiance

                      Nous sommes un marché qui promouvoit la confiance et la collaboration. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place les meilleurs outils et services pour vous assister et vous aider à prendre les bonnes décisions. Retrouver les commentaires des étudiants, les références des hôtes, les labels et accréditations des écoles,....en savoir plus


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Séjour linguistique Italien,[short_description] =>
                      La manière la plus efficace pour apprendre l'Italien et améliorer son aisance en langue Italien est de partir en séjour linguistique Italien. LanguageBookings offre tout une gamme de cours d' Italien à l'étranger variant en durées et niveaux d'intensité. 
                      L'Italien est une des langues les plus parlées au monde, et grâce à nos séjours linguistiques d' Italien, vous pourrez choisir la formation qui vous correspond le mieux. Quel que soit votre niveau de langue, nous vous proposons un large choix de formules d’ Italien. 
                      ,[idid] => 23),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6InB0IjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => pt,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Intercâmbio na Itália - Melhores escolas de italiano,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => O melhor preço em cursos de italiano - pacotes de ofertas & - opiniões dos alunos, descrições detalhadas, mapas e fotos de alta qualidade...,[mkeys] => aprenda a falar italiano, iniciantes italiano, curso de italiano, escolas de italiano no exterior, centros de estudo de italiano, bolsas de estudo para cursos de italiano, bolsas para estudar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, aulas de italiano em cursos de língua estrangeira no exterior para bolsas de estudo no exterior, classes jovens, italiano para estudo no exterior italiano, aprendem verão italiano no exterior, cursos de língua italiana no exterior, aprender italianos cursos no exterior, italianos agências de mec no exterior de cursos de idioma no exterior, italianoItaliano cursos mec no exterior, no exterior, estudar no exterior bolsas, cursos no exterior italiano, italiano, cursos no exterior, italiano de verão verão no exterior MEC no exterior, italianos adultos, subvencionado cursos no exterior, no exterior bolsas de estudo, estudar italiano no exterior, aprender italiano no exterior, no exterior de cursos de língua italiana, verão de estudo no exterior, estudo italiano no exterior, italiano bolsa para estudar no exterior, escolas de idiomas no exterior, aprender italiano no exterior, estudo italiano no exterior, cursos de línguas no estrangeiro para jovensAcademias italianas no exterior cursos de estudo mec de bolsas de estudo no exterior, aprender italiano no exterior, cursos de língua estrangeira, no exterior cursos de italiano,[extratitle] => Encontre os preços mais baixos para Curso de Italiano no exterior!,[extradesc] =>

                      Italian language course Procurando escolas de italiano em Roma ou um curso de língua italiana específico para negócios? Que tal a aprender e falar italiano na Itália? Independentemente do tipo de curso de italiano que você está procurando, Languagebookings. com irá ajudá-lo a encontrá-lo — e pelo menor preço possível!
                      Navegue pelas muitas escolas italianas até encontrar o curso e a escola certa para você. Tornamos mais fácil para encontrar preços e desconto nas mais populares escolas no estrangeiro e fornecemos informações detalhadas da escola, fotos, vídeos e estudantes de clientes uma grande variedade de escolas italianas no exterior. Escolha Languagebookings. com para todas as suas reservas de cursos e entenda porque cada vez mais alunos estão nos escolhendo para estudar a língua italiana no exterior.

                      Nossas garantias de serviço

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      Melhor preço garantido

                      100% garantido, que você vai pagar o preço mais barato. Oferecemos-lhe as mais baixas taxas de curso possível - você nunca paga mais do que se você estivesse reservando diretamente com a escola ou em qualquer outro lugar. Além disso, nosso serviço é gratuito. Não cobramos quaisquer taxas de reserva.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Apoio ao cliente excepcional

                      Sempre que precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente. Antes, durante e após o seu curso, estamos aqui para você. Você pode facilmente contatar nossos consultores experientes e amigáveis. Nós estaremos sempre apenas um clique de distância através de e-mail, telefone, skype ou chat mesmo ao vivo!
                      100% Confirmed

                      Sua reserva 100% confirmado!

                      É muito pouco provável que algo dê errado com sua reserva uma vez confirmada pelas escolas de língua. Na verdade nós estamos tão confiantes, que, se você não tem seu curso na escola selecionada, nós iremos creditar sua conta o depósito pago inteiramente e encontrar outra alternativa possível para você.

                      Trust and Safety Confiança & segurança

                      Nós somos um mercado que promove a confiança e colaboração. É por isso que nós construímos as melhores ferramentas e serviços para ajudar  você a fazer as decisões certas. Encontre comentários de alunos, referências de host, selos de qualidade da escola e credenciamentos,... Saiba mais


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de língua italiana,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de italiano no exterior são uma ótima maneira de ver o mundo e mergulhar em outra cultura e, também, uma grande oportunidade para aprender um italiano impecável. Todos os nossos cursos de idioma são projetados para combinar um feriado cultural com uma experiência de aprendizagem de línguas. A idéia é usar seu curso de idiomas para melhorar suas férias e suas férias para aprimorar o seu curso de idiomas. Você estará fazendo um monte de amigos internacionais enquanto você tem aulas e aprendendp italiano com falantes de italianos credenciados, nativos com pronúncias corretas. 
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versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\CompositeFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\AliasFactory Object ([] => Array ([GetService] => ListBuckets,[GetBucket] => ListObjects,[PutBucket] => CreateBucket,[GetBucketHeaders] => HeadBucket,[GetObjectHeaders] => HeadObject,[SetBucketAcl] => PutBucketAcl,[CreateObject] => PutObject,[DeleteObjects] => DeleteMultipleObjects,[PutObjectCopy] => CopyObject,[SetObjectAcl] => PutObjectAcl,[GetLogs] => GetBucketLogging,[GetVersioningStatus] => GetBucketVersioning,[SetBucketPolicy] => PutBucketPolicy,[CreateBucketNotification] => PutBucketNotification,[GetBucketNotifications] => GetBucketNotification,[CopyPart] => UploadPartCopy,[CreateWebsiteConfig] => PutBucketWebsite,[GetWebsiteConfig] => GetBucketWebsite,[DeleteWebsiteConfig] => DeleteBucketWebsite,[CreateObjectExpirationConfig] => PutBucketLifecycle,[GetObjectExpirationConfig] => GetBucketLifecycle,[DeleteObjectExpirationConfig] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*),[1] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ServiceDescriptionFactory Object ([] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => ),[2] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ConcreteClassFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ())))),[] => Aws\Common\Iterator\AwsResourceIteratorFactory Object ([] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets,[input_token] => ,[output_token] => ,[limit_key] => ,[more_results] => ),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[] => Guzzle\Service\Resource\ResourceIteratorClassFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\Iterator),[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ()))),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ()),[] => aws-sdk-php2/2.6.0 Guzzle/3.8.1 curl/7.38.0 PHP/5.6.30-0+deb8u1,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ([key] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[secret] => 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,[client.backoff] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[signature] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[scheme] => https,[version] => 2006-03-01,[service.description] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[service] => s3,[region] => us-east-1,[base_url] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[token] => ,[token.ttd] => ,[profile] => ,[credentials.cache] => ,[credentials.cache.key] => ,[credentials.client] => ,[curl.options] => Array ([10065] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Resources/cacert.pem,[64] => 1,[81] => 2),[params.cache.key_filter] => header=date,x-amz-date,x-amz-security-token,x-amzn-authorization)),[] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestFactory Object ([] => Array ([getInstance] => 0,[__construct] => 1,[fromMessage] => 2,[fromParts] => 3,[create] => 4,[cloneRequestWithMethod] => 5,[applyOptions] => 6,[visit_headers] => 7,[visit_body] => 8,[visit_allow_redirects] => 9,[visit_auth] => 10,[visit_query] => 11,[visit_cookies] => 12,[visit_events] => 13,[visit_plugins] => 14,[visit_exceptions] => 15,[visit_save_to] => 16,[visit_params] => 17,[visit_timeout] => 18,[visit_connect_timeout] => 19,[visit_debug] => 20,[visit_verify] => 21,[visit_proxy] => 22,[visit_cert] => 23,[visit_ssl_key] => 24),[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\Request,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequest),[] => Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher Object ([] => Array ([request.sent] => Array ([100] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => onRequestSent)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[request.clone] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest))),[request.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest)),[-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onRequestBeforeSend))),[client.credentials_changed] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCredentialsChanged))),[request.exception] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[curl_multi.polling_request] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestPoll))),[request.error] => Array ([-1] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Exception\ExceptionListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Exception\NamespaceExceptionFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Aws\S3\Exception,[] => Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception)),[1] => onRequestError))),[command.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UserAgentListener Object (),[1] => onBeforeSend))),[command.after_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\BucketStyleListener Object (),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Md5Listener Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare))),[command.before_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\AcpListener Object (),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UploadBodyListener Object ([] => Array ([0] => PutObject,[1] => UploadPart),[] => Body,[] => SourceFile),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)))),[] => Array ())),[] => ),[Users_Model] => Users_Model Object ([] => Array ([firstname] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Apellido,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => Correo electronico,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([readonly] => ,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => email))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[pass] => Array ([name] => Contraseña,[widget] => password,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1,[tip] => Déjelo en blanco para mantener su contraseña actual)),[nationality] => Array ([name] => Nacionalidad,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Countries,[label] => name))),[address] => Array ([name] => Direccion del perfil,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[address2] => Array ([name] => Dirección 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[postalcode] => Array ([name] => Codigo postal,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => location,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[phone1] => Array ([name] => Teléfono # 1,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[phone2] => Array ([name] => Teléfono # 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descríbete,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 5)),[avatar] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([212x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)))),[genre] => Array ([name] => Sexo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([m] => Array ([name] => Male,[default] => 1),[f] => Array ([name] => Female)))),[birthdate] => Array ([name] => Fecha de Nacimiento,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[work] => Array ([name] => Trabajo,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[languages] => Array ([name] => Idiomas,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Añadir más idiomas,[defaultrow] => 1,[fields] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Idioma,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name)),[data] => Array ()),[level] => Array ([name] => Nivel,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100),[data] => Array ([beginner] => Principiante,[intermediate] => Intermedio,[advanced] => Avanzado,[native] => Nativo))))),[confirmkey] => Array ([name] => Confirmar Clave,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[confirmed] => Array ([name] => Confirmado,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[level] => Array ([name] => Nivel,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([user] => Array ([name] => User,[default] => 1),[admin] => Array ([name] => Admin),[restricted] => Array ([name] => Restricted)))),[agent] => Array ([name] => Agent,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[affiliate] => Array ([name] => Affiliate,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Affiliates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[register_web] => Array ([name] => Register web,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[ip_country] => Array ([name] => IP Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[source] => Array ([name] => Source,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[agent_assigned] => Array ([name] => Agent assignated,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[contact_again] => Array ([name] => Contacto otra vez,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[last_login_user] => Array ([name] => Último inicio de sesión,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => ),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[autolead] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => users,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => last_login_user DESC,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => firstname,[2] => lastname,[3] => email,[4] => phone1,[5] => phone2,[6] => last_login_user),[] => Array ([user] => Array ([fields] => Array ([firstname] => Array (),[lastname] => Array (),[email] => Array (),[pass] => Array (),[nationality] => Array (),[address] => Array (),[address2] => Array (),[postalcode] => Array (),[country] => Array (),[region] => Array (),[city] => Array (),[phone1] => Array (),[phone2] => Array (),[description] => Array (),[avatar] => Array (),[genre] => Array (),[birthdate] => Array (),[work] => Array (),[languages] => Array ()),[filters] => Array ([id] => {USERID}),[cmds] => Array ([0] => edit,[1] => processedit),[forced] => Array ([id] => Array ([value] => {USERID})))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([register_web] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Currency_Model] => Currency_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[symbol] => Array ([name] => Symbol,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[value] => Array ([name] => Value,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => euro value)),[iso] => Array ([name] => ISO Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => mandatory!)),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => currency,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 19,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([aToxO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => es,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 1)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Tracker_Model] => Tracker_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => tracking.lb2_tracker,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Customizations_Model] => Customizations_Model Object ([] => Array ([separador_customize] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Personaliza tu reserva)),[domain] => Array ([name] => Enlace,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[header] => Array ([name] => Imagen del encabezado,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /img/upload/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Seleccione imagen o logo para la página de reserva encabezado)),[comcourse] => Array ([name] => Commission Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50,[default] => 10)),[comaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission Accommodation,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadmin] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadminaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin accom costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Commission transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomcourse] => Array ([name] => Course deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomaccomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadmin] => Array ([name] => Admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadminaloj] => Array ([name] => Accomm admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomtransfer] => Array ([name] => Transfer deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[separador_color] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Seleccione colores para su sistema de reservas. (Déjelo en blanco para establecer los colores por defecto))),[infoblockheaderbg] => Array ([name] => Information block header background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[infoblockheadertxt] => Array ([name] => Information block header text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonbg] => Array ([name] => Button background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttontxt] => Array ([name] => Button text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[importanttxt] => Array ([name] => Important texts,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2bg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2txt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[widgettxt] => Array ([name] => Widget text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[thingstitle] => Array ([name] => Things to note (title),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[thingsdesc] => Array ([name] => Things to note (text),[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => customizations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => domain,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6NjoiaXRhbGlhIjt9YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                      Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                      Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                      Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                      ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                      La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Confianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjI6IjEyIjtzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiZXMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                      Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                      Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                      Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                      ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                      La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Confianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[czoyOiIxMiI7YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                      Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                      Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                      Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                      ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                      La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Confianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlbiI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => en,[name] => Italy,[title] => Find the lowest prices for Italian Language Courses in Italy!,[description] =>

                      Are you looking for italian language schools in Italy or a italian summer school in Italy? How about study italian in Italy or language courses for adults in Italy? Whatever type of italian course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!

                      Browse over many Italian schools in many locations in Italy until you find the italian course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools in Italy and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and students reviews for a great variety of Italian schools in Italy. Choose Languagebookings.com for all your courses reservations, and see why more and more students are choosing us to study italian language in Italy!

                      Italian Course and the Beauty of Italy

                      Italian CourseTaking up an Italian language course is the best way that can help you learn the “language of love.” Many people decide to take an Italian language course because they are awed by the mellifluous harmony of the language that is mostly spoken in Europe. An Italian language course will help you appreciate the country even better and you will be able to start mingling with the natives easily which will provide you the opportunity to listen and to understand their tales about their great country.
                      Learning a second language is truly a good idea especially when you are interested not only in the language but also in the culture of the country itself. An Italian language course will enable you to roam the country and see its beauty in a different light. It will also save you from the hassle of travelling since you can fully converse with anyone that you meet.

                      In addition, when you take up an Italian language course, you will not only learn about the grammar of the language, you will also know how it came to be. Most schools that offer an Italian language course start their lesson with a brief history of this language. Not only that, after learning the rich history of the country, you can also appreciate their literature more, now that you know how to speak and write in Italian.
                      The Italian language comes from a language that is spoken by all academics in the world which is Latin. An Italian language course will teach you the similarities of these two languages. This language is also similar to the language spoken in its neighboring countries which will bring us to our next topic.

                      Italian language is the key that opens the world of Italian art and philosophy

                      The European Union estimated that the total population of the European region is about 65 million people. Thirteen percent of these people speak Italian as their first language. That means, taking up an Italian language course will open the opportunities for you to meet new people and talk to them using their language. Italian is also widely spoken in other countries like France, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, and in even in some parts of America.

                      Italian is taught in most schools today and you can avail of an Italian language course if you cannot take the time off to go to a learning center. The Italian language ranks fifth of the most commonly taught language in the world after English, Spanish and French. However, since the grammar of the Spanish and French language is similar to Italian, you can learn these languages easily when you’ve completed an Italian language course.

                      Learning how to speak Italian through courses in the Italian language can be an easy endeavor. With your resources, you can provide yourself with the means to understand and appreciate the European culture more which will make your every trip enjoyable and memorable. An Italian language course can be more than just an academic pursuit, it can be the your key to the world.

                      Our Service Guarantees

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price for {LANG} courses. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.

                      Exceptional Customer Support

                      Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!

                      Your booking 100% confirmed!

                      It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the {LANG} language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                      Trust & Safety

                      We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, ... learn more

                      ,[sysname] => italy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Learn {LANG} in Italy - Study in Best Language Schools,[mdesc] => The best price on Learn {LANG} in Italy - Offers & Packages, Student Reviews, detailed descriptions, maps and photos of high quality.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 241),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlcyI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                      Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                      Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                      Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                      Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                      Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                      ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                      La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Confianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJpdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => it,[name] => Italia,[title] => Imparare l'italiano in Italia - Studiare in migliori scuole,[description] =>

                      Italian CourseSiete alla ricerca di scuole di lingua italiana in Italia e una scuola estiva italiana in Italia? Che ne dici di studiare l'italiano in Italia o corsi di lingua per adulti in Italia? Qualunque sia il tipo di corso di lingua italiana che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com vi aiuterà a trovare e al prezzo più basso possibile!

                      Sfoglia più di molte scuole italiane in molte località in Italia fino a trovare il corso di italiano e la scuola che è giusto per te. Noi rendiamo più semplice per trovare prezzi scontati presso le scuole più popolari in Italia e ci forniscono informazioni dettagliate scuola, foto, video e recensioni studenti per una grande varietà di scuole di italiano in Italia. Scegli Languagebookings.com per tutte le vostre prenotazioni corsi, e capire perché sempre più studenti ci stanno scegliendo di studiare la lingua italiana in Italia!

                      ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Imparare {LANG} in Italia - Studiare in migliori scuole,[mdesc] => Il prezzo migliore per Impara {LANG} in Italia - Offerte e pacchetti, Commenti Studente, dettagliate descrizioni, mappe e foto di alta qualità.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 495),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJkZSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Italien,[title] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deine {LANG}kurse in Italien,[description] =>

                      Italian CourseSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die {LANG}e Sprache?

                      Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule in Italien?

                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, Language Bookings wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener {LANG}schulen, an verschiedenen Orten in Italien, bis Du „Deinen {LANG}kurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von Italien zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener {LANG}schulen in Italien an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um {LANG} in Italien zu lernen.

                      ,[sysname] => italien,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => {LANG} lernen in Italien - Studieren in besten Sprachschulen,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis auf {LANG} lernen in Italien - Angebote und Pakete, Student Kommentare, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Karten und Fotos von hoher Qualität. ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 496),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJmciI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => fr,[name] => Italie,[title] => Apprendre l`italien en Italie - Etudier dans les meilleures écoles de langues,[description] =>

                      Italian CourseVous recherchez des cours d'italien? Que diriez-vous d`apprendre l'italien en Italie ou d'y suivre des cours de langue pour adultes? Quel que soit le type de cours d'italien que vous recherchez, Languagebookings.com vous aidera à le trouver et au meilleur prix possible!
                      Recherchez parmi plusieurs écoles italiennes et de nombreux endroits en Italie, les cours qui sont faits pour vous. Il vous est maintenant facile d'étudier dans les meilleures écoles italiennes à des prix très intéressants. Nous vous fournissons des informations détaillées sur les écoles, des photos, vidéos et commentaires des étudiants pour un grand nombre d'écoles en Italie. Choisissez Languagebookings.com pour toutes vos réservations de cours, et vous verrez pourquoi les étudiants sont de plus en plus nombreux à étudier en Italie!

                      ,[sysname] => italie,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cours {LANG} in Italia - Studiare in migliori scuole,[mdesc] => Il prezzo migliore per cours {LANG} in Italia - Offerte e pacchetti, Commenti Studente, dettagliate descrizioni, mappe e foto di alta qualità.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 482),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJwdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => pt,[name] => Itália,[title] => Encontre os preços mais baixos para os cursos de língua italiana na Itália!,[description] =>

                      Are you looking for italian language schools in Italy or a italian summer school in Italy? How about study italian in Italy or language courses for adults in Italy? Whatever type of italian course you are looking for, Languagebookings. com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!

                      Browse over many Italian schools in many locations in Italy until you find the italian course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools in Italy and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and students reviews for a great variety of Italian schools in Italy. Choose Languagebookings. com for all your courses reservations, and see why more and more students are choosing us to study italian language in Italy!

                      Italian Course and the Beauty of Italy

                      Italian CourseTaking up an Italian language course is the best way that can help you learn the “language of love. ” Many people decide to take an Italian language course because they are awed by the mellifluous harmony of the language that is mostly spoken in Europe. An Italian language course will help you appreciate the country even better and you will be able to start mingling with the natives easily which will provide you the opportunity to listen and to understand their tales about their great country.
                      Learning a second language is truly a good idea especially when you are interested not only in the language but also in the culture of the country itself. An Italian language course will enable you to roam the country and see its beauty in a different light. It will also save you from the hassle of travelling since you can fully converse with anyone that you meet.

                      In addition, when you take up an Italian language course, you will not only learn about the grammar of the language, you will also know how it came to be. Most schools that offer an Italian language course start their lesson with a brief history of this language. Not only that, after learning the rich history of the country, you can also appreciate their literature more, now that you know how to speak and write in Italian.
                      The Italian language comes from a language that is spoken by all academics in the world which is Latin. An Italian language course will teach you the similarities of these two languages. This language is also similar to the language spoken in its neighboring countries which will bring us to our next topic.

                      Italian language is the key that opens the world of Italian art and philosophy

                      The European Union estimated that the total population of the European region is about 65 million people. Thirteen percent of these people speak Italian as their first language. That means, taking up an Italian language course will open the opportunities for you to meet new people and talk to them using their language. Italian is also widely spoken in other countries like France, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, and in even in some parts of America.

                      Italian is taught in most schools today and you can avail of an Italian language course if you cannot take the time off to go to a learning center. The Italian language ranks fifth of the most commonly taught language in the world after English, Spanish and French. However, since the grammar of the Spanish and French language is similar to Italian, you can learn these languages easily when you’ve completed an Italian language course.

                      Learning how to speak Italian through courses in the Italian language can be an easy endeavor. With your resources, you can provide yourself with the means to understand and appreciate the European culture more which will make your every trip enjoyable and memorable. An Italian language course can be more than just an academic pursuit, it can be the your key to the world.

                      Our Service Guarantees

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price for {LANG} courses. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.

                      Exceptional Customer Support

                      Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!

                      Your booking 100% confirmed!

                      It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the {LANG} language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                      Trust & Safety

                      We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, . . .  learn more

                      ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Aprender {LANG} na Itália - estudo nas melhores escolas de idiomas,[mdesc] => O melhor preço em aprender {LANG} na Itália - & pacotes de ofertas, comentários de estudantes, detalhadas descrições, mapas e fotos de alta qualidade.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 603),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJydSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ru,[name] => Италия,[title] => Найти самые низкие цены на курсы итальянского языка в Италии!,[description] =>

                      Вы ищете школы итальянского языка в Италии или итальянский летней школы в Италии? Как насчет изучать итальянский в Италии или языковые курсы для взрослых в Италии? Независимо от типа курс итальянского языка, вы ищете, Languagebookings. com поможет вам найти его — и по самой низкой возможной цене!

                      Просматривать через много итальянских школ во многих местах в Италии, пока не найдете курс итальянского языка и школу, которая подходит именно вам. Мы делаем его легко найти скидка цены на наиболее популярные школы в Италии, и мы предоставляем подробные школа Информация, фотографии, видео и студентов отзывы для разнообразных итальянских школ в Италии. Выберите Languagebookings. com для всех ваших курсов оговорки и просмотреть, почему все больше и больше студентов выбирают нас для изучения итальянского языка в Италии!

                      Курс итальянского языка и красота Italy

                      Italian Courseзанимают курс итальянского языка является лучшим способом, который может помочь вам выучить язык любви». «Многие люди решили взять курс итальянского языка, потому что они awed приторное гармонии языке, который является главным образом говорят в Европе. Courseитальянского языка поможет вам оценить страну, даже лучше, и вы сможете начать, смешиваясь с туземцами легко который предоставит вам возможность слушать и понимать их рассказы о великой стране. |1, Изучение второго языка является действительно хорошая идея, особенно, когда вы заинтересованы не только в языке, но и в культуре самой страны. Courseитальянского языка позволит вам перемещаться страны и увидеть его красоту в ином свете. Он также будет спасти вас от хлопот путешествовать так, как вы полностью можете общаться с кем-либо, что вы отвечаете.

                      В дополнение к этому, когда вы берете вверх курс итальянского языка, вы не только узнаете о грамматике языка, вы будете знать, как он пришел к быть. Большинство школ, которые предлагают курсы итальянского языка начать их урок с краткой историей этого языка. Не только что, после обучения богатую историю страны, вы также можете оценить их литературу, что теперь вы знаете как говорить и писать на итальянском языке.
                      Итальянского языка происходит от языка, на котором говорят все ученых в мире, который является Латинской. Courseитальянского языка научит вас сходства этих двух языков. Этот язык также похож на язык, распространённый в его соседних стран, которые приблизят нас к нашей следующей теме.

                      Итальянский язык является ключом, который открывает мир итальянского искусства и philosophy

                      Европейский союз оценкам, Общая численность населения Европейского региона составляет около 65 миллионов человек. Тринадцать процентов из этих людей говорят по-итальянски, как их первый язык. Это значит, взяв курс итальянского языка откроет возможности для вас, чтобы встретиться с новыми людьми и говорить с ними с помощью их язык. Итальянский также широко распространен в других странах как Франция, Мальта, Словения, Испания и даже в некоторых частях Америки.

                      Итальянский преподается в большинстве школ сегодня и вы можете пользоваться услугами курс итальянского языка, если вы не можете снять время поехать в центр обучения. Итальянский язык занимает пятую часть наиболее часто учил язык в мире после английский, испанский и французский. Однако поскольку Грамматика испанского и французского языка похож на итальянский язык, вы можете узнать эти языки легко когда вы завершили итальянского языка course|28.
                      |1, Научиться говорить по-итальянски через курсы итальянского языка может быть легко стремиться. С ваших ресурсов вы обеспечиваете себе возможность понять и оценить европейской культуры, больше, который сделает вашу каждую поездку приятным и запоминающимся. Курс итальянского языка может быть больше, чем просто академические достижения, это может быть ваш ключ к миру.

                      Наш сервис Guarantees

                      Лучшая цена Guaranteed

                      100% гарантия, что вы заплатите самую низкую цену на {LANG} курсы. Мы предлагаем Вам низкие цены возможно курс - вы никогда не платите больше, чем если вы забронировали напрямую с школой сам или в другом месте. Кроме того наш сервис является бесплатным. Мы не взимаем платы за любое бронирование.

                      Исключительных клиентов Support

                      всякий раз, когда вам нужна помощь, вы всегда можете позвонить в нашу службу поддержки. Раньше во время и после вашего курса, мы здесь для вас. Вы легко можете связаться наш опытный и дружелюбный консультантов. Мы ' повторно всегда одним щелчком по электронной почте, телефону, skype или даже чат!

                      |0, 100% Ваше бронирование подтверждено!


                      Он ' s очень маловероятно, что что-то пойдет не так с вашего бронирования, однажды подтверждено {LANG} языковые школы. На самом деле мы ' ре настолько уверены, что если вы don ' т иметь ваш курс место в выбранной школе, мы ' ll чредитует ваш учет с вашего полного депозита и найти другой возможной альтернативой для вас.

                      Доверие и Safety

                      мы являемся marketplace, который способствует доверие и сотрудничество. Именно поэтому мы создали лучших когда-либо класса инструменты и услуги безусловно помогать и оттачивают вам в принятии правильных решений. Найти отзывы студентов, принимающих ссылки, школа качество уплотнения и аккредитации,... узнать more

                      ,[sysname] => italiya,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Узнайте, {LANG} в Италии - исследование в лучшие языковые школы,[mdesc] => Лучшая цена на ЖЖ {LANG} в Италии - предложения & пакеты, студент отзывы, подробные описания, карты и фотографии высокого качества.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 840),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJ6aCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => zh,[name] => 意大利,[title] => 在意大利意大利语言课程为找到最低的价格 !,[description] =>

                      您正在寻找在意大利意大利语言学校或在意大利意大利夏季学校吗?如何为成年人在意大利在意大利或语言课程学习意大利语吗?无论您正在寻找 Languagebookings 的意大利语课程的类型。com 将会帮助你找到它 — 和在尽可能低的价格!

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                      Italian Course占用了意大利语言课程是最好的方式,可以帮助您了解"爱的语言。"很多人决定采取意大利语言课程,因为他们敬畏的是主要是口语中欧洲的语言吴侬和谐. 意大利语言课程 将帮助您喜欢更好的国家和你将能够开始和当地人在一起很容易打成一片,将提供你的机会,听取和了解他们讲述他们伟大的国家。
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                      意大利语言来自一种语言,由所有学者在世界上是拉丁语讲了话。意大利语言课程 会教你的这两种语言的相似之处. 这种语言也是类似于在其周边的国家,这将使我们对我们的下一个主题中使用的语言。



                      欧洲联盟估计欧洲地区的人口总数约 6500 万人。13%的这些人讲意大利语作为他们的第一语言。这意味着,占用了意大利语言课程将会打开您能够满足新的人和他们使用自己的语言说话的机会。意大利还广泛讲了话在其他国家,如法国、 马耳他、 斯洛文尼亚、 西班牙、 和在即使在美国的一些地区。

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                      당신은 이탈리아에서 이탈리아어 언어 학교 또는 이탈리아에 있는 이탈리아 여름 학교를 찾고 계십니까? 방법에 대 한 이탈리아에서 성인을 위한 이탈리아 또는 언어 과정에 이탈리아어를 공부? 이탈리아 코스 찾고, Languagebookings의 어떤 종류. com는 그것을 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다 — 및 가장 낮은 가능한 가격!

                      이탈리아 코스와 맞는 학교를 찾을 때까지 이탈리아에 있는 많은 위치에 많은 이탈리아어 학교 위로 대강. 우리는 쉽게 그것은 이탈리아에서 가장 인기 있는 학교 할인 가격을 찾을 수 그리고 우리는 다양 한 이탈리아에서 이탈리아어 학교에 대 한 자세한 학교 정보, 사진, 동영상 및 학생 리뷰 제공. Languagebookings를 선택 합니다. com 모든 코스 예약 및 참조 왜 점점 더 많은 학생 들은 우리가 이탈리아에서 이탈리아의 언어를 공부 선택!

                      이탈리아어 코스와 이탈리아

                      의 아름다움

                      Italian Course 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 복용입니다 사랑의 언어 "를 배울 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법은. "많은 사람들이 그들은 대부분에서 말한 유럽 언어의 부드럽고 아름 다운 조화에 의해 위 압 때문에 이탈리아어 코스를 하기로 결정. 이탈리아 언어 강좌 도움이 더 나은 국가 감사 하 고 것입니다 수 출신으로 쉽게 어 울 시작 하는 당신에 게 경청 하 고 그들의 훌륭한 국가 대 한 그들의 이야기를 이해 하 기회를 제공할 것입니다.
                      두 번째 언어를 배우는 정말 좋습니다 특히 하지 뿐만 아니라 국가 자체의 문화에서에서 언어에만 관심이 있다면. 이탈리아 언어 강좌 당신은 국가 로밍과 다른 빛에 있는 그것의 아름다움을 볼 수 있게 된다. 그것은 또한 완벽 하 게 충족 하 사람과 대화할 수 있는 때문에 여행의 혼 전에서 당신을 저장할 것 이다.

                      또한, 하지 언어의 문법에 대해 배울만 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 찍을 때 당신은 또한 모를 어떻게 해야 했다. 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 제공 하는 대부분의 학교가이 언어의 간략 한 역사를 가진 그들의 수업을 시작 합니다. 뿐만 아니라, 그 후 학습 나라의 풍부한 역사, 당신은 또한 이해할 수 그들의 문학, 더 이야기 하 고 이탈리아에서 작성 하는 방법을 알았으니.
                      이탈리아 언어 라틴어는 세계에 있는 모든 학자에 의해 말한 언어에서 온다. 이탈리아 언어 강좌 이 두 언어의 유사성을 가르칠 것입니다.. 이 언어는 또한 우리를 우리의 다음 항목을 나타납니다 그것의 인접국에서 말한 언어 유사 합니다.

                      이탈리아어 이탈리아 예술과 철학

                      의 세계를 엽니다 키입니다.

                      유럽 연합 유럽 지역의 전체 인구는 약 65만 명으로 추정. 이 사람의 13% 이탈리아어 그들의 첫번째 언어로 말한다. 즉, 당신이 그들의 언어를 사용 하 여 그들에 게 얘기 하 고 새로운 사람들을 만날 기회를 열 것 이다 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 복용 합니다. 이탈리아, 스페인, 슬로베니아, 몰타, 프랑스 같은 다른 나라에도 널리 사용 및에서 아메리카의 어떤 부분에도.

                      이탈리아어는 오늘날 대부분의 학교에서 진행 하 고 하실 수 있습니다 소용 이탈리아어 언어 과정의 학습 센터로 이동 시간을 걸릴 수 없습니다. 이탈리아 언어 영어, 스페인어 및 프랑스어 후 세계에서 가장 일반적으로 배운된 언어의 다섯째를 평가 한다. 그러나, 스페인어 및 프랑스어 언어의 문법 비슷합니다 이후 이탈리아어에 게, 당신이 배울 수 있는 이러한 언어 쉽게 완성 하면 이탈리아 언어 강좌 입니다.

                      이탈리아어 이탈리아어 언어에 과정을 통해 이야기 하는 방법을 배우는 쉬운 노력 하실 수 있습니다.. 당신의 자원으로 이해 하 고 더 많은 것입니다 모든 당신의 여행을 즐겁고 기억에 남는 유럽 문화를 주셔서 감사 방법으로 자신을 제공할 수 있습니다. 이탈리아어 언어 과정 이상의 학업 추구, 수는 세계에 당신의 열쇠.

                      우리의 서비스 보장

                      가장 좋은 가격 보장

                      100% 보장에 대 한 최저 가격을 지불할 것입니다 {LANG} 코스입니다. 우리는 당신이 가능한 코스 요금 제공-자체 또는 다른 곳 에서도 학교와 직접 예약 하는 경우 보다 지불 하지. 게다가, 우리의 서비스는 무료입니다. 저희는 어떠한 예약 수수료를 청구 하지 않습니다.

                      뛰어난 고객 지원

                      도움이 필요 하시면 언제 든 지 고객 지원 항상 호출할 수 있습니다. 전에, 동안과 과정 후, 우리는 여기 당신을 위해입니다. 우리의 경험과 친절 한 컨설턴트 쉽게 연락할 수 있습니다. 우리 ' 항상 멀리 다만 누르기 전자 메일, 전화, 스 카이 프 또는 라이브 채팅을 통해 다시!

                      확인 예약 100%!

                      그것은 ' s 매우 가능성이 뭔가 의해 확인 한 번 예약으로 잘못가 {LANG} 언어 학교. 사실 우리 ' 다시 확신, 만약 당신이 돈 ' t는 귀하의 코스를 선택한 학교에서 장소 우리 ' ll 당신의 전체 예금 구좌를 신용 하 고 당신을 위한 또 다른 가능한 대안을 찾을.

                      신뢰 및 안전

                      우리는 신뢰와 협력을 추진 하 고 시장입니다. 이 때문에 우리가 만든 최고의 적 클래스 도구와 서비스를 확실 하 게 지원 하 고 올바른 결정을 내리기로 연마. 학생 리뷰를 찾을, 호스트 참조, 학교 질 물개 인정,... 자세히 더 많은

                      ,[sysname] => italy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 배우 {LANG} 이탈리아에서 최고의 언어 학교에서 공부,[mdesc] => 학습에 가장 좋은 가격 {LANG} 이탈리아-제공 & 패키지, 학생 리뷰, 상세한 설명, 지도 및 높은 품질의 사진.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1317),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJqYSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ja,[name] => イタリア,[title] => イタリアでイタリア語コースのための最低価格を見つける !,[description] =>

                      イタリアでイタリア語学校やイタリアでイタリア語夏の学校をお探しですか。方法についてイタリアまたは言語コースでイタリアの大人のためのイタリア語の学習ですか?イタリア語コースを探している、Languagebookings のどんなタイプの。com は見つけることができますが — と最低の価格で !

                      イタリア語コースとは、あなたにぴったりの学校を見つけるまでイタリアの多くの場所で多くのイタリアの学校を参照します。それを簡単に割引価格で最も人気のある学校はイタリアで見つけるイタリアでイタリアの学校の多種多様のため詳細な学校情報、写真、ビデオや学生のレビューを提供しています。Languagebookings を選択します。すべてのコースの予約となぜより多くの学生は私たちにイタリアでイタリア語を勉強するを選択するを参照してください com !

                      イタリア語コースと Italy


                      Italian Courseイタリア語コースを取ってです愛の言語"を学ぶことができます最善の方法。"多くの人々 は畏敬の念は、主に話されているヨーロッパ言語の甘美な調和をのでイタリア語コースを取ることにします。. イタリア語 course良い国に感謝あなたの助けとあなたはなります簡単に原住民との付き合いを開始することができる耳を傾けると、彼らの偉大な国についての彼らの物語を理解する機会を提供するでしょう。
                      第二言語学習は本当に良いアイデア特に自体国の文化にも言語だけでなく興味を持っています。イタリア語 course国を歩き回るし、さまざまな光の中でその美しさを参照することができます。また、完全にあなたを満たして誰とでも話すことができるので旅行の口論から保存されます。

                      イタリア語ラテン語が世界のすべての学者によって話されている言語に由来します。イタリア語 courseこれら 2 つの言語の類似性を教えます. この言語も私たちの次のトピックに私たちをもたらすとその近隣諸国で話されている言語に似ています。

                      イタリア語はイタリアの芸術と philosophy


                      欧州連合は、ヨーロッパ地域の総人口は約 6500 万人と推定。これらの人々 の 13 % は彼らの最初の言語としてイタリア語を話します。つまり、イタリア語コースを取ってが新しい人に会うし、彼らの言語を使用する彼らと話をする機会を開きます。イタリア語フランス、マルタ、スロベニア、スペインのような他の国でまた広く話されているそしてアメリカの一部でさえ。

                      イタリア語は今日のほとんどの学校で教えられて、学習センターに行く時間を取ることができない場合はイタリア語コースの利用することができます。英語、スペイン語、フランス語の後、世界で最もよく教えられる言語の第 5 ランク付けするためのイタリア語。ただし、スペイン語およびフランス語の文法は似ていますのでイタリア語を学ぶことができますこれらの言語に簡単に、 を完了したときイタリア語 course

                      簡単な努力をすることができますどのようにイタリア語を話すイタリア語のコースを学習. あなたのリソースと理解し、より多くなるあらゆる旅行楽しい、思い出に残るヨーロッパの文化を理解するための手段に自分を提供できます。イタリア語コースは、学術の追求以上だけをすることができます、することができます、世界への鍵です。

                      当社サービス Guarantees

                      ベスト価格 Guaranteed

                      100 % 保証の最低価格を支払うことになる {LANG}コースがあります。私たちはあなたの最低の可能なコースの料金を提供 - あなたは自体またはどこか他の学校と直接予約した場合よりも多くを支払うことはありません。その上、当社のサービスは無料です。我々 は、予約料金を満たさない。

                      卓越した顧客 Support

                      あなたは、援助を必要とするたびに常に当社のカスタマー サポートを呼び出すことができます。前に、中にあなたのコースの後、我々 はここであなたのためです。当社の経験とフレンドリーなコンサルタントを簡単に連絡することができます。我々 ' 常にクリックするだけ離れて電子メール、電話、skype やさらにはライブ チャットを介して再 !

                      ご予約の 100 % を確認 !

                      それ ' s 非常にまずないこと何かいかないだろうご予約によって決まれば、{LANG}語学学校. 実際には我々 ' 日時は自信を持って、あなたはドン場合 ' t 選択した学校に配置あなたのコースを持っている我々 ' ll 完全沈殿物とあなたの口座し、あなたのためのもう一つの可能な代替を見つけます。

                      信託 Safety

                      我々 は市場の信頼とのコラボレーションを促進します。これはなぜ最高のこれまでクラス ツールとサービスを確実に支援し、右の意思決定に磨きをかけるを築いております。認定を取得した品質のシールが学校やホスト参照学生のレビューを見つけること... more を学ぶ

                      ,[sysname] => italy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 学ぶ {LANG}イタリア - 最高の語学学校で勉強します。,[mdesc] => 学ぶ上で最高の価格 {LANG}イタリア - & パッケージを提供しています、学生のレビュー、詳細な説明、地図、高品質の写真。,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1554),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImlzbzIiO3M6MjoiVVMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => es,[name] => Estados Unidos,[title] => Encuentra cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                      Escuelas {LANG} Estados UnidosEstás buscando clases de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿Unas clases de {LANG} de negocios en Estados Unidos? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿O economicas escuelas de {LANG} Estados Unidos? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre miles de cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de {LANG} al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Estados Unidos. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de {LANG}. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de {LANG} en Estados Unidos.

                      La Calidad en la Educación: Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                      La elección de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos es como elegir la mejor escuela de {LANG} que usted puede permitirse. Los Estados Unidos de América se caracteriza no sólo por su progreso económico avanzada, sino también para el sistema educativo que prevalece en el país.

                      Cuando piensa en la opción de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de experimentar esto de renombre mundial y la educación de alta calidad que Estados Unidos puede ofrecer. La elección de realizar un curso de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también le permitirá saber lo que es vivir en uno de los paises más poderosos e influyentes del mundo en estos días.

                      Las personas que estudian en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también se exponen a la diversidad cultural de este país desarrollado. Estados Unidos es la encarnación de la cultura occidental, ya que son originalmente influenciados por sus vecinos países europeos. Estados Unidos es un crisol de diferentes culturas que representa el origen diverso de sus habitantes.

                      Al estudiar en Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de sentir la diversidad del país que se muestra en su idioma, hábitos sociales, música, cocina, arte y folclore. Si usted decide realizar cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, también se puede explorar el país y el testimonio de su belleza y singularidad.

                      Lugares Turísticos que se puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                      Cursos {LANG} Estados UnidosMientras que usted está estudiando en escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos se pueden visitar algunos de los lugares para los que es famoso. Usted puede pasar sus tardes en el Times Square, donde la gente puede ver o admirar los teatros de Broadway y los cines que abundan el lugar.

                      Usted puede obtener alrededor de Times Square ya sea caminando, en bicicleta, subirse a un autobús, o al alquilar una limusina propia. Usted también puede unirse a algunos tours que se ofrecen, especialmente para aquellos que estudian {LANG} en Estados Unidos. Estos tours le llevará alrededor de los mejores monumentos de la Times Square y tours de agua.

                      Si usted es aficionado de los juegos en los casinos, entonces usted debe visitar el siempre famoso Las Vegas. Los casinos se encuentran en este lugar han sido el escenario de las películas más famosas que se muestran en la historia. Nevada, que está también en Las Vegas es donde se encuentra el condado de Clark. Condado de Clark es el paraíso para los jugadores y para los que quieren ir de compras y entretenerse.

                      Si desea una aventura con la naturaleza mientras estudia en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, entonces usted puede visitar el National Mall y Parques Conmemorativos. Este lugar tiene las tierras más antiguas y las más bellas protegida del parque donde se pueden ver algunas especies de la biodiversidad única.

                      También puede encontrar algunas de las mejores monumentos públicos de Estados Unidos, que incluyen las memorias de ex-presidentes como Washington, Lincoln y Jefferson. Aquí, también se puede admirar los monumentos de la de Corea y la Guerra de Vietnam.

                      Otro lugar que puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos es el mercado Faneuil Hall. Este lugar es visitado por más de 20 millones de visitantes. Aquí, usted puede ver los lugares famosos como el Faneuil Hall, el mercado del Norte, y el Mercado Quincy. Malabaristas y magos son también un atractivo aquí en Faneuil Hall Marketplace.

                      Estados Unidos es un lugar donde usted puede divertirse mientras realizas tu curso de {LANG}. Su estancia aquí, no sólo le ayudará a aprender {LANG} con el acento americano, que también le dará experiencias que pueden ayudar a entender mejor la cultura occidental. Cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos que se brindan en escuelas de idiomas tiene la más alta calidad de la educación que usted puede permitirse. No te pierdas tener la experiencia de tu vida al estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos de America!

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[sysname] => estados-unidos,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos - Curso {LANG} Estados Unidos Barato,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => curso ingles estados unidos, escuela en estados unidos, escuelas en estados unidos, escuelas estados unidos, escuelas inglés estados unidos,[idid] => 34)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Cities_Model] => Cities_Model Object ([] => Array ([lang] => Array ()),[] => Array ([region] => Array ([name] => Region,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([class] => select2,[filler] => Array ([model] => Regions,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[multilang] => 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Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatormec] => Array ([name] => Metas for Becas MEC,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mecmtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => cities,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => region,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([schoolcity] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YTozOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6OToidmlhcmVnZ2lvIjtzOjc6ImNvdW50cnkiO3M6MjoiMTIiO3M6MTA6InNjaG9vbGNpdHkiO3M6MToieSI7fWI6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 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es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389),[czozOiI5MjkiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoiZW4iO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 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,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3391),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoiZGUiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => de,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3392),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoiZnIiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => fr,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3393),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoicHQiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => pt,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 2507531),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoicnUiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => ru,[name] => Виареджо,[sysname] => viardzho,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => 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12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => ko,[name] => 비아 레지오,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 2508569),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoiamEiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => ja,[name] => ヴィアレッジョ,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 2508850),[YToyOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6OToidmlhcmVnZ2lvIjtzOjc6ImNvdW50cnkiO3M6MjoiMTIiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schools_Model] => Schools_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_contact2] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Datos de contacto de la escuela)),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre de la escuela,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onkeyup] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onblur] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onselect] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);)),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[address] => Array ([name] => Dirección calle,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[address2] => Array ([name] => Dirección Calle 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[cp] => Array ([name] => Codigo postal,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[respmarketing] => Array ([name] => Nombre de contacto primario,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp1_charge] => Array ([name] => Cargo,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[emailmarketing] => Array ([name] => Correo electrónico de contacto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[skype] => Array ([name] => Identificación de Skype,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[phone] => Array ([name] => Número de teléfono,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[fax] => Array ([name] => Fax,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[resp_reservations] => Array ([name] => Nombre de contacto reservas,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp2_charge] => Array ([name] => Cargo,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[email_reservations] => Array ([name] => Correo electrónico de contacto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[urlweb] => Array ([name] => Sitio web,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[currency] => Array ([name] => Moneda,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name),[tip] => Currency you use in your prices)),[company] => Array ([name] => Nombre de la empresa,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => As appears on the certificate of incorporation)),[regnumber] => Array ([name] => Número de registro de empresa,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[vatnum] => Array ([name] => Número de IVA,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => If no VAT number, please write EXEMPT)),[separador_bank] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Datos bancarios)),[bankname] => Array ([name] => Nombre del Banco,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banksortcode] => Array ([name] => Códigos bancario,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banknumber] => Array ([name] => Número de cuenta,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankiban] => Array ([name] => Código IBAN,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankswift] => Array ([name] => SWIFT,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress] => Array ([name] => Bank Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress2] => Array ([name] => Bank Address,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separador_comm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Comision)),[comm_course] => Array ([name] => Matrícula,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on tuition. To change this please email us at info@languagebookings.com,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_accomm] => Array ([name] => Alojamiento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on accommodation.,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin] => Array ([name] => Cuota de inscripción,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on registration fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => Array ([name] => Accom. tasa de colocación,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on the accom. placement fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Recogida,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on transfers,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comm_promotion] => Array ([name] => Promoción de la Comisión,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % This is the minimum commission accepted for promotions and special deals,[width] => 50,[default] => 20,[readonly] => 1)),[separador_info] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Información de la escuela)),[classrooms] => Array ([name] => Número de aulas,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[averageage] => Array ([name] => Nº promedio de estudiantes p/clase,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Edad mínima,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[leveltest] => Array ([name] => Prueba de nivel el primer día,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[nearestairport] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto más cercano,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[airportdistance] => Array ([name] => Distancia al aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Km)),[yearschoolopen] => Array ([name] => Año escuela abierta (primero),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[openingtimeshi] => Array ([name] => Horario de apertura de,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[continue] => 1,[tip] => to),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingtimeshf] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingdays] => Array ([name] => Días de apertura,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([0] => domingo,[1] => lunes,[2] => martes,[3] => miércoles,[4] => jueves,[5] => viernes,[6] => sábado))),[videos] => Array ([name] => Video,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Enter the Youtube URL for the promotional video of your school here)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Instalaciones)),[facilities] => Array ([name] => Instalaciones,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Facilities,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_accreditations] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Acreditaciones y sellos de calidad)),[accrs] => Array ([name] => Acreditaciones,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accreditations,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_terms] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Términos y condiciones)),[autoterms] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descripción)),[description] => Array ([name] => Información de la escuela,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide a short description of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[info_students] => Array ([name] => Información para estudiantes,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide useful information for the student about your school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[terms] => Array ([name] => Términos y Condiciones,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500,[tip] => Please provide the terms and conditions of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Galería de imágenes,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. Image must be greater than 800x600px.)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Subir imágenes:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_map] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Localización - mapa)),[coordinates] => Array ([name] => Coordenadas,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.,[setlocation] => 1)),[details] => Array ([name] => Detalles,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[location] => Array ([name] => Ubicación,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[practice_info] => Array ([name] => Info práctica,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[isready] => Array ([name] => Está listo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[visible] => Array ([name] => Visible,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[global_discount] => Array ([name] => Descuento global,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta llaves,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[followup_needs_editing] => Array ([name] => Followup_needs_editing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[transfer] => Array ([name] => Transferencias,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio y llegada,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))))))),[] => Array (),[] => schools,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => city),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([0] => description,[1] => info_students,[2] => terms),[] => Array ([czo0OiIxMDgyIjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1082,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:15:23,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:24,[mainimg] => 53804,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => 43.874587,[longitude] => 10.246161),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => 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=> 1,[vatnum] => 01855470462 but EXEMPT,[comm_course] => 22,[commission_accomm] => 15,[commission_expense_admin] => 22,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Simona Pellegrini,[resp1_charge] => secretary,[emailmarketing] => infopack@centropuccini.it,[resp_reservations] => Simona Pellegrini,[resp2_charge] => secretary,[email_reservations] => infopack@centropuccini.it,[skype] => ,[phone] => +39 0584 430253,[fax] => +38 0584 961275,[urlweb] => http://www.centropuccini.it/,[address] => Via Vespucci 173,[address2] => ,[cp] => 55049,[classrooms] => 9,[averageage] => 8,[minimumage] => 16,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 30,[nearestairport] => Pisa Galileo Galilei,[yearschoolopen] => 1988,[openingtimeshi] => 845,[openingtimeshf] => 1330,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini srl,[banksortcode] => Puccini,[banknumber] => 0001661,[bankiban] => IT32P0626024803100000001661,[bankswift] => CRFIIT3P371,[bankaddress] => CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI PISTOIA E DELLA LUCCHESIA, Viareggio,[bankaddress2] => Via San Francesco 1/3, Viareggio,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 929,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 17,[1] => 5,[2] => 23,[3] => 12,[4] => 11,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 7,[8] => 6,[9] => 3,[10] => 14),[sysname] => centro-culturale-giacomo-puccini,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Pisa Airport Galileo Galilei,[precio] => 95,[precioiv] => 190,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Pisa Airport Galileo Galilei,[precio] => 95,[precioiv] => 190,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 123)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 12,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 90,[1] => 15,[2] => 1,[3] => 79),[pagehits] => 33005,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 25.487,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini srl,[regnumber] => REA LUCCA: 176379,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:28:"Pisa Airport Galileo Galilei";s:6:"precio";s:2:"95";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"190";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:1082;s:5:"ownid";i:1082;}},[location_lat] => 43.874587,[location_lng] => 10.246161,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1082,[lang] => es,[name] => Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini,[description] => La escuela se encuentra en un edificio de dos pisos y contiene nueve aulas. Las instalaciones incluyen: - servicio de internet completo - una salida puerta terraza, gazebo y un pequeño jardín - Acceso discapacitados estamos ubicados en el centro de Viareggio, a poca distancia de la playa. La escuela es junto a un bosque de pino, donde usted puede ir a trotar, alquilar una bicicleta o jugar tenis. Desde la escuela, todo es accesible a pie.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Fundada en 1988, tenemos años de experiencia y nos especializamos en la enseñanza de italiano en Italia, la escuela es reconocida por: - a nivel nacional por el Ministerio italiano de educación, Universidad e investigación - regionalmente por el Toscano Departamento de educación - las autoridades suecas (Vår skola är godkänd av CSN och Högskoleverket) - alemán "Bildungsurlaub" que son miembros de ELITE de ASILS, AIL,,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => -La inscripción debe realizarse posiblemente 30 días antes del comienzo del curso o, para más tarde matrículas, inmediatamente. -En el recibo de la confirmación el importe restante debe ser pagada dentro de 30 días antes del comienzo del curso. -El pago debe realizarse por banco o tarjeta de crédito. Si la cancelación es es notificado hasta 15 días antes de que se mantendrá el principio del curso, 50% de toda la cantidad. Las cancelaciones en un día más tarde no dan derecho a reembolso alguno.,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:0:{},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 3585),[czo0OiIxNjk1IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1695,[insert_timestamp] => 2015-03-18 06:51:48,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:26,[mainimg] => 59255,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => 43.8671663,[longitude] => 10.245487599999933),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"7";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:2:"30";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"2";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:2:"14";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:6:{s:4:"main";a:3:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:11:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"1";i:11;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:9:"refundsub";a:1:{i:3;a:5:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}}s:4:"visa";s:7:"visafix";s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:3:"100";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"50";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"50";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:3:"100";}}}}},[currency] => 1,[vatnum] => 01522470465,[comm_course] => 50,[commission_accomm] => ,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Brunella Casucci Belluomini,[resp1_charge] => Managing director,[emailmarketing] => info@italianintuscany.it,[resp_reservations] => Italian in Tuscany Team,[resp2_charge] => Admissions,[email_reservations] => info@italianintuscany.it,[skype] => ItalianInTuscany,[phone] => 0039 0584 942246,[fax] => 0039 0584 424083,[urlweb] => www.italianintuscany.it,[address] => Galleria d’Azeglio 61/A ,[address2] => ,[cp] => 55049,[classrooms] => 3,[averageage] => 6,[minimumage] => 18,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 20,[nearestairport] => Pisa,[yearschoolopen] => 2010,[openingtimeshi] => 900,[openingtimeshf] => 1900,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Language Data Bank,[banksortcode] => 0626024803,[banknumber] => 27947,[bankiban] => IT85 M062 6024 8030 0000 0027 947,[bankswift] => CRFIIT3P,[bankaddress] => Cassa di Risparmio Pistoia e Lucchesia spa,[bankaddress2] => via San Francesco 3,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 929,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => ,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 13,[1] => 23,[2] => 12,[3] => 22,[4] => 11,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 7,[8] => 4,[9] => 21,[10] => 6,[11] => 19),[sysname] => italian-in-tuscany,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Pisa,[precio] => 90,[precioiv] => 170,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Florence Airport,[precio] => 150,[precioiv] => 280,[activa] => y),[2] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Viareggio Train Station,[precio] => 20,[precioiv] => 30,[activa] => y)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 12,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 124),[pagehits] => 7199,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => 0,[rating] => 0,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => ,[regnumber] => ,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => ,[location_lat] => ,[location_lng] => ,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 2015-03-20,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1695,[lang] => es,[name] => Italian in Tuscany,[description] => The main school is located in an elegant building in the centre of Viareggio, along the promenade and only 100 meters away from the beach. We are small and this helps us create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Small group and individual courses for adults are run all year round in our air-conditioned classrooms by experienced and qualified teachers (Ditals). Famous for its tourism and shipyard industry, Viareggio is an ecletic, elegant town of 60.000 inhabitants located in an area of the northern Tuscan coast named “Riviera della Versilia”. Renowned worldwide for its beautiful liberty style promenade and its sandy beaches, Viareggio attracts millions of tourists throughout the year because of the mild temperatures, its famous Carnival and the “Giacomo Puccini Opera Festival“. Only 20 Kms away from the international airport of Pisa and the Leaning Tower,Viareggio is the ideal place to enjoy all the delights of this enchanting region. Long golden beaches, rocky coasts, islands, the lake loved by Giacomo Puccini, the mountains where Michelangelo used to choose the white marble for his masterpieces, the gentle green hills with archeological sites, parish churches and medieval villages: all this and much more can be discovered through our social activities organised in the afternoon and during the weekend.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Our courses are for students who want to improve their ability in everyday Italian. The course involves practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, together with grammar and pronunciation. The main emphasis of the class is on practical communication to develop fluency and confidence.,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Cancellations will only be accepted if sent by e-mail to info@italianintuscany.it or in writing to our head office. If the cancellation is communicated 2 weeks or more before the course begins, the fees are refunded (except €200 deposit). If the cancellation is communicated less than 2 weeks before the course begins, 50% will be refunded (except €200 deposit). If the student VISA is denied, all fees already paid will be refunded, except for €100 (administrative fees).,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => ,[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => n,[idid] => 13882)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Courses_Model] => Courses_Model Object ([] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => es,[name] => Argentina Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 69),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar Australiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 27),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => es,[name] => Real de Brasil,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 79),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => es,[name] => Dolar Canadiense,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 37),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => es,[name] => Renminbi yuan chino,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 42),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso colombiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 74),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => es,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 1),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Rupia india,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 57),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 3),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Ringgit de Malasia,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 32),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso Mexicano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 64),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => es,[name] => Nueva Zelanda Dolar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 52),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => es,[name] => Peruano Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 62),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => es,[name] => Libra esterlina,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 2),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => es,[name] => Rublo Ruso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 191),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => es,[name] => Rand SudAfricano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 22),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => es,[name] => Franco Suizo,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 47),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => es,[name] => Baht tailandés,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 91),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 4)),[] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => es,[name] => Argentina Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 69),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar Australiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 27),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => es,[name] => Real de Brasil,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 79),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => es,[name] => Dolar Canadiense,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 37),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => es,[name] => Renminbi yuan chino,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 42),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso colombiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 74),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => es,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 1),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Rupia india,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 57),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 3),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Ringgit de Malasia,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 32),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso Mexicano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 64),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => es,[name] => Nueva Zelanda Dolar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 52),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => es,[name] => Peruano Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 62),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => es,[name] => Libra esterlina,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 2),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => es,[name] => Rublo Ruso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 191),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => es,[name] => Rand SudAfricano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 22),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => es,[name] => Franco Suizo,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 47),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => es,[name] => Baht tailandés,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 91),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 4)),[] => Array ([US] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => es,[name] => Estados Unidos,[title] => Encuentra cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                      Escuelas {LANG} Estados UnidosEstás buscando clases de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿Unas clases de {LANG} de negocios en Estados Unidos? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿O economicas escuelas de {LANG} Estados Unidos? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre miles de cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de {LANG} al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Estados Unidos. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de {LANG}. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de {LANG} en Estados Unidos.

                      La Calidad en la Educación: Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                      La elección de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos es como elegir la mejor escuela de {LANG} que usted puede permitirse. Los Estados Unidos de América se caracteriza no sólo por su progreso económico avanzada, sino también para el sistema educativo que prevalece en el país.

                      Cuando piensa en la opción de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de experimentar esto de renombre mundial y la educación de alta calidad que Estados Unidos puede ofrecer. La elección de realizar un curso de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también le permitirá saber lo que es vivir en uno de los paises más poderosos e influyentes del mundo en estos días.

                      Las personas que estudian en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también se exponen a la diversidad cultural de este país desarrollado. Estados Unidos es la encarnación de la cultura occidental, ya que son originalmente influenciados por sus vecinos países europeos. Estados Unidos es un crisol de diferentes culturas que representa el origen diverso de sus habitantes.

                      Al estudiar en Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de sentir la diversidad del país que se muestra en su idioma, hábitos sociales, música, cocina, arte y folclore. Si usted decide realizar cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, también se puede explorar el país y el testimonio de su belleza y singularidad.

                      Lugares Turísticos que se puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                      Cursos {LANG} Estados UnidosMientras que usted está estudiando en escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos se pueden visitar algunos de los lugares para los que es famoso. Usted puede pasar sus tardes en el Times Square, donde la gente puede ver o admirar los teatros de Broadway y los cines que abundan el lugar.

                      Usted puede obtener alrededor de Times Square ya sea caminando, en bicicleta, subirse a un autobús, o al alquilar una limusina propia. Usted también puede unirse a algunos tours que se ofrecen, especialmente para aquellos que estudian {LANG} en Estados Unidos. Estos tours le llevará alrededor de los mejores monumentos de la Times Square y tours de agua.

                      Si usted es aficionado de los juegos en los casinos, entonces usted debe visitar el siempre famoso Las Vegas. Los casinos se encuentran en este lugar han sido el escenario de las películas más famosas que se muestran en la historia. Nevada, que está también en Las Vegas es donde se encuentra el condado de Clark. Condado de Clark es el paraíso para los jugadores y para los que quieren ir de compras y entretenerse.

                      Si desea una aventura con la naturaleza mientras estudia en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, entonces usted puede visitar el National Mall y Parques Conmemorativos. Este lugar tiene las tierras más antiguas y las más bellas protegida del parque donde se pueden ver algunas especies de la biodiversidad única.

                      También puede encontrar algunas de las mejores monumentos públicos de Estados Unidos, que incluyen las memorias de ex-presidentes como Washington, Lincoln y Jefferson. Aquí, también se puede admirar los monumentos de la de Corea y la Guerra de Vietnam.

                      Otro lugar que puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos es el mercado Faneuil Hall. Este lugar es visitado por más de 20 millones de visitantes. Aquí, usted puede ver los lugares famosos como el Faneuil Hall, el mercado del Norte, y el Mercado Quincy. Malabaristas y magos son también un atractivo aquí en Faneuil Hall Marketplace.

                      Estados Unidos es un lugar donde usted puede divertirse mientras realizas tu curso de {LANG}. Su estancia aquí, no sólo le ayudará a aprender {LANG} con el acento americano, que también le dará experiencias que pueden ayudar a entender mejor la cultura occidental. Cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos que se brindan en escuelas de idiomas tiene la más alta calidad de la educación que usted puede permitirse. No te pierdas tener la experiencia de tu vida al estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos de America!

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[sysname] => estados-unidos,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos - Curso {LANG} Estados Unidos Barato,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => curso ingles estados unidos, escuela en estados unidos, escuelas en estados unidos, escuelas estados unidos, escuelas inglés estados unidos,[idid] => 34)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([18] => 34,[66] => 5,[80] => 4,[93] => 3,[69] => 1,[71] => 1,[92] => 1,[98] => 0,[100] => 0,[94] => 0,[101] => 0,[102] => 0,[339] => 0,[340] => 0,[341] => 0,[342] => 0,[85] => 0,[84] => 0,[83] => 0,[63] => 0,[64] => 0,[65] => 0,[67] => 0,[68] => 0,[70] => 0,[72] => 0,[73] => 0,[74] => 0,[75] => 0,[82] => 0,[343] => 0),[] => Array ([20-25] => 1452,[15-19] => 784,[26-30] => 409,[10-14] => 96,[1-9] => 77,[31-35] => 11,[36-9999] => 7),[] => Array ([1-9] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 9),[10-14] => Array ([0] => 10,[1] => 14),[15-19] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 19),[20-25] => Array ([0] => 20,[1] => 25),[26-30] => Array ([0] => 26,[1] => 30),[31-35] => Array ([0] => 31,[1] => 35),[36-9999] => Array ([0] => 36,[1] => 9999)),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[key] => 1),[separador_type] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Tipo de curso)),[sku] => Array ([name] => Referencia del curso,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[tip] => Esto es solamente para su uso y no será visible para los estudiantes),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => Idioma impartido en este curso)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Clases semanales,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => per week),[listable] => 1),[duration_lesson] => Array ([name] => Lesson duration,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => Minutes)),[avgclasssize] => Array ([name] => Average class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[max_students_class] => Array ([name] => Max class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[age_min] => Array ([name] => Minimum age,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[classdays] => Array ([name] => Class dates,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([1] => lunes,[2] => martes,[3] => miércoles,[4] => jueves,[5] => viernes,[6] => sábado,[7] => domingo))),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class times,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Hora de inicio ,[continue] => 1),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00),[listable] => 1),[hend] => Array ([name] => end,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Tiempo de finalización ),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[certificate] => Array ([name] => Final de curso certificado,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[levels] => Array ([name] => Course levels,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[filler] => Array ([model] => levels,[label] => name))),[calification] => Array ([name] => Qualification,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[values] => Array ())),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Galería de imágenes,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. This gallery is shared with school gallery. Don't delete it. Image must be greater than 800x600px)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Subir imágenes:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descripción)),[title] => Array ([name] => Título curso,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción del curso,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo targeting es el método de determinación de la geolocalización de un visitante del sitio web y entrega de contenido diferente a ese visitante basada en su ubicación, como dirección IP del país. Eres capaz de establecer una lista de precios especial para estudiantes basados en un país en particular o un conjunto de países. De esta manera seremos capaces de manejar diferentes precios dependiendo de dónde viene el estudiante.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting para,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Todos,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Excluir seleccionado),[include] => Array ([name] => Incluyen seleccionado)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_price] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Fechas y precio del curso)),[charges_admin] => Array ([name] => Registration fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Por favor ingrese el cargo cobrado al estudiante por el derecho a participar en el curso de idiomas)),[material_type] => Array ([name] => Books & materials,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 3),[values] => Array ([included] => Array ([name] => Incluido en el precio,[default] => 1),[optional] => Array ([name] => No incluido en el precio y no es obligatorio),[mandatory] => Array ([name] => No incluido en el precio y obligatoria)))),[material] => Array ([name] => Book and materials price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Introduce la carga de los materiales y libros utilizados durante las clases)),[type_course] => Array ([name] => Comienza curso,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[values] => Array ([normal] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios temporada,[default] => 1),[fijo] => Array ([name] => Fecha fija precios,[default] => )),[events] => Array ())),[price] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios de curso,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)))),[separador_discount] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descuento,[description] => From this section you will be able to give a special discount and/or increase the commission rate for the selected period. Just add the percentage discount you want to give on the tuition prices added on the price list section, select the dates and click save. Done!

                      This discount and or promotion will appear on our home page, in the special offer section, highlighted on the search results page and other sections of LanguageBookings.com and partner websites. The higher the discount and the commission given on the promotion, the more visibility your promotion will have.)),[discount_active] => Array ([name] => Discount Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[discount] => Array ([name] => Discount,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[default] => 1,[tip] => %,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => number,[step] => any),[1] => Array ([type] => greater_than,[value] => -1),[2] => Array ([type] => less_than,[value] => 100)))),[minweeks] => Array ([name] => Minimum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[maxweeks] => Array ([name] => Maximum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([0] => Unlimited,[1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[discount_publication_start] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar)),[discount_publication_end] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado)),[discount_reservation_start] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo)),[discount_reservation_end] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso)),[commission] => Array ([name] => Commission on tuition,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => This is the commission you will pay when we sell this course with this promotion.)),[separador_other] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Otra)),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[holidays] => Array ([name] => Holidays,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[price_particular] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Número de clases,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Precio total,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))))),[horary_course] => Array ([name] => Comment of horary,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keys,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array ([sku] => Array ([name] => Course references),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Lessons per week),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class time),[complete_name] => Array ([name] => Save Order,[function] => Closure Object ()),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => courses,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 1,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '7' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city = '929') AND `category` IN ('67', '67≤vel=3', '7') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[] => `order`,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => sku,[2] => lessons,[3] => order),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[form_validation] => CI_Form_validation Object ([] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] =>

                      ,[] =>

                      ,[] => ,[] => ),[Promotions_Model] => Promotions_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_promotions] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([description] => Constantemente desarrollamos nuevas herramientas para dar su escuela todo lo que necesita para ganar dinero y tener éxito. Por favor ingrese los datos específicos de su negocio, incluyendo precio, valor y título. Establecer los términos, países ser objetivo y el horario de su oferta. Usted será capaz de añadir múltiples ofertas de submarino para el mismo trato (principal). Cuando haya terminado, por favor haga clic en "Enviar para su aprobación" para presentar su oferta para su aprobación. Una vez aprobado por LanguageBookings.com, su trato será publicado y anunciado.

                      Tips :
                      · Un atractivo descuento a estudiantes y mostrarlo en el título de promoción.
                      · No sólo competir en precio, sino agregar valor a su oferta de curso estándar

                      )),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => Escuelas,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Seleccione la escuela de la promoción,[filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[status] => Array ([name] => Estado,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Only applicable if active is no),[data] => Array ([] => Por favor selecciona,[1] => Pendiente de aprobación,[2] => Necesidades de edición,[3] => Vivir,[4] => Inédito,[5] => Caducado),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Referencia de promoción,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => Idioma impartido en este curso)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([] => Select a language)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20),[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Número mínimo de estudiantes que tienen que reservar Together este paquete),[listable] => 1),[accomm_included] => Array ([name] => Alojamiento incluido,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([tip] => Seleccione Sí si el alojamiento está incluido en esta promoción,[values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[startpublish] => Array ([name] => Fecha de inicio de reserva,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar)),[endpublish] => Array ([name] => Final reserva,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[class] => form,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado)),[startpromotion] => Array ([name] => Inicio del curso,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo)),[endpromotion] => Array ([name] => Fin de curso,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Título y la descripción de la promoción)),[title] => Array ([name] => Título promoción,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[tip] => Usar un título corto y pegadizo.),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción de la promoción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Por favor proporcione una breve descripción de la promoción/paquete),[multilang] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Imágenes,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo targeting es el método de determinación de la geolocalización de un visitante del sitio web y entrega de contenido diferente a ese visitante basada en su ubicación, como dirección IP del país. Eres capaz de establecer una lista de precios especial para estudiantes basados en un país en particular o un conjunto de países. De esta manera seremos capaces de manejar diferentes precios dependiendo de dónde viene el estudiante.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting para,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Todos los países,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Excluir seleccionado),[include] => Array ([name] => Incluyen seleccionado)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Trata de sub,[description] => Usted será capaz de añadir múltiples ofertas de submarino para el mismo trato (principal). Ahora cada cosa que ofreces puede tener múltiples ofertas diferentes tipos que es perfecto para dejar tu escuela ofrece una variedad de ofertas para atraer a todos los segmentos de mercado. Por ejemplo puede utilizar sub ofertas para ofrecer la misma oferta pero a precios diferentes. Por ejemplo una escuela podría ofrecer 4 semanas con un descuento del 25%, 8 semanas con un descuento del 50% y así sucesivamente. Otra manera puede utilizar sub ofertas es ofrecer un trato de amigos que se unen o algo secundario para las familias.)),[subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => dynamictable,[options] => Array ([template] => promotion_subdeal,[defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Nuevo acuerdo de sub,[fields] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[type] => Array ([name] => Tipo de elemento,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([days] => Array ([name] => Dias),[weeks] => Array ([name] => Semanas),[month] => Array ([name] => Meses),[years] => Array ([name] => Años),[other] => Array ([name] => Otra,[default] => 1)))),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Precio con descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Precio original,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[percentdiscount] => Array ([name] => Por ciento de descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[comision] => Array ([name] => Comisión,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Cuenta que quieres ofrecer a LanguageBookings.com,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))))))),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => Schools),[status2] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ()),[name] => Array ([name] => Reference Name),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons),[sendforapproval] => Array ([name] => Sent for approval)),[] => promotions,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Reviewmails_Model] => Reviewmails_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Lastname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => E-Mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[review] => Array ([name] => Review,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ()),[idi] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([default] => en,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name))),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => reviewmails,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => insert_timestamp DESC,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => lastname,[3] => email),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Images_Model] => Images_Model Object ([] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[key] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Foto de título (Pasante),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validate] => Array ()),[listable] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[238x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[349x220] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)))),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => images,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Packages_Model] => Packages_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[reference] => Array ([name] => Referencia,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500),[multilang] => 1),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ()),[include] => Array ([name] => Incluyen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([course] => Curso,[course+accomm] => Curso + alojamiento,[course+accomm+collection] => Curso + alojamiento + Colección)),[extras] => Array ([name] => Deal extras,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Dealsextras,[label] => name))),[bstart] => Array ([name] => Booking Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[bend] => Array ([name] => Booking End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cstart] => Array ([name] => Course Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cend] => Array ([name] => Course End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[url] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => ),[price] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([semanas] => Array ([name] => Semanas,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateInteger)),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Precio Neto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form validateFloat),[multilang] => ),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Precio Bruto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateFloat))))),[course] => Array ([name] => Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[accomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[collection] => Array ([name] => Transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => packages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => reference,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Categories_Model] => Categories_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array ([segment] => Array ([name] => Segmento,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[idi] => Array ([name] => Pertenece a,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[categorytemplate] => Array ([name] => Plantilla de categoría,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => categoriestemplates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_country] => Array ([name] => Título para países,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_country] => Array ([name] => Descripción para los países,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_city] => Array ([name] => Título para las ciudades,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_city] => Array ([name] => Descripción de las ciudades,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Landing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => categories,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title,[3] => title_country,[4] => title_city,[5] => url),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Qualifications_Model] => Qualifications_Model Object ([] => Array ([idi] => Array ([name] => Pertenece a,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => qualifications,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Discount_Model] => Discount_Model Object ([] => 3,[] => Array ([descuento] => Array ([name] => Descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => %),[multilang] => ),[descuentomax] => Array ([name] => Descuento Máx.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => €),[multilang] => )),[] => Array (),[] => discount,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => descuento,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Pages_Model] => Pages_Model Object ([] => Array ([title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1,[visual] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Images,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([block] => imgupload,[dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[multilang] => )),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdescription] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sort] => Array ([name] => Sort,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[directaccess] => Array ([name] => Direct Access,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)),[tip] => this page will be listed on the sitemap)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => pages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => title,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => title,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Wishlist_Model] => Wishlist_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[user] => Array ([name] => usuario,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Users,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => wishlist,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => user),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Accreditations_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accreditations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 129,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Segments_Model] => Segments_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_small] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[long_title] => Array ([name] => Long Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[long_description] => Array ([name] => Long Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_large] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[segment] => Array ([name] => Segmento relacionado,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_country] => Array ([name] => Short Title Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_country] => Array ([name] => Short Description Country,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_city] => Array ([name] => Short Title City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_city] => Array ([name] => Short Description City,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[filter] => Array ([name] => Filtro relacionado,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Example: 0-14)),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Location Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle5] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Country Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => segments,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => segment = 0,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Accommtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accommtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 15,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Roomtypes_Model] => Roomtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => roomtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Landings_Model] => Landings_Model Object ([] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[country] => Array ([name] => Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[segment] => Array ([name] => Segment,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcourses] => Array ([name] => Num Courses,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcountries] => Array ([name] => Num Countries,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcities] => Array ([name] => Num Cities,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[item] => Array ([name] => Item,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[itemtype] => Array ([name] => Item type,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => landings,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => language,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Regions_Model] => Regions_Model Object ([] => Array ([country] => Array ([name] => Country,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Countries,[label] => name))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => regions,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => country,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schoolsaccomms_Model] => Schoolsaccomms_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_schoolaccomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alojamiento)),[type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Accommtypes,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1),[food] => Array ([name] => Board,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([sin] => Sin comidas pero con uso de cocina,[desayuno] => Desayuno,[media] => Desayuno y cena,[completa] => Desayuno, almuerzo y cena),[listable] => 1),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Edad mínima,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Por favor ingrese la edad mínima que se acepta el alojamiento)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[tip] => Por favor escriba el número máximo de alumnos permitido quedarse en esta habitación),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25)),[together] => Array ([name] => Sólo estudiantes que van juntos,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si
                      ),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Opción sólo para alojamiento compartido. Seleccione "Yes" Si este establecimiento sólo está disponible para los estudiantes reserva juntos, seleccione "No" Si este alojamiento puede ser vendido a los estudiantes en diferentes momentos o individualmente.)),[distance] => Array ([name] => Distancia de la escuela,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[continue] => 1)),[distancetype] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Ingrese el tiempo o la distancia promedio desde el alojamiento a la escuela),[data] => Array ([km] => Kilómetro,[minutes] => minutos caminando,[public] => minutes en transporte público)),[requires_collection] => Array ([name] => Recogida,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Mandatory
                      ),[n] => Array ([name] => Optional,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Use "Obligatorios" Si el estudiante debe reservar el traslado para reservar este alojamiento, uso opcional si el estudiante no necesita libro transferencia con este alojamiento.)),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si
                      ,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Si "Sí" y ahí está la disponibilidad de los estudiantes serán capaces de esta reserva, si situada en "No" no se publicará el alojamiento)),[school] => Array ([name] => Información General,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[searcheable] => 1),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descripción)),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Galería de imágenes)),[images] => Array ([name] => Subir imágenes:,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[800x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Instalaciones)),[facilities_accomm] => Array ([name] => Facilities,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accommequipment,[label] => name))),[separador_accomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alojamiento)),[accommfee] => Array ([name] => Placement Fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => € If there is a placement fee please enter it here,[width] => 50)),[type] => Array ([name] => Pricing,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([semana] => Array ([name] => Por semana
                      ,[default] => 1),[dia] => Array ([name] => Por noche)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Si su lista de precios por semana además de noche extra por favor, seleccione "semanales", si su lista de precios utiliza un precio por noche por favor, seleccione "por la noche".)),[min_days] => Array ([name] => Minimum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Número mínimo de noches que el huésped tiene que quedarse en el alojamiento)),[max_days] => Array ([name] => Maximum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Máximo número de noches que el huésped puede permanecer en el alojamiento)),[price] => Array ([name] => Course price list,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => accomms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)),[colspan] => 1)),[for_day] => Array ([name] => Per night,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([comienzo] => Array ([name] => Comienzo,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Precio por noche,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))),[colspan] => 1,[defaultrow] => 1)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Img principal,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[individual] => Array ([name] => Room,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([y] => individual,[n] => shared))),[] => Array ([type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type),[food] => Array ([name] => Board),[name] => Array ([name] => Name),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => schoolsaccomms,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => main.id asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => school,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 237,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => )),[db] => CI_DB_mysqli_driver Object ([dbdriver] => mysqli,[_escape_char] => `,[_like_escape_str] => ,[_like_escape_chr] => ,[_count_string] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS ,[_random_keyword] => RAND(),[delete_hack] => 1,[use_set_names] => ,[ar_select] => Array ([0] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *),[ar_distinct] => ,[ar_from] => Array ([0] => `promotions` main),[ar_join] => Array ([0] => JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en'),[ar_where] => Array ([0] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ),[ar_like] => Array (),[ar_groupby] => Array (),[ar_having] => Array (),[ar_keys] => Array (),[ar_limit] => ,[ar_offset] => ,[ar_order] => ,[ar_orderby] => Array ([0] => `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[ar_set] => Array (),[ar_wherein] => Array (),[ar_aliased_tables] => Array ([0] => main,[1] => lang),[ar_store_array] => Array (),[ar_caching] => ,[ar_cache_exists] => Array (),[ar_cache_select] => Array (),[ar_cache_from] => Array (),[ar_cache_join] => Array (),[ar_cache_where] => Array (),[ar_cache_like] => Array (),[ar_cache_groupby] => Array (),[ar_cache_having] => Array (),[ar_cache_orderby] => Array (),[ar_cache_set] => Array (),[ar_no_escape] => Array ([0] => ),[ar_cache_no_escape] => Array (),[username] => lb2,[password] => aHCWz6RE37WXHUZA,[hostname] => localhost,[database] => lb2,[dbprefix] => ,[char_set] => utf8,[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci,[autoinit] => 1,[swap_pre] => ,[port] => ,[pconnect] => 1,[conn_id] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[result_id] => ,[db_debug] => 1,[benchmark] => 0.0066745281219482,[query_count] => 113,[bind_marker] => ?,[save_queries] => 1,[queries] => Array ([0] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `code` = 'es',[1] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'es',[2] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[3] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[4] => SELECT * FROM languages_lang WHERE ownid IN(11,20,10,13,14,2,4,17,5,15,19,26,7,6,25,18,21,12,9,3,22,16) AND lang = 'es',[5] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[6] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[7] => INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_queue (query) VALUES ('INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker (id,ip,inpag,outpag,intime,views,referer,lastviewtime,browser,affid) VALUES (\'293887441\',INET_ATON(\'\'),\'/search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7\',\'/search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7\',\'2024-05-03 19:19:34\',1,\'no\',\'2024-05-03 19:19:34\',\'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)\',\'\')'),[8] => INSERT DELAYED INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_track (ownid,pag,timestamp,referer,`host`) VALUES ('293887441','/search/cursos-italiano/italia/viareggio?course=6563&coursetype=67;67%E2%89%A4vel=3;7','2024-05-03 19:19:34','no','es.languagebookings.com'),[9] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'italiano',[10] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'italiano',[11] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '7',[12] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '7',[13] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'italia',[14] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'italia',[15] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12' AND `schoolcity` = 'y',[16] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12' AND `schoolcity` = 'y',[17] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '929',[18] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '929',[19] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[20] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'es' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[21] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[22] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[23] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `code` = 'it',[24] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'it',[25] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[26] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[27] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[28] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[29] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[30] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[31] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[32] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[33] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[34] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[35] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[36] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[37] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[38] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[39] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[40] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[41] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[42] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[43] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[44] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[45] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[46] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[47] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[48] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[49] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[50] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[51] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[52] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[53] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[54] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[55] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[56] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[57] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[58] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[59] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[60] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[61] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[62] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[63] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[64] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[65] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[66] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[67] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[68] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[69] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[70] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[71] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[72] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[73] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[74] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[75] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[76] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[77] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[78] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[79] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '929',[80] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[81] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[82] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[83] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '7',[84] => SELECT id, sales FROM categories WHERE idi = 7 ORDER BY sales DESC,[85] => SELECT lessons, SUM(sales) ventas FROM courses GROUP BY lessons ORDER BY ventas DESC,[86] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[87] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[88] => SELECT * FROM accreditations_lang WHERE ownid IN(19,1,2,81,3,33,4,102,5,34,6,7,92,8,9,103,115,10,104,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,105,46,20,86,90,116,108,22,23,24,25,84,109,26,87,27,70,106,28,29,30,95,31,96,32,110,133,93,124,120,36,37,132,69,112,118,38,39,82,100,71,40,79,131,66,35,44,42,117,80,75,43,76,45,107,123,89,111,47,122,67,130,88,74,48,101,68,49,51,50,113,52,97,53,54,18,99,128,129,55,94,114,119,85,41,57,56,83,73,98,77,58,126,78,59,127,72,134,60,61,62,125,65) AND lang = 'es',[89] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[90] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[91] => SELECT * FROM accommtypes_lang WHERE ownid IN(20,26,21,18,22,23,17,19,11,12,13,14,16,24,25) AND lang = 'es',[92] => SELECT * FROM single WHERE id = 3,[93] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '7' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city = '929') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[94] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[95] => SELECT * FROM courses_lang WHERE ownid IN(6538,6557,6559,6562,6563,6564,6565,6566,10142,10144) AND lang = 'es',[96] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[97] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[98] => SELECT * FROM countries_lang WHERE ownid IN(229,228,107,124,231,125,40,226,127,27,126,235,122,123,121,219,223,119,225,218,118,217,116,221,25,115,120,24,114,145,220,224,117,222,86,37,113,110,191,215,157,39,23,112,85,129,216,213,11,96,111,109,15,108,212,211,36,151,106,210,56,99,209,21,105,44,208,101,103,104,17,100,170,156,207,14,205,16,3,236,202,9,206,203,98,201,43,204,200,199,198,97,197,91,22,95,92,93,196,138,94,12,214,195,89,139,90,84,88,194,128,35,192,87,190,183,189,185,186,182,187,82,184,180,81,173,75,174,179,77,80,176,175,76,135,20,102,132,181,177,78,30,74,178,73,171,70,31,227,72,69,4,71,172,233,232,79,32,2,65,165,6,68,66,64,67,19,169,166,167,133,164,63,18,62,38,193,188,168,47,45,160,57,5,130,42,162,131,234,58,59,141,137,140,163,159,41,8,83,61,158,161,55,60,13,1,50,53,49,54,155,154,152,150,52,51,153,7,149,148,48,230,33,147,34,28,146,142,237,46,143,144,10,29,136,134,26) AND lang = 'es',[99] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[100] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[101] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[102] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[103] => SELECT * FROM currency_lang WHERE ownid IN(15,6,17,8,9,16,1,12,3,7,14,11,13,2,21,5,10,19,4) AND lang = 'es',[104] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1082',[105] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1082',[106] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1695',[107] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1695',[108] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '7' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city = '929') AND `category` IN ('67', '67≤vel=3', '7') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[109] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[110] => SELECT * FROM courses_lang WHERE ownid IN(6563) AND lang = 'es',[111] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12',[112] => SELECT * FROM (`cities` main) JOIN `cities_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `cities_lang`.`ownid` AND cities_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'viareggio' AND `country` = '12',[113] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[query_times] => Array ([0] => 7.3909759521484E-5,[1] => 4.887580871582E-5,[2] => 0.0001220703125,[3] => 6.5803527832031E-5,[4] => 8.082389831543E-5,[5] => 5.1021575927734E-5,[6] => 3.9100646972656E-5,[7] => 0.00010085105895996,[8] => 0.00014615058898926,[9] => 6.4849853515625E-5,[10] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[11] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[12] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[13] => 5.1021575927734E-5,[14] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[15] => 4.7922134399414E-5,[16] => 3.9815902709961E-5,[17] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[18] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[19] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[20] => 3.6001205444336E-5,[21] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[22] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[23] => 4.7922134399414E-5,[24] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[25] => 4.6968460083008E-5,[26] => 3.9815902709961E-5,[27] => 4.2915344238281E-5,[28] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[29] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[30] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[31] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[32] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[33] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[34] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[35] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[36] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[37] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[38] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[39] => 4.6968460083008E-5,[40] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[41] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[42] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[43] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[44] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[45] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[46] => 4.7922134399414E-5,[47] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[48] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[49] => 3.7908554077148E-5,[50] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[51] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[52] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[53] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[54] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[55] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[56] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[57] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[58] => 4.6968460083008E-5,[59] => 3.8862228393555E-5,[60] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[61] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[62] => 5.0067901611328E-5,[63] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[64] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[65] => 3.9100646972656E-5,[66] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[67] => 3.7193298339844E-5,[68] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[69] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[70] => 4.4107437133789E-5,[71] => 3.9100646972656E-5,[72] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[73] => 3.6001205444336E-5,[74] => 4.6014785766602E-5,[75] => 4.0054321289062E-5,[76] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[77] => 3.8862228393555E-5,[78] => 4.3153762817383E-5,[79] => 3.7193298339844E-5,[80] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[81] => 4.1961669921875E-5,[82] => 4.3869018554688E-5,[83] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[84] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[85] => 3.4809112548828E-5,[86] => 0.00014901161193848,[87] => 5.2928924560547E-5,[88] => 8.2015991210938E-5,[89] => 5.0067901611328E-5,[90] => 4.5061111450195E-5,[91] => 3.0994415283203E-5,[92] => 3.2901763916016E-5,[93] => 0.00012493133544922,[94] => 4.1007995605469E-5,[95] => 3.6954879760742E-5,[96] => 0.00018715858459473,[97] => 6.103515625E-5,[98] => 0.00012397766113281,[99] => 8.2969665527344E-5,[100] => 4.9114227294922E-5,[101] => 4.3869018554688E-5,[102] => 5.0067901611328E-5,[103] => 3.1948089599609E-5,[104] => 7.4863433837891E-5,[105] => 6.7949295043945E-5,[106] => 7.7009201049805E-5,[107] => 6.9856643676758E-5,[108] => 0.00090909004211426,[109] => 5.1021575927734E-5,[110] => 3.6001205444336E-5,[111] => 4.887580871582E-5,[112] => 4.4822692871094E-5,[113] => 0),[data_cache] => Array (),[trans_enabled] => 1,[trans_strict] => 1,[_trans_depth] => 0,[_trans_status] => ,[cache_on] => ,[cachedir] => ,[cache_autodel] => ,[CACHE] => ,[_protect_identifiers] => 1,[_reserved_identifiers] => Array ([0] => *),[stmt_id] => ,[curs_id] => ,[limit_used] => ,[stricton] => ),[modulegenerator] => Modulegenerator Object ([obj] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[fields] => ,[buttons] => Array (),[posterrors] => ,[javascript] => Array ([includes] => ,[general] => ,[class] => try { jsObjects['left_topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("left_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_topdestinations'] = new button("add_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_topdestinations'] = new button("remove_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['left_geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("left_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_geotargeting_select'] = new button("add_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_geotargeting_select'] = new button("remove_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][volume]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][volume]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][price]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][price]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precio]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precio]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precioiv]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precioiv]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][activa]'] = new radio("transfer[{I}][activa]"); }catch(e){ }; ,[onload] => ),[js_incluidos] => ,[jsok] => Array (),[cmd] => ,[default_width] => 200,[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[jsfiles] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[1] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js,[2] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[4] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[5] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[6] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[7] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[8] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[9] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[10] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[11] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[12] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[13] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js,[14] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[15] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[16] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[17] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[18] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js,[19] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js,[20] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js,[21] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[22] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true,[23] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[cssfiles] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[2] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[4] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[widgetvars] => Array ([topdestinations] => Array (),[file] => Array (),[image_language] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[cover_image] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[geotargeting_select] => Array (),[price] => ,[discount_publication_start] => Array (),[discount_publication_end] => Array (),[discount_reservation_start] => Array (),[discount_reservation_end] => Array (),[price_particular] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[city] => Array (),[autoterms] => Array (),[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[transfer] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0)),[widgets] => Array ([Languages_Model-topdestinations-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Seleccionar Todos

                      Seleccionar Todos
                      ),[Languages_Model-file-fileupload] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Languages_Model-image_language-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                        ),[Countries_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                          ),[Cities_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                            ),[Cities_Model-cover_image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => cover_image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Cover Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                              ),[Accreditations_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                ),[Courses_Model-geotargeting_select-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Seleccionar Todos

                                Seleccionar Todos
                                ),[Courses_Model-price-courseprice] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios de curso,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Course price list + Add new price list

                                Start date Weeks Tools
                                New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
                                Start Date Weeks Actions
                                Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso
                                ),[Courses_Model-price_particular-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Número de clases,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Precio total,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Número de clasesPrecio total 
                                ),[Schools_Model-city-autocomplete] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Schools_Model-autoterms-autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Servicios deben pagarse en su totalidad días antes del curso se inicia con el fin de completar la inscripción y asegurar un lugar en el curso y alojamiento. Las reservas no son transferibles. Los gastos bancarios son pagaderos por los estudiantes Los estudiantes deben estar años de edad o más

                                Política de Cancelación

                                La cancelación debe ser comunicada por escrito a la escuela por la persona que reservado el curso. No se permitirá ningún cambio de rumbo para compensar los reembolsos en caso de cancelación del curso. Donde se recibe la cancelación días después de matriculación allí no habrá ningún reembolso alguno. El depósito no es reembolsable. Cuotas de inscripción no son reembolsables. La cuota de inscripción no son reembolsables. Tasa de reserva de alojamiento no son reembolsables. Para acortar la duración del curso después de que el pago no se realizará ningún reembolso. No hay ningún reembolso por cualquier cancelación una vez que ha comenzado el curso. Después de un curso haya comenzado allí no es reservado ningún reembolso por cualquier alojamiento o cualquier otro elemento. No matrícula son reembolsos para llegadas tardías, salidas anticipadas o ausencias, por cualquier motivo, de las clases en cualquier curso. Si un estudiante está ausente por uno o más semanas a la vez, se pueden hacer arreglos para que la duración del curso que se extenderá en ningún coste adicional.

                                Política de reembolso

                                No son reembolsos por cancelaciones de ningún tipo. Gastos de cancelación se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento. Gastos de cancelación se calculan como un porcentaje del pago total. Gastos de cancelación son una cantidad fija.


                                Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar

                                Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                cuota de inscripción

                                matrícula de la semana

                                alojamiento semana

                                Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                cuota de inscripción

                                matrícula de la semana

                                alojamiento semana

                                Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                cuota de inscripción

                                matrícula de la semana

                                alojamiento semana

                                Si se cancela un curso menos de días y la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                cuota de inscripción

                                matrícula de la semana

                                alojamiento semana

                                Fijar la cantidad

                                Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

                                Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana/s antes de la fecha de comienzo del curso.

                                Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana antes de la fecha de comienzo de curso.


                                Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

                                Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

                                Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes del curso comienzan:

                                Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

                                Si se cancela un curso menos de días antes de que se cobrará el precio completo de la fecha de inicio.

                                Rechazo de Visado

                                No son reembolsos de denegación de Visa alguna. Tasas de denegación del visado se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento Las tasas de rechazo de Visa son una cantidad fija.

                                Fijar la cantidad

                                En el caso de una visa es rechazada al estudiante, la escuela cobrará Euros y el saldo restante serán devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.


                                Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela es informado más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                cuota de inscripción

                                matrícula de la semana

                                alojamiento semana

                                Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela se informa entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                cuota de inscripción

                                matrícula de la semana

                                alojamiento semana

                                El saldo restante será devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.

                                ),[Schools_Model-coordinates-googlemap] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Coordenadas,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Conjunto ubicación según dirección

                                Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.

                                ),[Schools_Model-transfer-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transferencias,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio y llegada,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                AeropuertoSalida de precioSalida de precio y llegadaActivo 
                                )),[acl] => admin,[oldobjs] => Array (),[widget] => ,[widgetscache] => Array ([Languages_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[name2] => ,[sysname] => ,[topdestinations] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Seleccionar Todos

                                Seleccionar Todos
                                ),[code] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ,[extradesc] => ,[file] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[image_language] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                  ),[home_publish] => ),[Currency_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[symbol] => ,[value] => ,[iso] => ,[active] => ),[Countries_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[sysname] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[language] => ,[languageb] => ,[currency] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                    ),[active] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Cities_Model] => Array ([region] => ,[name] => ,[sysname] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[language] => ,[currency] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                      ),[cover_image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => cover_image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Cover Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                        ),[active] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          ),[order] => ,[active] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[description] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ),[Courses_Model] => Array ([school] => ,[sku] => ,[language] => ,[category] => ,[lessons] => ,[duration_lesson] => ,[avgclasssize] => ,[max_students_class] => ,[age_min] => ,[classdays] => ,[hstart] => ,[hend] => ,[certificate] => ,[levels] => ,[calification] => ,[mainimg] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[geotargeting_option] => ,[geotargeting_select] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Seleccionar Todos

                                          Seleccionar Todos
                                          ),[charges_admin] => ,[material_type] => ,[material] => ,[type_course] => ,[price] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios de curso,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Course price list + Add new price list

                                          Start date Weeks Tools
                                          New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
                                          Start Date Weeks Actions
                                          Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
                                          ),[discount_active] => ,[discount] => ,[minweeks] => ,[maxweeks] => ,[discount_publication_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar
                                          ),[discount_publication_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado
                                          ),[discount_reservation_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo
                                          ),[discount_reservation_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso
                                          ),[commission] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ,[holidays] => ,[price_particular] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Número de clases,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Precio total,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Número de clasesPrecio total 
                                          ),[horary_course] => ,[url] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Schools_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[address] => ,[address2] => ,[cp] => ,[city] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[respmarketing] => ,[resp1_charge] => ,[emailmarketing] => ,[skype] => ,[phone] => ,[fax] => ,[resp_reservations] => ,[resp2_charge] => ,[email_reservations] => ,[urlweb] => ,[currency] => ,[company] => ,[regnumber] => ,[vatnum] => ,[bankname] => ,[banksortcode] => ,[banknumber] => ,[bankiban] => ,[bankswift] => ,[bankaddress] => ,[bankaddress2] => ,[comm_course] => ,[commission_accomm] => ,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[comm_promotion] => ,[classrooms] => ,[averageage] => ,[minimumage] => ,[leveltest] => ,[nearestairport] => ,[airportdistance] => ,[yearschoolopen] => ,[openingtimeshi] => ,[openingtimeshf] => ,[openingdays] => ,[videos] => ,[facilities] => ,[accrs] => ,[autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Servicios deben pagarse en su totalidad días antes del curso se inicia con el fin de completar la inscripción y asegurar un lugar en el curso y alojamiento. Las reservas no son transferibles. Los gastos bancarios son pagaderos por los estudiantes Los estudiantes deben estar años de edad o más

                                          Política de Cancelación

                                          La cancelación debe ser comunicada por escrito a la escuela por la persona que reservado el curso. No se permitirá ningún cambio de rumbo para compensar los reembolsos en caso de cancelación del curso. Donde se recibe la cancelación días después de matriculación allí no habrá ningún reembolso alguno. El depósito no es reembolsable. Cuotas de inscripción no son reembolsables. La cuota de inscripción no son reembolsables. Tasa de reserva de alojamiento no son reembolsables. Para acortar la duración del curso después de que el pago no se realizará ningún reembolso. No hay ningún reembolso por cualquier cancelación una vez que ha comenzado el curso. Después de un curso haya comenzado allí no es reservado ningún reembolso por cualquier alojamiento o cualquier otro elemento. No matrícula son reembolsos para llegadas tardías, salidas anticipadas o ausencias, por cualquier motivo, de las clases en cualquier curso. Si un estudiante está ausente por uno o más semanas a la vez, se pueden hacer arreglos para que la duración del curso que se extenderá en ningún coste adicional.

                                          Política de reembolso

                                          No son reembolsos por cancelaciones de ningún tipo. Gastos de cancelación se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento. Gastos de cancelación se calculan como un porcentaje del pago total. Gastos de cancelación son una cantidad fija.


                                          Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar

                                          Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                          cuota de inscripción

                                          matrícula de la semana

                                          alojamiento semana

                                          Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                          cuota de inscripción

                                          matrícula de la semana

                                          alojamiento semana

                                          Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                          cuota de inscripción

                                          matrícula de la semana

                                          alojamiento semana

                                          Si se cancela un curso menos de días y la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                          cuota de inscripción

                                          matrícula de la semana

                                          alojamiento semana

                                          Fijar la cantidad

                                          Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

                                          Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana/s antes de la fecha de comienzo del curso.

                                          Una tarifa de cancelación de € se aplica cuando se cancela un curso menos de semana antes de la fecha de comienzo de curso.


                                          Las reservas pueden ser canceladas hasta semanas previas al inicio del curso sin pena ni pagar.

                                          Si se cancela un curso más de días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

                                          Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes del curso comienzan:

                                          Si se cancela un curso entre y días antes de inicio del curso: % reembolso

                                          Si se cancela un curso menos de días antes de que se cobrará el precio completo de la fecha de inicio.

                                          Rechazo de Visado

                                          No son reembolsos de denegación de Visa alguna. Tasas de denegación del visado se calculan basándose en el registro, matrícula o alojamiento Las tasas de rechazo de Visa son una cantidad fija.

                                          Fijar la cantidad

                                          En el caso de una visa es rechazada al estudiante, la escuela cobrará Euros y el saldo restante serán devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.


                                          Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela es informado más de días antes de la fecha de inicio, se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                          cuota de inscripción

                                          matrícula de la semana

                                          alojamiento semana

                                          Si no se concede un visado de entrada y la escuela se informa entre y días antes de la fecha de inicio se aplicarán los siguientes cargos:

                                          cuota de inscripción

                                          matrícula de la semana

                                          alojamiento semana

                                          El saldo restante será devuelto al estudiante sobre el recibo de una original carta de denegación de VISA.

                                          ),[description] => ,[info_students] => ,[terms] => ,[mainimg] => ,[coordinates] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Coordenadas,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Conjunto ubicación según dirección

                                          Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.

                                          ),[details] => ,[location] => ,[practice_info] => ,[sysname] => ,[order] => ,[isready] => ,[visible] => ,[global_discount] => ,[active] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[followup_needs_editing] => ,[transfer] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transferencias,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio y llegada,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          AeropuertoSalida de precioSalida de precio y llegadaActivo 
                                          ))),[debug] => ),[single_model] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[session] => MG_Session Object ([] => 1,[] => Redis Object ([socket] => Resource id #2),[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_cookie_name] => lb_session,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_secure] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C flash,[time_reference] => local,[gc_probability] => 5,[userdata] => Array ([session_id] => efbddf2b3c284db41226961c653a9437,[ip_address] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[last_activity] => 1714756774,[user_data] => a:3:{s:11:"currentlang";s:2:"es";s:8:"currency";i:1;s:7:"trackid";i:293887441;},[currentlang] => es,[currency] => 1,[trackid] => 293887441),[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[now] => 1714756774,[setted_cookies] => Array ()),[Languages_Model] => Languages_Model Object ([] => Array ([es] => cursos-,[en] => learn-,[fr] => cours-,[de] => kurs-,[it] => corso-,[pt] => cursos-,[ru] => кursy-,[zh] => learn-,[ko] => learn-,[ja] => learn-),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[name2] => Array ([name] => Name Alternative,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alternative name for russian and other languages),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => System name (not modify),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[topdestinations] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[code] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separadorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorciudad] => Array ([name] => Metas para Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorlanding] => Array ([name] => Extra text for Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[extratitle] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[extradesc] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadorfiles] => Array ([name] => Upload a file,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[file] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%)),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => languages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 22,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => name2,[3] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoiZXMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 3,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:45:47,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:24,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => c-82,[1] => c-35,[2] => c-27,[3] => c-119),[code] => es,[sort] => 40,[active] => y,[locale] => es_ES,[file] => back_video.jpg,[image_language] => 3spanish.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 634,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Español,[name2] => ,[sysname] => espanol,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de español para extranjeros - Aprender español - Academias de Castellano,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio para cursos de español para extranjeros - Ofertas y paquetes -de clases de castellano como lengua extrangera.,[mkeys] => curso de espanol, curso español, aprender español, aprender el espanol, español extranjeros, español para extranjeros, español para extranjero, castellano para extranjeros, cursos español lengua extranjera, cursos español para extranjeros, cursos de español para extranjeros, clases español para extranjeros, cursos español extranjeros, cursos de castellano para extranjeros, clases de español para extranjeros, curso español para extranjeros, curso de español para extranjeros, profesores de español, curso de castellano para extranjeros, aprender español para extranjeros,[extratitle] => Encuentra cursos de español para extranjeros al precio mas bajo!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cursos de español para extranjerosEstás buscando cursos de español para extranjeros? ¿Unas clases de español para extranjeros? ¿Te gustaría aprender español en España? ¿O economicos cursos español lengua extranjera? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de castellano en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre diversos de cursos de español para extranjeros hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de castellano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas para extranjeros. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de español. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de español para extranjeros.

                                          Algunos consejos para hacer tu curso de español para extranjeros más divertido

                                          Los cursos de español para extranjeros puede hacer más que enriquecer tu vocabulario. Te puede abrir el mundo. La globalización es una tendencia creciente que afecta a casi todas las naciones del mundo. Lo cierto es que, a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, la comunicación en otros idiomas da una gran cantidad de beneficios económicos y sociales en las naciones involucradas.

                                          Además, la apertura de su país para que otros lo visiten refuerza los lazos con estos paises de habla espana. La comunidad mundial se está reduciendo a un pueblo en el que cada país conozca y entienda las otras culturas. ¿Por qué no unirse a esta tendencia, el aprendizaje a travez de unos cursos de español para extranjeros que se puede utilizar en diversos destinos?

                                          El idioma español se encuentra entre los cinco idiomas internacionales, así como Inglés, francés, italiano y alemán. Además, unos cursos de español para extranjeros le dará la oportunidad de recorrer los paises de habla espana y lugares turísticos famosos. Sumergirse con la forma de vida española a través de cursos de español también puede facilitar una mejor retención de sus lecciones. No sólo eso, usted puede practicar sus habilidades de habla del idioma español, mientras toma un tour en los países de las calles más transitadas y zonas comerciales.

                                          Consejos sobre cursos de español que te pueden ayudar aprender mejor

                                           Desarrolla un "oído" para la lengua española. Mientras que usted está tomando unos cursos de español para extranjeros, tiene que desarrollar su sentido de la audición de este nuevo lenguaje. Se recuerda que el idioma se aprende a través de la comunicación oral en un primer momento. Es posible, siempre hablar con un español nativo y pídele que te corrija cuando pronuncian mal o realiza un mal uso de la palabra. También se puede enriquecer su vocabulario mediante la escucha de canciones en español y ver películas en español.

                                          Tomar unos cursos de español para extranjeros no es una tarea fácil. Es por eso que tenemos que aprender en cualquier lugar. Usted puede crear tarjetas pequeñas donde se puede escribir una palabra en español con su equivalente en su idioma nativo. Tome estas tarjetas recordatorias donde quiera que vaya y a través de ellos durante los momentos en que no están haciendo nada. Usted puede utilizar estas tarjetas recordatorias mientras están en internet, en el tren, o en espera para su clase en el curso de español para extranjeros.

                                          Tenga en cuenta el "sello español" de las cosas a su alrededor. Se puede practicar lo que está aprendiendo de su curso de español a través de la creación de etiquetas para las cosas que te rodean. Tenga en cuenta el término español para la puerta, pared, cama, cocina, TV, coche, y las otras cosas que utilizan constantemente.

                                          Realizar unos cursos de español para extranjeros pueden enriquecer su vida. Visitar un país extranjero se convierte en una experiencia única cuando usted sabe hablar su idioma. Cuando usted visita España, Argentina o Mexco por ejemplo puede aprender su idioma a través de unos cursos de español para extranjeros, que le dara el conocimiento suficiente para comunicarse con nativos y entender sus cuentos fascinantes sobre su tierra natal. Unos cursos de español para extranjeros abrirá las puertas de España para que usted pueda darle la mejor experiencia de su vida.  

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de español. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de español en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de español en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender español impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender español con acreditados profesores de español, nativos con acentos correctos.
                                          Los cursos de español en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su español de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                                          ,[idid] => 5),[YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6ODoiaXRhbGlhbm8iO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                                          Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                                          ,[idid] => 14),[YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjE6IjciO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czoyOiJlcyI7fWI6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                                          Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                                          ,[idid] => 14),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoiaXQiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                                          Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                                          ,[idid] => 14),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImVuIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => en,[name] => Italian,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italian,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Learn and Speak Italian in Italy - Study in the best Italian Language Schools,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => The best price on Italian Courses - Offers & Packages - Reviews of Students, detailed descriptions, maps, and photos of high quality ...,[mkeys] => learn and speak italian, beginners italian, language course italian, Italian schools abroad, study centers of Italian, Italian scholarships, fellowships to study Italian, Italian intensive courses, Italian classes in foreign language courses abroad for young, Italian classes abroad, scholarships for overseas study Italian, learn Italian summer abroad, Italian language courses abroad, learn Italian abroad, Italian courses abroad, Italian language courses abroad mec agencies, Italian courses abroad, overseas mec courses, study abroad scholarships, summer courses abroad Italian , Italian courses abroad, Italian abroad summer MEC abroad, foreign Italian adults, subsidized courses abroad, overseas scholarships, study abroad Italian, learn Italian abroad, Italian language courses abroad, Study abroad summer , Italian study overseas, Italian Scholarship to study abroad, language schools abroad, learning Italian abroad, study Italian abroad, language courses abroad for young, Italian academies abroad courses Study abroad scholarships mec, learn Italian abroad, foreign language courses, Italian courses abroad,[extratitle] => Find the lowest prices for Italian Language Courses Abroad!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Italian language courseAre you looking for Italian language schools in Rome or a specific Italian language course? How about to learn and speak Italian in Italy or beginners Italian course in Sicily? Whatever type of Italian course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!
                                          Browse over many Italian schools in many locations across the globe until you find the Italian course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools abroad and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and students reviews for a great variety of Italian schools abroad. Choose Languagebookings.com for all your courses reservations, and see why more and more students are choosing us for to study Italian language abroad.

                                          Our Service Guarantees

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Exceptional Customer Support

                                          Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Your booking 100% confirmed!

                                          It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                                          Trust and SafetyTrust & Safety

                                          We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations.


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Italian Language Courses Abroad,[short_description] =>
                                          Italian courses abroad are a great way to see the world and immerse yourself in another culture and also a great opportunity to learn impeccable Italian. All of our language courses are designed to combine a cultural holiday with a language learning experience. The idea is to use your language course to enhance your holiday and your holiday to enhance your language course. You will be making a lot of international friends as you take classes and learn Italian with accredited, native Italian speakers with correct accents. 
                                          ,[idid] => 15),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImVzIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de italiano al Extranjero Baratos, Cursos de italiano en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de Italiano al Extranjero - Ofertas y paquetes - Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad…,[mkeys] => academias italiano extranjero, centros de estudios de italiano, becas italiano, becas estudiar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, clases italiano en extranjero, cursos en el extranjero para jovenes, clases italiano en el extranjero, becas para aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero en verano, cursos de italiano al extranjero, aprende italiano extranjero, cursos italiano el extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero mec, agencias de cursos de italiano en el extranjero, cursos extranjero mec, becas estudiar extranjero, curso italiano verano extranjero, cursos de italiano en extranjero, italiano en el extranjero verano, becas mec extranjero, italiano extranjero adultos, cursos subvencionados en el extranjero, becas extranjero, estudiar italiano en extranjero, aprender italiano en extranjero, cursos de italiano extranjero, idiomas en el extranjero verano, estudiar italiano extranjero, becas para estudiar italiano en el extranjero, escuelas de idiomas en el extranjero, aprender italiano en el extranjero, estudiar italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero para jovenes, academias de italiano en el extranjero, cursos de idiomas en el extranjero becas mec, aprende italiano en el extranjero, cursos idiomas extranjero, cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[extratitle] => Busca los precios mas bajos para Cursos de Italiano en Italia!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al ExtranjeroEstás buscando cursos de italiano en Italia baratos? ¿Unas clases de italiano de negocios en el extranjero? ¿Cursos de italiano al extranjero? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de italiano en Sicilia? ¿O economicas escuelas de italiano en Florencia? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de idiomas en Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre diversos de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de italiano en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de italiano en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender italiano impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender italiano con acreditados profesores de italiano, nativos con acentos correctos.
                                          Los cursos de italiano en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su italiano de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                                          ,[idid] => 14),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6Iml0IjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => it,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Corsi di italiano all'estero Economiche- Studiare nelle migliori Scuole di lingua italiana,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Il miglior prezzo per i Corsi di italiano - Offerte e pacchetti - Opinioni degli studenti, descrizioni dettagliate, mappe e foto di alta qualità ...,[mkeys] => Scuole italiane all'estero, i centri di studio della lingua italiana, borse di studio italiane, borse di studio per studiare l'italiano, corsi di italiano intensivi, corsi di italiano in corsi di lingua straniera all'estero per giovani, corsi di italiano all'estero, borse di studio per studiare italiano all'estero, imparare l'italiano estate all'estero, corsi di lingua italiana all'estero, imparare l'italiano all'estero, corsi di italiano all'estero, corsi di lingua italiana all'estero le agenzie di mec, corsi di italiano all'estero, corsi di mec all'estero, borse di studio all'estero, corsi estivi di italiano all'estero , corsi di italiano all'estero, l'estate italiana all'estero MEC all'estero, stranieri adulti italiani, corsi sovvenzionati all'estero, borse di studio all'estero, studio all'estero italiana, imparare l'italiano all'estero, corsi di lingua italiana all'estero, studio all'estero estate , studio italiano all'estero, borse di studio per studiare italiano all'estero, scuole di lingua all'estero, imparare l'italiano all'estero, studiare italiano all'estero, corsi di lingua all'estero per i giovani, le scuole italiane all'estero, corsi di Studiare all'estero Mec Borse di studio, imparare l'italiano all'estero, corsi di lingue straniere, corsi di italiano all'estero,[extratitle] => Trova i prezzi più bassi per i corsi di lingua Italiano all'estero!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Corsi di italiano all'esteroStai cercando delle scuole di lingua Italiana o una scuola estiva di Italiano in Italia economiche? Oppure stai pensando di fare un corso in qualche altra citta’ Italiana o magari uno di lingua per adulti in Italia? Qualunque sia il tipo di corso di Italiano che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com ti aiutera’ a trovarlo — e al prezzo più conveniente!

                                          Potrai valutare l’offerta di numerose scuole di Italiano in decine di citta’ in tutto il mondo, fino a trovare il corso che piu’ si adatta alle tue esigenze. Noi ti aiutiamo a trovare i prezzi piu’ vantaggiosi delle scuole piu’ frequentate fornendo informazioni dettagliate sull’istituto, foto, video e recensioni di studenti.

                                          Visita Languagebookings.com e scoprirai perché sempre più studenti stanno scegliendo il nostro sito per studiare l'Italiano all'estero!

                                          Garanzia dei nostri servizi

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          Miglior Prezzo Garantito

                                          Garantiamo al 100% che pagherai il prezzo più basso. Ti offriamo le tariffe più basse possibili per i corsi di lingua - non pagherai mai di più, nemmeno prenotando direttamente con la scuola stessa o da qualunque altra parte. Inoltre, il nostro servizio è gratuito. Non addebitiamo alcuna spesa di prenotazione.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Assistenza clienti eccezzionale

                                          Ogni volta che avrai bisogno di assistenza, potrai sempre chiamare il nostro servizio clienti. Prima, durante e alla fine del tuo corso, noi saremo sempre qui per te. Puoi contattare facilmente i nostri cordiali e professionali consulenti. Siamo sempre ad un "click" da te, attraverso e-mail, telefono, skype o anche chat live!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          La tua prenotazione confermata al 100%!

                                          E' davvero poco probabile qualcosa vada storto con la tua prenotazione, una volta confermata dalla scuola di lingua. Infatti, noi siamo talmente fiduciosi, che se non avessi il tuo posto prenotato presso la scuola scelta, ti restituiremmo l'intero deposito e troveremmo un'altra possibile alternativa per te.

                                          Trust and SafetyFiducia & Sicurezza

                                          Siamo un'attività che promuove fiducia e collaborazione. Questo perchè abbiamo costruito i migliori strumenti di classe per assisterti ed aiutarti a prendere le giuste decisioni. Trova i commenti degli studenti, le referenze dei locatori e i marchi di qualità e le certificazioni della scuola, ... per saperne di più


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Corsi di italiano e vacanze studio all'estero,[short_description] =>
                                          Language Bookings propone corsi di italiano all'estero, soggiorni studio e corsi di preparazione accademica a studenti internazionali.  I corsi di italiano per studenti di tutti i livelli - principiante, intermedio e avanzato- sono studiati per aiutare gli studenti a raggiungere i propri obiettivi nel più breve tempo possibile, anche grazie alle attività di socializzazione organizzate dalla scuola per far sì che gli studenti continuino a praticare l' italiano al di fuori delle aule. Con un soggiorno studio LanguageBookings lo studente avrà l'opportunità di viaggiare, venire a contatto con nuove culture, incontrare studenti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, consentirà di migliorare le prospettive di carriera, arricchire il CV e avere una mentalità più aperta nel mondo del lavoro. Il modo più efficace, e allo stesso tempo piacevole, per imparare o migliorare l' italiano è partecipare ad una delle nostre vacanze studio.
                                          ,[idid] => 20),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImRlIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => de,[name] => Italienisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italienisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Italienisch Sprachurlaub - Studieren in den besten italienischen Sprachschulen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!,[mkeys] => learn and speak italian, beginners italian, language course italian, Italian schools abroad, study centers of Italian, Italian scholarships, fellowships to study Italian, Italian intensive courses, Italian classes in foreign language courses abroad for young, Italian classes abroad, scholarships for overseas study Italian, learn Italian summer abroad, Italian language courses abroad, learn Italian abroad, Italian courses abroad, Italian language courses abroad mec agencies, Italian courses abroad, overseas mec courses, study abroad scholarships, summer courses abroad Italian , Italian courses abroad, Italian abroad summer MEC abroad, foreign Italian adults, subsidized courses abroad, overseas scholarships, study abroad Italian, learn Italian abroad, Italian language courses abroad, Study abroad summer , Italian study overseas, Italian Scholarship to study abroad, language schools abroad, learning Italian abroad, study Italian abroad, language courses abroad for young, Italian academies abroad courses Study abroad scholarships mec, learn Italian abroad, foreign language courses, Italian courses abroad,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Italienisch Sprachkurs !,[extradesc] =>

                                          Italienisch sprachurlaubSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die italienische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule ?

                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Italienischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten , bis Du „Deinen Italienischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Italienischschulen an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Italienisch zu lernen.


                                          Unsere Service Garantie

                                           Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

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                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

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                                          Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Italienisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                                          Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Italienischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                                          Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Italienischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Italienisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                                          ,[idid] => 31),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImZyIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => fr,[name] => Italien,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italien,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cours d'italien à l'étranger pas cher- Séjour linguistique Italien,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Le meilleur prix sur cours d'italien à l'étranger - Offres & Forfaits - Avis des étudiants, des descriptions détaillées, des cartes et des photos de haute qualité ...,[mkeys] => learn and speak italian, beginners italian, language course italian, Italian schools abroad, study centers of Italian, Italian scholarships, fellowships to study Italian, Italian intensive courses, Italian classes in foreign language courses abroad for young, Italian classes abroad, scholarships for overseas study Italian, learn Italian summer abroad, Italian language courses abroad, learn Italian abroad, Italian courses abroad, Italian language courses abroad mec agencies, Italian courses abroad, overseas mec courses, study abroad scholarships, summer courses abroad Italian , Italian courses abroad, Italian abroad summer MEC abroad, foreign Italian adults, subsidized courses abroad, overseas scholarships, study abroad Italian, learn Italian abroad, Italian language courses abroad, Study abroad summer , Italian study overseas, Italian Scholarship to study abroad, language schools abroad, learning Italian abroad, study Italian abroad, language courses abroad for young, Italian academies abroad courses Study abroad scholarships mec, learn Italian abroad, foreign language courses, Italian courses abroad,[extratitle] => Trouvez les prix les plus bas pour les Cours d'italien à l'étranger!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cours d'italien à l'étrangerVous cherchez des cours d'italien en Italie, des leçons d'affaire à Rome, un cours intensif en Sicile ou une école d'économie à Florence pas cher? Quel que soit le type de cours de langue en Italie que vous cherchez LanguageBookings.com vous aidera à le trouver au meilleur prix possible!

                                          Recherchez parmi nos différents écoles en Italie le cours d'italien qui vous convient. Il est désormais facile de trouver des séjours linguistiques d'italien aux meilleurs prix dans les écoles les plus célèbres d'Italie. Vous trouverez également des photos, vidéos et commentaires d'étudiants sur un grand nombre d'académies italiennes. Choisissez LanguageBookings.com pour toutes les réservationsde vos cours, hébergement et transferts, et vous verrez pourquoi les étudiants sont de plus en plus nombreux à nous choisir pour effectuer leur séjour linguistique en Italie.

                                          Cours d'italien à l'étranger et la beauté de l'Italie

                                          Réaliser un séjour linguistique d'italien est la meilleure façon d'apprendre le "langage de l'amour."  Beaucoup de gens décident de prendre des cours d'italien à l'étranger, parce qu'ils sont intimidés par l'harmonie mélodieuse de la langue qui est surtout parlée en Europe. Suivre un cours d'italien à l'étranger vous permettra d'apprécier encore plus le pays, ainsi vous vous mêlerez aux indigènes facilement, et aurez surement l'occasion d'écouter et de comprendre leurs histoires au sujet de leur cher pays.

                                          L'apprentissage d'une seconde langue est une excellente idée surtout si vous vous intéressez non seulement à la langue mais aussi à la culture du pays lui-même. Un cours d'italien à l'étranger vous permettra de parcourir le pays et voir sa beauté sous un nouveau jour. Il va aussi vous permettre de vous entretenir facilement avec les gens que vous rencontrerez.

                                          De plus, lorsque vous choisissez de suivre un cours d'italien à l étranger, vous apprenez non seulement la grammaire de la langue, mais aussi sur les origines de celle-ci. La plupart des écoles qui dispensent des cours d'italien à l'étranger commence leurs cours avec un bref historique de cette langue. Après avoir pris connaissance de la riche histoire du pays, vous pourrez également apprécier la littérature, maintenant que vous savez parler et écrire en italien.
                                          La langue italienne vient d'une langue qui est parlée par tous les universitaires dans le monde qui est le latin. Un cours d'italien à l'étranger vous enseignera les similitudes de ces deux langues. Cette langue est également similaire à la langue parlée dans les pays voisins qui nous amènera à notre sujet suivant.

                                          Nos Services Garantis

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                                          Meilleur Prix Garanti

                                          100% garanti signifie que vous paierez le prix le plus bas. Nous offrons les cours au meilleur prix possible, pas cher! - vous ne paierez jamais plus que si vous réserviez directement avec l'école ou ailleurs. De plus, notre service est gratuit. Nous ne facturons pas de frais de réservation.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Service Client Exceptionnel

                                          Dès que vous avez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez appeler notre service client. Avant, pendant et après vos cours, nous sommes là pour vous. Vous pouvez facilement contacter nor conseillers étudiants expérimentés. Ils sont juste à portée de clic via email, skype, téléphone et même le tchat!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Votre réservation 100% confirmée!

                                          Il est très peu probable que quelque chose se passe mal une fois que votre réservation soit confirmée par l'école de langue. Et dans le cas où il y avait un souci et que vous n'obteniez pas de cours dans l'école que vous aviez choisi, nous vous rembouserons votre acompte et nous vous trouverons une autre alternative.
                                          Trust and Safety

                                          Sécurité & Confiance

                                          Nous sommes un marché qui promouvoit la confiance et la collaboration. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place les meilleurs outils et services pour vous assister et vous aider à prendre les bonnes décisions. Retrouver les commentaires des étudiants, les références des hôtes, les labels et accréditations des écoles,....en savoir plus


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Séjour linguistique Italien,[short_description] =>
                                          La manière la plus efficace pour apprendre l'Italien et améliorer son aisance en langue Italien est de partir en séjour linguistique Italien. LanguageBookings offre tout une gamme de cours d' Italien à l'étranger variant en durées et niveaux d'intensité. 
                                          L'Italien est une des langues les plus parlées au monde, et grâce à nos séjours linguistiques d' Italien, vous pourrez choisir la formation qui vous correspond le mieux. Quel que soit votre niveau de langue, nous vous proposons un large choix de formules d’ Italien. 
                                          ,[idid] => 23),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6InB0IjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => pt,[name] => Italiano,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italiano,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Intercâmbio na Itália - Melhores escolas de italiano,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => O melhor preço em cursos de italiano - pacotes de ofertas & - opiniões dos alunos, descrições detalhadas, mapas e fotos de alta qualidade...,[mkeys] => aprenda a falar italiano, iniciantes italiano, curso de italiano, escolas de italiano no exterior, centros de estudo de italiano, bolsas de estudo para cursos de italiano, bolsas para estudar italiano, cursos intensivos de italiano, aulas de italiano em cursos de língua estrangeira no exterior para bolsas de estudo no exterior, classes jovens, italiano para estudo no exterior italiano, aprendem verão italiano no exterior, cursos de língua italiana no exterior, aprender italianos cursos no exterior, italianos agências de mec no exterior de cursos de idioma no exterior, italianoItaliano cursos mec no exterior, no exterior, estudar no exterior bolsas, cursos no exterior italiano, italiano, cursos no exterior, italiano de verão verão no exterior MEC no exterior, italianos adultos, subvencionado cursos no exterior, no exterior bolsas de estudo, estudar italiano no exterior, aprender italiano no exterior, no exterior de cursos de língua italiana, verão de estudo no exterior, estudo italiano no exterior, italiano bolsa para estudar no exterior, escolas de idiomas no exterior, aprender italiano no exterior, estudo italiano no exterior, cursos de línguas no estrangeiro para jovensAcademias italianas no exterior cursos de estudo mec de bolsas de estudo no exterior, aprender italiano no exterior, cursos de língua estrangeira, no exterior cursos de italiano,[extratitle] => Encontre os preços mais baixos para Curso de Italiano no exterior!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Italian language course Procurando escolas de italiano em Roma ou um curso de língua italiana específico para negócios? Que tal a aprender e falar italiano na Itália? Independentemente do tipo de curso de italiano que você está procurando, Languagebookings. com irá ajudá-lo a encontrá-lo — e pelo menor preço possível!
                                          Navegue pelas muitas escolas italianas até encontrar o curso e a escola certa para você. Tornamos mais fácil para encontrar preços e desconto nas mais populares escolas no estrangeiro e fornecemos informações detalhadas da escola, fotos, vídeos e estudantes de clientes uma grande variedade de escolas italianas no exterior. Escolha Languagebookings. com para todas as suas reservas de cursos e entenda porque cada vez mais alunos estão nos escolhendo para estudar a língua italiana no exterior.

                                          Nossas garantias de serviço

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          Melhor preço garantido

                                          100% garantido, que você vai pagar o preço mais barato. Oferecemos-lhe as mais baixas taxas de curso possível - você nunca paga mais do que se você estivesse reservando diretamente com a escola ou em qualquer outro lugar. Além disso, nosso serviço é gratuito. Não cobramos quaisquer taxas de reserva.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Apoio ao cliente excepcional

                                          Sempre que precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente. Antes, durante e após o seu curso, estamos aqui para você. Você pode facilmente contatar nossos consultores experientes e amigáveis. Nós estaremos sempre apenas um clique de distância através de e-mail, telefone, skype ou chat mesmo ao vivo!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Sua reserva 100% confirmado!

                                          É muito pouco provável que algo dê errado com sua reserva uma vez confirmada pelas escolas de língua. Na verdade nós estamos tão confiantes, que, se você não tem seu curso na escola selecionada, nós iremos creditar sua conta o depósito pago inteiramente e encontrar outra alternativa possível para você.

                                          Trust and Safety Confiança & segurança

                                          Nós somos um mercado que promove a confiança e colaboração. É por isso que nós construímos as melhores ferramentas e serviços para ajudar  você a fazer as decisões certas. Encontre comentários de alunos, referências de host, selos de qualidade da escola e credenciamentos,... Saiba mais


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de língua italiana,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de italiano no exterior são uma ótima maneira de ver o mundo e mergulhar em outra cultura e, também, uma grande oportunidade para aprender um italiano impecável. Todos os nossos cursos de idioma são projetados para combinar um feriado cultural com uma experiência de aprendizagem de línguas. A idéia é usar seu curso de idiomas para melhorar suas férias e suas férias para aprimorar o seu curso de idiomas. Você estará fazendo um monte de amigos internacionais enquanto você tem aulas e aprendendp italiano com falantes de italianos credenciados, nativos com pronúncias corretas. 
                                          ,[idid] => 120),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6InJ1IjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => ru,[name] => Итальянский,[name2] => Итальянского,[sysname] => italyyanskiy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 学习和发言意大利在意大利-最好的意大利语言学校留学,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => 最好的价格对学生学习意大利语-提供优惠的 & 软件包-点评、 详细的描述、 地图和高品质的照片......,[mkeys] => 学习和讲意大利语,初学者意大利,语言课程意大利,意大利国外学校,意大利,意大利奖学金、 研究金,研究意大利,意大利的密集课程,意大利类在国外的海外学习意大利语,年轻的意大利类国外,奖学金的外语课程的学习中心学习意大利夏季国外,在国外,意大利语言课程学习国外意大利语、 意大利语课程在国外,意大利语言课程国外 mec 机构意大利语课程国外、 海外 mec 课程、 学习国外奖学金、 夏季课程国外意大利,意大利课程国外、 意大利留学夏季 MEC 国外、 外国意大利成人、 资助的课程国外海外奖学金、 学习国外意大利语、 学习,意大利国外、 意大利语言课程国外,研究国内外夏天,海外,意大利留学意大利奖学金出国留学,语言学校在国外,学习意大利国外研究意大利留学,语言课程国外年轻,国外意大利院校课程研究国外奖学金 mec,学习意大利国外、 外语课程、 意大利语课程国外,[extratitle] => 找到最低的价格为国外意大利语言课程 !,[extradesc] =>

                                          Italian language course您正在寻找在罗马或特定的意大利语言课程意大利语语言学校吗?约、 怎样学讲意大利语的在意大利或初学者在西西里岛的意大利语课程?无论您正在寻找 Languagebookings 的意大利语课程的类型。com 将会帮助你找到它 — 和在尽可能低的价格!
                                          浏览过许多地方的许多意大利学校在全球各地直到你找到的意大利语课程和学校这就是你的权利。我们使它容易找到折扣价格国外最受欢迎的学校和我们提供详细的学校信息、 照片、 视频和学生评论为各种各样的国外意大利学校伟大。选择 Languagebookings。您的所有课程保留和见为什么更多和更多的学生都选择了我们为学习意大利语语言国外 com。


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                                          每当您需要帮助,您可以随时致电我们的客户支持。之前、 期间和之后您的课程,我们在这里为你。您可以轻松地联系我们经验丰富而且友好的顾问。我们 ' re 总是只须点击即可通过电子邮件、 电话、 skype 或甚至实时聊天!
                                          100% Confirmed

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                                          它 ' s 的东西将会与您的预订确认后由语言学校差错的可能性微乎其微。事实上我们 ' re 如此自信,如果你不 ' t 有您放置在所选学校的课程我们 ' ll 信贷您的帐户与您充分的存款和为您找到另一种可能的替代。

                                          Trust and Safety信任与安全

                                          我们是一个促进信任与协作的市场。这就是为什么我们已经建立的最佳过类工具和服务,当然协助和磨练你做出正确的决定。找到学生点评、 主机引用、 学校质量密封件和资格认证。.. 了解更多

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                                          ,[idid] => 160),[czoxOiI3IjtzOjI6ImtvIjtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => ko,[name] => 이탈리아어,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italian,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 학습 이탈리아-최고의 이탈리아의 언어 학교에서 이탈리아 이야기,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => 이탈리아어 코스-제공 & 패키지-학생 리뷰, 상세한 설명, 지도, 및 높은 품질의 사진에 제일 가격...,[mkeys] => 배우 및 이탈리아 이야기, 초보자 이탈리아어, 언어 코스 이탈리아, 이탈리아어 학교 해외, 이탈리아어, 이탈리아어 장학금, 이탈리아, 이탈리아 집중 과정, 외국어 과정 해외 해외 유학 이탈리아어, 젊은, 이탈리아어 수업, 장학금에 대 한 이탈리아어 수업을 동호회 연구 센터 배울 이탈리아 여름 해외, 해외, 이탈리아어 언어 과정 알아보기 이탈리아어 해외, 이탈리아어 코스 해외, 이탈리아어 언어 과정 해외 멕 기관이탈리아어 코스 해외, 해외 mec 과정, 연구 해외 장학금, 여름 코스 해외 이탈리아, 이탈리아어 코스 해외, 이탈리아어 해외 여름 멕 해외, 외국 이탈리아 성인, 보조 과정 해외 해외 장학금, 해외 이탈리아어를 공부, 이탈리아 해외, 이탈리아어 언어 과정 해외, 유학 해외 여름, 이탈리아 연구, 해외 유학, 이탈리아 장학금 배울 언어 학교 해외로, 이탈리아 해외 학습 공부 영 위해 해외 이탈리아 유학, 어학 연수이탈리아 아카데미 해외 과정 연구 해외 장학금 멕, 이탈리아 해외, 외국어 과정, 이탈리아어 코스 해외 배우,[extratitle] => 이탈리아어 언어 과정 해외에 대 한 최저 가격을 찾을!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Italian language course 당신은 로마 또는 특정 이탈리아어 언어 과정에서 이탈리아의 언어 학교를 찾고 계십니까? 학습과 이탈리아 시칠리아에서 이탈리아 또는 초보자 이탈리아어 과정에 말에 대해 어떻게? 이탈리아 코스 찾고, Languagebookings의 어떤 종류. com는 그것을 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다 — 및 가장 낮은 가능한 가격!
                                          이탈리아 코스와 맞는 학교를 찾을 때까지 전 세계에 걸쳐 많은 위치에 많은 이탈리아어 학교 위로 대강. 우리가 쉽게 가격을 찾을 수 할인 가장 인기 있는 학교 해외 자세한 학교 정보 제공, 사진, 동영상 및 학생 이탈리아어 학교 해외의 중대 한 다양성에 대 한 리뷰. Languagebookings를 선택 합니다. com 모든 코스 예약 및 왜 점점 더 많은 학생 선택에 대 한 우리 이탈리아어 해외로 공부를 참조 하십시오.

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                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => イタリア語コース,[short_description] =>
                                          ,[idid] => 202)),[] => 1,[] => ),[remotestorage] => RemoteStorage Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => languagebookings,[] => img,[] => files,[] => d1wvdd0wr61utq.cloudfront.net,[] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ([] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/S3,[] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\CompositeFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\AliasFactory Object ([] => Array ([GetService] => ListBuckets,[GetBucket] => ListObjects,[PutBucket] => CreateBucket,[GetBucketHeaders] => HeadBucket,[GetObjectHeaders] => HeadObject,[SetBucketAcl] => PutBucketAcl,[CreateObject] => PutObject,[DeleteObjects] => DeleteMultipleObjects,[PutObjectCopy] => CopyObject,[SetObjectAcl] => PutObjectAcl,[GetLogs] => GetBucketLogging,[GetVersioningStatus] => GetBucketVersioning,[SetBucketPolicy] => PutBucketPolicy,[CreateBucketNotification] => PutBucketNotification,[GetBucketNotifications] => GetBucketNotification,[CopyPart] => UploadPartCopy,[CreateWebsiteConfig] => PutBucketWebsite,[GetWebsiteConfig] => GetBucketWebsite,[DeleteWebsiteConfig] => DeleteBucketWebsite,[CreateObjectExpirationConfig] => PutBucketLifecycle,[GetObjectExpirationConfig] => GetBucketLifecycle,[DeleteObjectExpirationConfig] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*),[1] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ServiceDescriptionFactory Object ([] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => ),[2] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ConcreteClassFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ())))),[] => Aws\Common\Iterator\AwsResourceIteratorFactory Object ([] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets,[input_token] => ,[output_token] => ,[limit_key] => ,[more_results] => ),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[] => Guzzle\Service\Resource\ResourceIteratorClassFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\Iterator),[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ()))),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ()),[] => aws-sdk-php2/2.6.0 Guzzle/3.8.1 curl/7.38.0 PHP/5.6.30-0+deb8u1,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ([key] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[secret] => 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,[client.backoff] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[signature] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[scheme] => https,[version] => 2006-03-01,[service.description] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[service] => s3,[region] => us-east-1,[base_url] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[token] => ,[token.ttd] => ,[profile] => ,[credentials.cache] => ,[credentials.cache.key] => ,[credentials.client] => ,[curl.options] => Array ([10065] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Resources/cacert.pem,[64] => 1,[81] => 2),[params.cache.key_filter] => header=date,x-amz-date,x-amz-security-token,x-amzn-authorization)),[] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestFactory Object ([] => Array ([getInstance] => 0,[__construct] => 1,[fromMessage] => 2,[fromParts] => 3,[create] => 4,[cloneRequestWithMethod] => 5,[applyOptions] => 6,[visit_headers] => 7,[visit_body] => 8,[visit_allow_redirects] => 9,[visit_auth] => 10,[visit_query] => 11,[visit_cookies] => 12,[visit_events] => 13,[visit_plugins] => 14,[visit_exceptions] => 15,[visit_save_to] => 16,[visit_params] => 17,[visit_timeout] => 18,[visit_connect_timeout] => 19,[visit_debug] => 20,[visit_verify] => 21,[visit_proxy] => 22,[visit_cert] => 23,[visit_ssl_key] => 24),[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\Request,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequest),[] => Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher Object ([] => Array ([request.sent] => Array ([100] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => onRequestSent)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[request.clone] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest))),[request.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest)),[-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onRequestBeforeSend))),[client.credentials_changed] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCredentialsChanged))),[request.exception] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[curl_multi.polling_request] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestPoll))),[request.error] => Array ([-1] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Exception\ExceptionListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Exception\NamespaceExceptionFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Aws\S3\Exception,[] => Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception)),[1] => onRequestError))),[command.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UserAgentListener Object (),[1] => onBeforeSend))),[command.after_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\BucketStyleListener Object (),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Md5Listener Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare))),[command.before_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\AcpListener Object (),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UploadBodyListener Object ([] => Array ([0] => PutObject,[1] => UploadPart),[] => Body,[] => SourceFile),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)))),[] => Array ())),[] => ),[Users_Model] => Users_Model Object ([] => Array ([firstname] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Apellido,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => Correo electronico,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([readonly] => ,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => email))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[pass] => Array ([name] => Contraseña,[widget] => password,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1,[tip] => Déjelo en blanco para mantener su contraseña actual)),[nationality] => Array ([name] => Nacionalidad,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Countries,[label] => name))),[address] => Array ([name] => Direccion del perfil,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[address2] => Array ([name] => Dirección 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[postalcode] => Array ([name] => Codigo postal,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => location,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[phone1] => Array ([name] => Teléfono # 1,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[phone2] => Array ([name] => Teléfono # 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descríbete,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 5)),[avatar] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([212x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)))),[genre] => Array ([name] => Sexo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([m] => Array ([name] => Male,[default] => 1),[f] => Array ([name] => Female)))),[birthdate] => Array ([name] => Fecha de Nacimiento,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[work] => Array ([name] => Trabajo,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[languages] => Array ([name] => Idiomas,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Añadir más idiomas,[defaultrow] => 1,[fields] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Idioma,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name)),[data] => Array ()),[level] => Array ([name] => Nivel,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100),[data] => Array ([beginner] => Principiante,[intermediate] => Intermedio,[advanced] => Avanzado,[native] => Nativo))))),[confirmkey] => Array ([name] => Confirmar Clave,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[confirmed] => Array ([name] => Confirmado,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[level] => Array ([name] => Nivel,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([user] => Array ([name] => User,[default] => 1),[admin] => Array ([name] => Admin),[restricted] => Array ([name] => Restricted)))),[agent] => Array ([name] => Agent,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[affiliate] => Array ([name] => Affiliate,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Affiliates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[register_web] => Array ([name] => Register web,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[ip_country] => Array ([name] => IP Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[source] => Array ([name] => Source,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[agent_assigned] => Array ([name] => Agent assignated,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[contact_again] => Array ([name] => Contacto otra vez,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[last_login_user] => Array ([name] => Último inicio de sesión,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => ),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[autolead] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => users,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => last_login_user DESC,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => firstname,[2] => lastname,[3] => email,[4] => phone1,[5] => phone2,[6] => last_login_user),[] => Array ([user] => Array ([fields] => Array ([firstname] => Array (),[lastname] => Array (),[email] => Array (),[pass] => Array (),[nationality] => Array (),[address] => Array (),[address2] => Array (),[postalcode] => Array (),[country] => Array (),[region] => Array (),[city] => Array (),[phone1] => Array (),[phone2] => Array (),[description] => Array (),[avatar] => Array (),[genre] => Array (),[birthdate] => Array (),[work] => Array (),[languages] => Array ()),[filters] => Array ([id] => {USERID}),[cmds] => Array ([0] => edit,[1] => processedit),[forced] => Array ([id] => Array ([value] => {USERID})))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([register_web] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Currency_Model] => Currency_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[symbol] => Array ([name] => Symbol,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[value] => Array ([name] => Value,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => euro value)),[iso] => Array ([name] => ISO Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => mandatory!)),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => currency,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 19,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([aToxO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => es,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 1)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Tracker_Model] => Tracker_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => tracking.lb2_tracker,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Customizations_Model] => Customizations_Model Object ([] => Array ([separador_customize] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Personaliza tu reserva)),[domain] => Array ([name] => Enlace,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[header] => Array ([name] => Imagen del encabezado,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /img/upload/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Seleccione imagen o logo para la página de reserva encabezado)),[comcourse] => Array ([name] => Commission Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50,[default] => 10)),[comaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission Accommodation,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadmin] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadminaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin accom costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Commission transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomcourse] => Array ([name] => Course deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomaccomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadmin] => Array ([name] => Admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadminaloj] => Array ([name] => Accomm admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomtransfer] => Array ([name] => Transfer deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[separador_color] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Seleccione colores para su sistema de reservas. (Déjelo en blanco para establecer los colores por defecto))),[infoblockheaderbg] => Array ([name] => Information block header background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[infoblockheadertxt] => Array ([name] => Information block header text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonbg] => Array ([name] => Button background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttontxt] => Array ([name] => Button text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[importanttxt] => Array ([name] => Important texts,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2bg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2txt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[widgettxt] => Array ([name] => Widget text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[thingstitle] => Array ([name] => Things to note (title),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[thingsdesc] => Array ([name] => Things to note (text),[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => customizations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => domain,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6NjoiaXRhbGlhIjt9YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                                          Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                                          Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                                          Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                                          ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                                          La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Confianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjI6IjEyIjtzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiZXMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                                          Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                                          Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                                          Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                                          ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                                          La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Confianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[czoyOiIxMiI7YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                                          Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                                          Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                                          Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                                          ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                                          La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Confianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlbiI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => en,[name] => Italy,[title] => Find the lowest prices for Italian Language Courses in Italy!,[description] =>

                                          Are you looking for italian language schools in Italy or a italian summer school in Italy? How about study italian in Italy or language courses for adults in Italy? Whatever type of italian course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!

                                          Browse over many Italian schools in many locations in Italy until you find the italian course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools in Italy and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and students reviews for a great variety of Italian schools in Italy. Choose Languagebookings.com for all your courses reservations, and see why more and more students are choosing us to study italian language in Italy!

                                          Italian Course and the Beauty of Italy

                                          Italian CourseTaking up an Italian language course is the best way that can help you learn the “language of love.” Many people decide to take an Italian language course because they are awed by the mellifluous harmony of the language that is mostly spoken in Europe. An Italian language course will help you appreciate the country even better and you will be able to start mingling with the natives easily which will provide you the opportunity to listen and to understand their tales about their great country.
                                          Learning a second language is truly a good idea especially when you are interested not only in the language but also in the culture of the country itself. An Italian language course will enable you to roam the country and see its beauty in a different light. It will also save you from the hassle of travelling since you can fully converse with anyone that you meet.

                                          In addition, when you take up an Italian language course, you will not only learn about the grammar of the language, you will also know how it came to be. Most schools that offer an Italian language course start their lesson with a brief history of this language. Not only that, after learning the rich history of the country, you can also appreciate their literature more, now that you know how to speak and write in Italian.
                                          The Italian language comes from a language that is spoken by all academics in the world which is Latin. An Italian language course will teach you the similarities of these two languages. This language is also similar to the language spoken in its neighboring countries which will bring us to our next topic.

                                          Italian language is the key that opens the world of Italian art and philosophy

                                          The European Union estimated that the total population of the European region is about 65 million people. Thirteen percent of these people speak Italian as their first language. That means, taking up an Italian language course will open the opportunities for you to meet new people and talk to them using their language. Italian is also widely spoken in other countries like France, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, and in even in some parts of America.

                                          Italian is taught in most schools today and you can avail of an Italian language course if you cannot take the time off to go to a learning center. The Italian language ranks fifth of the most commonly taught language in the world after English, Spanish and French. However, since the grammar of the Spanish and French language is similar to Italian, you can learn these languages easily when you’ve completed an Italian language course.

                                          Learning how to speak Italian through courses in the Italian language can be an easy endeavor. With your resources, you can provide yourself with the means to understand and appreciate the European culture more which will make your every trip enjoyable and memorable. An Italian language course can be more than just an academic pursuit, it can be the your key to the world.

                                          Our Service Guarantees

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price for {LANG} courses. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.

                                          Exceptional Customer Support

                                          Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!

                                          Your booking 100% confirmed!

                                          It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the {LANG} language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                                          Trust & Safety

                                          We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, ... learn more

                                          ,[sysname] => italy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Learn {LANG} in Italy - Study in Best Language Schools,[mdesc] => The best price on Learn {LANG} in Italy - Offers & Packages, Student Reviews, detailed descriptions, maps and photos of high quality.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 241),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlcyI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Italia,[title] => Encuentra cursos de Italiano en Italia al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                                          Cursos de italiano al Extranjero¿Estás buscando clases de italiano en Italia? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de italiano en Italia? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de italiano económica en Italia? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de italiano en Roma? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de italiano en el Italia que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre miles de cursos de italiano en Italia hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos de italiano al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en Italia. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de italiano. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de italiano en Italia.

                                          Cursos de italiano al extranjero y la verdadera belleza de Italia

                                          Tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero es la mejor manera para aprender el "lenguaje del amor." Mucha gente decide tomar unos cursos de italiano al extranjero porque se impresionan por la armonía melodiosa de la lengua que se habla sobre todo en Europa. Realizar cursos de italiano al extranjero le ayudará a apreciar aún mejor el país y usted podrá comenzar a mezclarse con los nativos facilidad que le dará la oportunidad de escuchar y comprender sus cuentos acerca de su gran país.
                                          Aprender un segundo idioma es realmente una buena idea, especialmente cuando usted está interesado no sólo en el idioma, sino también en la cultura del propio país. Un curso de italiano en el extranjero permitirá visitar el país y ver su belleza en una luz diferente. También le ahorrará la molestia de viajar ya que puede conversar con alguien que te encuentres.

                                          Además, cuando usted realiza cursos de italiano al extranjero, no sólo aprenderán sobre la gramática de la lengua, también sus origenes. La mayoría de las escuelas de idioma italiano que ofrecen cursos de leng

                                          ua italiana empiezan su clase con una breve historia de esta lengua. No sólo eso, después de conocer la rica historia del país, también se puede apreciar su literatura más, ahora que sabe cómo hablar y escribir en italiano.
                                          La lengua italiana proviene de una lengua que es hablada por todos los académicos en el mundo que es latin. Un curso de italiano en el  extranjero le enseñará las similitudes de estos dos idiomas. Este lenguaje también es similar a la lengua hablada en los países vecinos que nos llevará a nuestro siguiente tema.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Confianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Estudia en las Mejores Academias de Idiomas ,[mdesc] => El mejor precio en Cursos de {LANG} en Italia - Ofertas y paquetes -Comentarios de Estudiantes, descripciones detalladas, mapas y fotos de alta calidad.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 12),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJpdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => it,[name] => Italia,[title] => Imparare l'italiano in Italia - Studiare in migliori scuole,[description] =>

                                          Italian CourseSiete alla ricerca di scuole di lingua italiana in Italia e una scuola estiva italiana in Italia? Che ne dici di studiare l'italiano in Italia o corsi di lingua per adulti in Italia? Qualunque sia il tipo di corso di lingua italiana che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com vi aiuterà a trovare e al prezzo più basso possibile!

                                          Sfoglia più di molte scuole italiane in molte località in Italia fino a trovare il corso di italiano e la scuola che è giusto per te. Noi rendiamo più semplice per trovare prezzi scontati presso le scuole più popolari in Italia e ci forniscono informazioni dettagliate scuola, foto, video e recensioni studenti per una grande varietà di scuole di italiano in Italia. Scegli Languagebookings.com per tutte le vostre prenotazioni corsi, e capire perché sempre più studenti ci stanno scegliendo di studiare la lingua italiana in Italia!

                                          ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Imparare {LANG} in Italia - Studiare in migliori scuole,[mdesc] => Il prezzo migliore per Impara {LANG} in Italia - Offerte e pacchetti, Commenti Studente, dettagliate descrizioni, mappe e foto di alta qualità.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 495),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJkZSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Italien,[title] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deine {LANG}kurse in Italien,[description] =>

                                          Italian CourseSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die {LANG}e Sprache?

                                          Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule in Italien?

                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, Language Bookings wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener {LANG}schulen, an verschiedenen Orten in Italien, bis Du „Deinen {LANG}kurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von Italien zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener {LANG}schulen in Italien an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um {LANG} in Italien zu lernen.

                                          ,[sysname] => italien,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => {LANG} lernen in Italien - Studieren in besten Sprachschulen,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis auf {LANG} lernen in Italien - Angebote und Pakete, Student Kommentare, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Karten und Fotos von hoher Qualität. ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 496),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJmciI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => fr,[name] => Italie,[title] => Apprendre l`italien en Italie - Etudier dans les meilleures écoles de langues,[description] =>

                                          Italian CourseVous recherchez des cours d'italien? Que diriez-vous d`apprendre l'italien en Italie ou d'y suivre des cours de langue pour adultes? Quel que soit le type de cours d'italien que vous recherchez, Languagebookings.com vous aidera à le trouver et au meilleur prix possible!
                                          Recherchez parmi plusieurs écoles italiennes et de nombreux endroits en Italie, les cours qui sont faits pour vous. Il vous est maintenant facile d'étudier dans les meilleures écoles italiennes à des prix très intéressants. Nous vous fournissons des informations détaillées sur les écoles, des photos, vidéos et commentaires des étudiants pour un grand nombre d'écoles en Italie. Choisissez Languagebookings.com pour toutes vos réservations de cours, et vous verrez pourquoi les étudiants sont de plus en plus nombreux à étudier en Italie!

                                          ,[sysname] => italie,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cours {LANG} in Italia - Studiare in migliori scuole,[mdesc] => Il prezzo migliore per cours {LANG} in Italia - Offerte e pacchetti, Commenti Studente, dettagliate descrizioni, mappe e foto di alta qualità.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 482),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJwdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => pt,[name] => Itália,[title] => Encontre os preços mais baixos para os cursos de língua italiana na Itália!,[description] =>

                                          Are you looking for italian language schools in Italy or a italian summer school in Italy? How about study italian in Italy or language courses for adults in Italy? Whatever type of italian course you are looking for, Languagebookings. com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!

                                          Browse over many Italian schools in many locations in Italy until you find the italian course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools in Italy and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and students reviews for a great variety of Italian schools in Italy. Choose Languagebookings. com for all your courses reservations, and see why more and more students are choosing us to study italian language in Italy!

                                          Italian Course and the Beauty of Italy

                                          Italian CourseTaking up an Italian language course is the best way that can help you learn the “language of love. ” Many people decide to take an Italian language course because they are awed by the mellifluous harmony of the language that is mostly spoken in Europe. An Italian language course will help you appreciate the country even better and you will be able to start mingling with the natives easily which will provide you the opportunity to listen and to understand their tales about their great country.
                                          Learning a second language is truly a good idea especially when you are interested not only in the language but also in the culture of the country itself. An Italian language course will enable you to roam the country and see its beauty in a different light. It will also save you from the hassle of travelling since you can fully converse with anyone that you meet.

                                          In addition, when you take up an Italian language course, you will not only learn about the grammar of the language, you will also know how it came to be. Most schools that offer an Italian language course start their lesson with a brief history of this language. Not only that, after learning the rich history of the country, you can also appreciate their literature more, now that you know how to speak and write in Italian.
                                          The Italian language comes from a language that is spoken by all academics in the world which is Latin. An Italian language course will teach you the similarities of these two languages. This language is also similar to the language spoken in its neighboring countries which will bring us to our next topic.

                                          Italian language is the key that opens the world of Italian art and philosophy

                                          The European Union estimated that the total population of the European region is about 65 million people. Thirteen percent of these people speak Italian as their first language. That means, taking up an Italian language course will open the opportunities for you to meet new people and talk to them using their language. Italian is also widely spoken in other countries like France, Malta, Slovenia, Spain, and in even in some parts of America.

                                          Italian is taught in most schools today and you can avail of an Italian language course if you cannot take the time off to go to a learning center. The Italian language ranks fifth of the most commonly taught language in the world after English, Spanish and French. However, since the grammar of the Spanish and French language is similar to Italian, you can learn these languages easily when you’ve completed an Italian language course.

                                          Learning how to speak Italian through courses in the Italian language can be an easy endeavor. With your resources, you can provide yourself with the means to understand and appreciate the European culture more which will make your every trip enjoyable and memorable. An Italian language course can be more than just an academic pursuit, it can be the your key to the world.

                                          Our Service Guarantees

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price for {LANG} courses. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.

                                          Exceptional Customer Support

                                          Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!

                                          Your booking 100% confirmed!

                                          It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the {LANG} language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                                          Trust & Safety

                                          We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, . . .  learn more

                                          ,[sysname] => italia,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Aprender {LANG} na Itália - estudo nas melhores escolas de idiomas,[mdesc] => O melhor preço em aprender {LANG} na Itália - & pacotes de ofertas, comentários de estudantes, detalhadas descrições, mapas e fotos de alta qualidade.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 603),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJydSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ru,[name] => Италия,[title] => Найти самые низкие цены на курсы итальянского языка в Италии!,[description] =>

                                          Вы ищете школы итальянского языка в Италии или итальянский летней школы в Италии? Как насчет изучать итальянский в Италии или языковые курсы для взрослых в Италии? Независимо от типа курс итальянского языка, вы ищете, Languagebookings. com поможет вам найти его — и по самой низкой возможной цене!

                                          Просматривать через много итальянских школ во многих местах в Италии, пока не найдете курс итальянского языка и школу, которая подходит именно вам. Мы делаем его легко найти скидка цены на наиболее популярные школы в Италии, и мы предоставляем подробные школа Информация, фотографии, видео и студентов отзывы для разнообразных итальянских школ в Италии. Выберите Languagebookings. com для всех ваших курсов оговорки и просмотреть, почему все больше и больше студентов выбирают нас для изучения итальянского языка в Италии!

                                          Курс итальянского языка и красота Italy

                                          Italian Courseзанимают курс итальянского языка является лучшим способом, который может помочь вам выучить язык любви». «Многие люди решили взять курс итальянского языка, потому что они awed приторное гармонии языке, который является главным образом говорят в Европе. Courseитальянского языка поможет вам оценить страну, даже лучше, и вы сможете начать, смешиваясь с туземцами легко который предоставит вам возможность слушать и понимать их рассказы о великой стране. |1, Изучение второго языка является действительно хорошая идея, особенно, когда вы заинтересованы не только в языке, но и в культуре самой страны. Courseитальянского языка позволит вам перемещаться страны и увидеть его красоту в ином свете. Он также будет спасти вас от хлопот путешествовать так, как вы полностью можете общаться с кем-либо, что вы отвечаете.

                                          В дополнение к этому, когда вы берете вверх курс итальянского языка, вы не только узнаете о грамматике языка, вы будете знать, как он пришел к быть. Большинство школ, которые предлагают курсы итальянского языка начать их урок с краткой историей этого языка. Не только что, после обучения богатую историю страны, вы также можете оценить их литературу, что теперь вы знаете как говорить и писать на итальянском языке.
                                          Итальянского языка происходит от языка, на котором говорят все ученых в мире, который является Латинской. Courseитальянского языка научит вас сходства этих двух языков. Этот язык также похож на язык, распространённый в его соседних стран, которые приблизят нас к нашей следующей теме.

                                          Итальянский язык является ключом, который открывает мир итальянского искусства и philosophy

                                          Европейский союз оценкам, Общая численность населения Европейского региона составляет около 65 миллионов человек. Тринадцать процентов из этих людей говорят по-итальянски, как их первый язык. Это значит, взяв курс итальянского языка откроет возможности для вас, чтобы встретиться с новыми людьми и говорить с ними с помощью их язык. Итальянский также широко распространен в других странах как Франция, Мальта, Словения, Испания и даже в некоторых частях Америки.

                                          Итальянский преподается в большинстве школ сегодня и вы можете пользоваться услугами курс итальянского языка, если вы не можете снять время поехать в центр обучения. Итальянский язык занимает пятую часть наиболее часто учил язык в мире после английский, испанский и французский. Однако поскольку Грамматика испанского и французского языка похож на итальянский язык, вы можете узнать эти языки легко когда вы завершили итальянского языка course|28.
                                          |1, Научиться говорить по-итальянски через курсы итальянского языка может быть легко стремиться. С ваших ресурсов вы обеспечиваете себе возможность понять и оценить европейской культуры, больше, который сделает вашу каждую поездку приятным и запоминающимся. Курс итальянского языка может быть больше, чем просто академические достижения, это может быть ваш ключ к миру.

                                          Наш сервис Guarantees

                                          Лучшая цена Guaranteed

                                          100% гарантия, что вы заплатите самую низкую цену на {LANG} курсы. Мы предлагаем Вам низкие цены возможно курс - вы никогда не платите больше, чем если вы забронировали напрямую с школой сам или в другом месте. Кроме того наш сервис является бесплатным. Мы не взимаем платы за любое бронирование.

                                          Исключительных клиентов Support

                                          всякий раз, когда вам нужна помощь, вы всегда можете позвонить в нашу службу поддержки. Раньше во время и после вашего курса, мы здесь для вас. Вы легко можете связаться наш опытный и дружелюбный консультантов. Мы ' повторно всегда одним щелчком по электронной почте, телефону, skype или даже чат!

                                          |0, 100% Ваше бронирование подтверждено!


                                          Он ' s очень маловероятно, что что-то пойдет не так с вашего бронирования, однажды подтверждено {LANG} языковые школы. На самом деле мы ' ре настолько уверены, что если вы don ' т иметь ваш курс место в выбранной школе, мы ' ll чредитует ваш учет с вашего полного депозита и найти другой возможной альтернативой для вас.

                                          Доверие и Safety

                                          мы являемся marketplace, который способствует доверие и сотрудничество. Именно поэтому мы создали лучших когда-либо класса инструменты и услуги безусловно помогать и оттачивают вам в принятии правильных решений. Найти отзывы студентов, принимающих ссылки, школа качество уплотнения и аккредитации,... узнать more

                                          ,[sysname] => italiya,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Узнайте, {LANG} в Италии - исследование в лучшие языковые школы,[mdesc] => Лучшая цена на ЖЖ {LANG} в Италии - предложения & пакеты, студент отзывы, подробные описания, карты и фотографии высокого качества.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 840),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJ6aCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => zh,[name] => 意大利,[title] => 在意大利意大利语言课程为找到最低的价格 !,[description] =>

                                          您正在寻找在意大利意大利语言学校或在意大利意大利夏季学校吗?如何为成年人在意大利在意大利或语言课程学习意大利语吗?无论您正在寻找 Languagebookings 的意大利语课程的类型。com 将会帮助你找到它 — 和在尽可能低的价格!

                                          浏览过许多地点在意大利的许多意大利学校直到你找到的意大利语课程和学校这就是你的权利。我们使它易于查找折扣价格在意大利最受欢迎的学校,我们提供详细的学校信息、 照片、 视频和学生评论为各种各样的意大利学校在意大利伟大。选择 Languagebookings。您的所有课程保留和为什么更多的和更多的学生选择我们研究在意大利意大利语言请参见 com!


                                          Italian Course占用了意大利语言课程是最好的方式,可以帮助您了解"爱的语言。"很多人决定采取意大利语言课程,因为他们敬畏的是主要是口语中欧洲的语言吴侬和谐. 意大利语言课程 将帮助您喜欢更好的国家和你将能够开始和当地人在一起很容易打成一片,将提供你的机会,听取和了解他们讲述他们伟大的国家。
                                          学习第二语言确实是个好主意,尤其是当您感兴趣的不只在语言中但也在自己国家的文化。意大利语言课程 将使您能够漫游全国,并看到它的美丽在不同的光线。它还将保存你从旅行因为你可以完全和任何人谈论,你见到的麻烦。

                                          意大利语言来自一种语言,由所有学者在世界上是拉丁语讲了话。意大利语言课程 会教你的这两种语言的相似之处. 这种语言也是类似于在其周边的国家,这将使我们对我们的下一个主题中使用的语言。



                                          欧洲联盟估计欧洲地区的人口总数约 6500 万人。13%的这些人讲意大利语作为他们的第一语言。这意味着,占用了意大利语言课程将会打开您能够满足新的人和他们使用自己的语言说话的机会。意大利还广泛讲了话在其他国家,如法国、 马耳他、 斯洛文尼亚、 西班牙、 和在即使在美国的一些地区。

                                          意大利今天在大多数学校教,如果你不能抽出时间去学习中心,你可以利用的意大利语言课程。意大利语言后英语、 西班牙语和法语世界排行第五的最常用教语言。然而,由于语法的西班牙语和法语语言是类似于意大利文,你可以学习这些语言很轻松当你完成了 意大利语言课程

                                          学习如何通过在意大利语言课程讲意大利语可以很容易的努力. 与您的资源,您可以提供自己的手段来了解和欣赏更多,使您每次旅行愉快的和令人难忘的欧洲文化。意大利语言课程可不仅仅是一种学术的追求,它可以是你对世界的关键。



                                          100%保证,你将支付的最低价格的为 {LANG}课程。我们为您提供可能课程最低-你从来没有付出比如果您预订直接与学校本身或其他任何地方。此外,我们的服务是免费的。我们不收取任何订票费。


                                          每当您需要帮助,您可以随时致电我们的客户支持。之前、 期间和之后您的课程,我们在这里为你。您可以轻松地联系我们经验丰富而且友好的顾问。我们 ' re 总是只须点击即可通过电子邮件、 电话、 skype 或甚至实时聊天!

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                                          它 ' s 不太可能的东西将会与您的预订确认后由差错 {LANG}语言学校. 事实上我们 ' re 如此自信,如果你不 ' t 有您放置在所选学校的课程我们 ' ll 信贷您的帐户与您充分的存款和为您找到另一种可能的替代。


                                          我们是一个促进信任与协作的市场。这就是为什么我们已经建立的最佳过类工具和服务,当然协助和磨练你做出正确的决定。找到学生点评、 主机引用、 学校质量密封件和资格认证,...了解更多

                                          ,[sysname] => italy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 学习 {LANG}在意大利-最好的语言学校学习,[mdesc] => 在学习上最优惠的价格 {LANG}在意大利-提供优惠的 & 软件包、 学生点评、 详细的描述、 地图和高品质的照片。,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1080),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJrbyI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ko,[name] => 이탈리아,[title] => 이탈리아에서 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 위한 최저 가격을 찾을!,[description] =>

                                          당신은 이탈리아에서 이탈리아어 언어 학교 또는 이탈리아에 있는 이탈리아 여름 학교를 찾고 계십니까? 방법에 대 한 이탈리아에서 성인을 위한 이탈리아 또는 언어 과정에 이탈리아어를 공부? 이탈리아 코스 찾고, Languagebookings의 어떤 종류. com는 그것을 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다 — 및 가장 낮은 가능한 가격!

                                          이탈리아 코스와 맞는 학교를 찾을 때까지 이탈리아에 있는 많은 위치에 많은 이탈리아어 학교 위로 대강. 우리는 쉽게 그것은 이탈리아에서 가장 인기 있는 학교 할인 가격을 찾을 수 그리고 우리는 다양 한 이탈리아에서 이탈리아어 학교에 대 한 자세한 학교 정보, 사진, 동영상 및 학생 리뷰 제공. Languagebookings를 선택 합니다. com 모든 코스 예약 및 참조 왜 점점 더 많은 학생 들은 우리가 이탈리아에서 이탈리아의 언어를 공부 선택!

                                          이탈리아어 코스와 이탈리아

                                          의 아름다움

                                          Italian Course 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 복용입니다 사랑의 언어 "를 배울 수 있는 가장 좋은 방법은. "많은 사람들이 그들은 대부분에서 말한 유럽 언어의 부드럽고 아름 다운 조화에 의해 위 압 때문에 이탈리아어 코스를 하기로 결정. 이탈리아 언어 강좌 도움이 더 나은 국가 감사 하 고 것입니다 수 출신으로 쉽게 어 울 시작 하는 당신에 게 경청 하 고 그들의 훌륭한 국가 대 한 그들의 이야기를 이해 하 기회를 제공할 것입니다.
                                          두 번째 언어를 배우는 정말 좋습니다 특히 하지 뿐만 아니라 국가 자체의 문화에서에서 언어에만 관심이 있다면. 이탈리아 언어 강좌 당신은 국가 로밍과 다른 빛에 있는 그것의 아름다움을 볼 수 있게 된다. 그것은 또한 완벽 하 게 충족 하 사람과 대화할 수 있는 때문에 여행의 혼 전에서 당신을 저장할 것 이다.

                                          또한, 하지 언어의 문법에 대해 배울만 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 찍을 때 당신은 또한 모를 어떻게 해야 했다. 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 제공 하는 대부분의 학교가이 언어의 간략 한 역사를 가진 그들의 수업을 시작 합니다. 뿐만 아니라, 그 후 학습 나라의 풍부한 역사, 당신은 또한 이해할 수 그들의 문학, 더 이야기 하 고 이탈리아에서 작성 하는 방법을 알았으니.
                                          이탈리아 언어 라틴어는 세계에 있는 모든 학자에 의해 말한 언어에서 온다. 이탈리아 언어 강좌 이 두 언어의 유사성을 가르칠 것입니다.. 이 언어는 또한 우리를 우리의 다음 항목을 나타납니다 그것의 인접국에서 말한 언어 유사 합니다.

                                          이탈리아어 이탈리아 예술과 철학

                                          의 세계를 엽니다 키입니다.

                                          유럽 연합 유럽 지역의 전체 인구는 약 65만 명으로 추정. 이 사람의 13% 이탈리아어 그들의 첫번째 언어로 말한다. 즉, 당신이 그들의 언어를 사용 하 여 그들에 게 얘기 하 고 새로운 사람들을 만날 기회를 열 것 이다 이탈리아어 언어 과정을 복용 합니다. 이탈리아, 스페인, 슬로베니아, 몰타, 프랑스 같은 다른 나라에도 널리 사용 및에서 아메리카의 어떤 부분에도.

                                          이탈리아어는 오늘날 대부분의 학교에서 진행 하 고 하실 수 있습니다 소용 이탈리아어 언어 과정의 학습 센터로 이동 시간을 걸릴 수 없습니다. 이탈리아 언어 영어, 스페인어 및 프랑스어 후 세계에서 가장 일반적으로 배운된 언어의 다섯째를 평가 한다. 그러나, 스페인어 및 프랑스어 언어의 문법 비슷합니다 이후 이탈리아어에 게, 당신이 배울 수 있는 이러한 언어 쉽게 완성 하면 이탈리아 언어 강좌 입니다.

                                          이탈리아어 이탈리아어 언어에 과정을 통해 이야기 하는 방법을 배우는 쉬운 노력 하실 수 있습니다.. 당신의 자원으로 이해 하 고 더 많은 것입니다 모든 당신의 여행을 즐겁고 기억에 남는 유럽 문화를 주셔서 감사 방법으로 자신을 제공할 수 있습니다. 이탈리아어 언어 과정 이상의 학업 추구, 수는 세계에 당신의 열쇠.

                                          우리의 서비스 보장

                                          가장 좋은 가격 보장

                                          100% 보장에 대 한 최저 가격을 지불할 것입니다 {LANG} 코스입니다. 우리는 당신이 가능한 코스 요금 제공-자체 또는 다른 곳 에서도 학교와 직접 예약 하는 경우 보다 지불 하지. 게다가, 우리의 서비스는 무료입니다. 저희는 어떠한 예약 수수료를 청구 하지 않습니다.

                                          뛰어난 고객 지원

                                          도움이 필요 하시면 언제 든 지 고객 지원 항상 호출할 수 있습니다. 전에, 동안과 과정 후, 우리는 여기 당신을 위해입니다. 우리의 경험과 친절 한 컨설턴트 쉽게 연락할 수 있습니다. 우리 ' 항상 멀리 다만 누르기 전자 메일, 전화, 스 카이 프 또는 라이브 채팅을 통해 다시!

                                          확인 예약 100%!

                                          그것은 ' s 매우 가능성이 뭔가 의해 확인 한 번 예약으로 잘못가 {LANG} 언어 학교. 사실 우리 ' 다시 확신, 만약 당신이 돈 ' t는 귀하의 코스를 선택한 학교에서 장소 우리 ' ll 당신의 전체 예금 구좌를 신용 하 고 당신을 위한 또 다른 가능한 대안을 찾을.

                                          신뢰 및 안전

                                          우리는 신뢰와 협력을 추진 하 고 시장입니다. 이 때문에 우리가 만든 최고의 적 클래스 도구와 서비스를 확실 하 게 지원 하 고 올바른 결정을 내리기로 연마. 학생 리뷰를 찾을, 호스트 참조, 학교 질 물개 인정,... 자세히 더 많은

                                          ,[sysname] => italy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 배우 {LANG} 이탈리아에서 최고의 언어 학교에서 공부,[mdesc] => 학습에 가장 좋은 가격 {LANG} 이탈리아-제공 & 패키지, 학생 리뷰, 상세한 설명, 지도 및 높은 품질의 사진.,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1317),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJqYSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[language] => 7,[languageb] => 18,[currency] => 1,[image] => italy3.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-30 16:09:56,[iso2] => IT,[iso3] => ITA,[importantcities] => a:31:{i:1;i:56;i:2;i:49;i:20;i:19;i:3;i:19;i:18;i:13;i:58;i:8;i:30;i:8;i:11;i:6;i:33;i:6;i:61;i:5;i:45;i:4;i:14;i:4;i:79;i:3;i:101;i:2;i:46;i:2;i:147;i:2;i:84;i:2;i:89;i:1;i:144;i:1;i:28;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:90;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:47;i:1;i:85;i:1;i:32;i:1;i:5;i:1;i:149;i:1;i:183;i:1;i:117;i:1;i:29;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:3:{i:1;a:2:{i:1072;i:1;i:1;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:3;a:1:{i:348;i:1;}},[importantschools] => a:31:{i:1;a:12:{i:772;i:1;i:530;i:14;i:941;i:5;i:805;i:4;i:514;i:8;i:410;i:3;i:845;i:1;i:516;i:2;i:338;i:6;i:751;i:1;i:605;i:9;i:391;i:2;}i:32;a:1:{i:369;i:1;}i:3;a:5:{i:602;i:1;i:558;i:11;i:861;i:1;i:728;i:2;i:348;i:4;}i:33;a:1:{i:392;i:6;}i:11;a:3:{i:741;i:1;i:842;i:1;i:753;i:4;}i:2;a:8:{i:472;i:25;i:343;i:3;i:519;i:2;i:727;i:4;i:344;i:8;i:574;i:1;i:649;i:2;i:406;i:4;}i:14;a:2:{i:347;i:2;i:572;i:2;}i:85;a:1:{i:926;i:1;}i:45;a:1:{i:414;i:4;}i:20;a:2:{i:336;i:18;i:822;i:1;}i:5;a:1:{i:663;i:1;}i:18;a:4:{i:335;i:5;i:701;i:6;i:417;i:1;i:720;i:1;}i:58;a:2:{i:474;i:7;i:437;i:1;}i:30;a:2:{i:542;i:1;i:631;i:7;}i:147;a:1:{i:577;i:2;}i:47;a:1:{i:865;i:1;}i:101;a:1:{i:500;i:2;}i:149;a:1:{i:814;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:5;}i:117;a:1:{i:529;i:1;}i:183;a:1:{i:665;i:1;}i:29;a:1:{i:353;i:1;}i:79;a:1:{i:466;i:3;}i:89;a:1:{i:608;i:1;}i:46;a:1:{i:415;i:2;}i:28;a:1:{i:429;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:90;a:1:{i:531;i:1;}i:144;a:1:{i:571;i:1;}i:27;a:1:{i:508;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:2;}},[nameold] => Italy,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 44,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 1,[reviewsnum] => 41,[reviewspoints] => 193,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ja,[name] => イタリア,[title] => イタリアでイタリア語コースのための最低価格を見つける !,[description] =>

                                          イタリアでイタリア語学校やイタリアでイタリア語夏の学校をお探しですか。方法についてイタリアまたは言語コースでイタリアの大人のためのイタリア語の学習ですか?イタリア語コースを探している、Languagebookings のどんなタイプの。com は見つけることができますが — と最低の価格で !

                                          イタリア語コースとは、あなたにぴったりの学校を見つけるまでイタリアの多くの場所で多くのイタリアの学校を参照します。それを簡単に割引価格で最も人気のある学校はイタリアで見つけるイタリアでイタリアの学校の多種多様のため詳細な学校情報、写真、ビデオや学生のレビューを提供しています。Languagebookings を選択します。すべてのコースの予約となぜより多くの学生は私たちにイタリアでイタリア語を勉強するを選択するを参照してください com !

                                          イタリア語コースと Italy


                                          Italian Courseイタリア語コースを取ってです愛の言語"を学ぶことができます最善の方法。"多くの人々 は畏敬の念は、主に話されているヨーロッパ言語の甘美な調和をのでイタリア語コースを取ることにします。. イタリア語 course良い国に感謝あなたの助けとあなたはなります簡単に原住民との付き合いを開始することができる耳を傾けると、彼らの偉大な国についての彼らの物語を理解する機会を提供するでしょう。
                                          第二言語学習は本当に良いアイデア特に自体国の文化にも言語だけでなく興味を持っています。イタリア語 course国を歩き回るし、さまざまな光の中でその美しさを参照することができます。また、完全にあなたを満たして誰とでも話すことができるので旅行の口論から保存されます。

                                          イタリア語ラテン語が世界のすべての学者によって話されている言語に由来します。イタリア語 courseこれら 2 つの言語の類似性を教えます. この言語も私たちの次のトピックに私たちをもたらすとその近隣諸国で話されている言語に似ています。

                                          イタリア語はイタリアの芸術と philosophy


                                          欧州連合は、ヨーロッパ地域の総人口は約 6500 万人と推定。これらの人々 の 13 % は彼らの最初の言語としてイタリア語を話します。つまり、イタリア語コースを取ってが新しい人に会うし、彼らの言語を使用する彼らと話をする機会を開きます。イタリア語フランス、マルタ、スロベニア、スペインのような他の国でまた広く話されているそしてアメリカの一部でさえ。

                                          イタリア語は今日のほとんどの学校で教えられて、学習センターに行く時間を取ることができない場合はイタリア語コースの利用することができます。英語、スペイン語、フランス語の後、世界で最もよく教えられる言語の第 5 ランク付けするためのイタリア語。ただし、スペイン語およびフランス語の文法は似ていますのでイタリア語を学ぶことができますこれらの言語に簡単に、 を完了したときイタリア語 course

                                          簡単な努力をすることができますどのようにイタリア語を話すイタリア語のコースを学習. あなたのリソースと理解し、より多くなるあらゆる旅行楽しい、思い出に残るヨーロッパの文化を理解するための手段に自分を提供できます。イタリア語コースは、学術の追求以上だけをすることができます、することができます、世界への鍵です。

                                          当社サービス Guarantees

                                          ベスト価格 Guaranteed

                                          100 % 保証の最低価格を支払うことになる {LANG}コースがあります。私たちはあなたの最低の可能なコースの料金を提供 - あなたは自体またはどこか他の学校と直接予約した場合よりも多くを支払うことはありません。その上、当社のサービスは無料です。我々 は、予約料金を満たさない。

                                          卓越した顧客 Support

                                          あなたは、援助を必要とするたびに常に当社のカスタマー サポートを呼び出すことができます。前に、中にあなたのコースの後、我々 はここであなたのためです。当社の経験とフレンドリーなコンサルタントを簡単に連絡することができます。我々 ' 常にクリックするだけ離れて電子メール、電話、skype やさらにはライブ チャットを介して再 !

                                          ご予約の 100 % を確認 !

                                          それ ' s 非常にまずないこと何かいかないだろうご予約によって決まれば、{LANG}語学学校. 実際には我々 ' 日時は自信を持って、あなたはドン場合 ' t 選択した学校に配置あなたのコースを持っている我々 ' ll 完全沈殿物とあなたの口座し、あなたのためのもう一つの可能な代替を見つけます。

                                          信託 Safety

                                          我々 は市場の信頼とのコラボレーションを促進します。これはなぜ最高のこれまでクラス ツールとサービスを確実に支援し、右の意思決定に磨きをかけるを築いております。認定を取得した品質のシールが学校やホスト参照学生のレビューを見つけること... more を学ぶ

                                          ,[sysname] => italy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 学ぶ {LANG}イタリア - 最高の語学学校で勉強します。,[mdesc] => 学ぶ上で最高の価格 {LANG}イタリア - & パッケージを提供しています、学生のレビュー、詳細な説明、地図、高品質の写真。,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1554),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImlzbzIiO3M6MjoiVVMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => es,[name] => Estados Unidos,[title] => Encuentra cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                                          Escuelas {LANG} Estados UnidosEstás buscando clases de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿Unas clases de {LANG} de negocios en Estados Unidos? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿O economicas escuelas de {LANG} Estados Unidos? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre miles de cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de {LANG} al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Estados Unidos. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de {LANG}. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de {LANG} en Estados Unidos.

                                          La Calidad en la Educación: Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                                          La elección de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos es como elegir la mejor escuela de {LANG} que usted puede permitirse. Los Estados Unidos de América se caracteriza no sólo por su progreso económico avanzada, sino también para el sistema educativo que prevalece en el país.

                                          Cuando piensa en la opción de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de experimentar esto de renombre mundial y la educación de alta calidad que Estados Unidos puede ofrecer. La elección de realizar un curso de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también le permitirá saber lo que es vivir en uno de los paises más poderosos e influyentes del mundo en estos días.

                                          Las personas que estudian en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también se exponen a la diversidad cultural de este país desarrollado. Estados Unidos es la encarnación de la cultura occidental, ya que son originalmente influenciados por sus vecinos países europeos. Estados Unidos es un crisol de diferentes culturas que representa el origen diverso de sus habitantes.

                                          Al estudiar en Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de sentir la diversidad del país que se muestra en su idioma, hábitos sociales, música, cocina, arte y folclore. Si usted decide realizar cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, también se puede explorar el país y el testimonio de su belleza y singularidad.

                                          Lugares Turísticos que se puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                                          Cursos {LANG} Estados UnidosMientras que usted está estudiando en escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos se pueden visitar algunos de los lugares para los que es famoso. Usted puede pasar sus tardes en el Times Square, donde la gente puede ver o admirar los teatros de Broadway y los cines que abundan el lugar.

                                          Usted puede obtener alrededor de Times Square ya sea caminando, en bicicleta, subirse a un autobús, o al alquilar una limusina propia. Usted también puede unirse a algunos tours que se ofrecen, especialmente para aquellos que estudian {LANG} en Estados Unidos. Estos tours le llevará alrededor de los mejores monumentos de la Times Square y tours de agua.

                                          Si usted es aficionado de los juegos en los casinos, entonces usted debe visitar el siempre famoso Las Vegas. Los casinos se encuentran en este lugar han sido el escenario de las películas más famosas que se muestran en la historia. Nevada, que está también en Las Vegas es donde se encuentra el condado de Clark. Condado de Clark es el paraíso para los jugadores y para los que quieren ir de compras y entretenerse.

                                          Si desea una aventura con la naturaleza mientras estudia en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, entonces usted puede visitar el National Mall y Parques Conmemorativos. Este lugar tiene las tierras más antiguas y las más bellas protegida del parque donde se pueden ver algunas especies de la biodiversidad única.

                                          También puede encontrar algunas de las mejores monumentos públicos de Estados Unidos, que incluyen las memorias de ex-presidentes como Washington, Lincoln y Jefferson. Aquí, también se puede admirar los monumentos de la de Corea y la Guerra de Vietnam.

                                          Otro lugar que puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos es el mercado Faneuil Hall. Este lugar es visitado por más de 20 millones de visitantes. Aquí, usted puede ver los lugares famosos como el Faneuil Hall, el mercado del Norte, y el Mercado Quincy. Malabaristas y magos son también un atractivo aquí en Faneuil Hall Marketplace.

                                          Estados Unidos es un lugar donde usted puede divertirse mientras realizas tu curso de {LANG}. Su estancia aquí, no sólo le ayudará a aprender {LANG} con el acento americano, que también le dará experiencias que pueden ayudar a entender mejor la cultura occidental. Cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos que se brindan en escuelas de idiomas tiene la más alta calidad de la educación que usted puede permitirse. No te pierdas tener la experiencia de tu vida al estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos de America!

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[sysname] => estados-unidos,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos - Curso {LANG} Estados Unidos Barato,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => curso ingles estados unidos, escuela en estados unidos, escuelas en estados unidos, escuelas estados unidos, escuelas inglés estados unidos,[idid] => 34)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Cities_Model] => Cities_Model Object ([] => Array ([lang] => Array ()),[] => Array ([region] => Array ([name] => Region,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([class] => select2,[filler] => Array ([model] => Regions,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[cover_image] => Array ([name] => Cover Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatormec] => Array ([name] => Metas for Becas MEC,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mecmtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => cities,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => region,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([schoolcity] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YTozOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6OToidmlhcmVnZ2lvIjtzOjc6ImNvdW50cnkiO3M6MjoiMTIiO3M6MTA6InNjaG9vbGNpdHkiO3M6MToieSI7fWI6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389),[YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjM6IjkyOSI7czo0OiJsYW5nIjtzOjI6ImVzIjt9YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389),[czozOiI5MjkiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoiZW4iO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 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7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => fr,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3393),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoicHQiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => pt,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 2507531),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoicnUiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => ru,[name] => Виареджо,[sysname] => viardzho,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => 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12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => ko,[name] => 비아 레지오,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 2508569),[czozOiI5MjkiO3M6MjoiamEiO047] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => ja,[name] => ヴィアレッジョ,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 2508850),[YToyOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6OToidmlhcmVnZ2lvIjtzOjc6ImNvdW50cnkiO3M6MjoiMTIiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 929,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:12:30,[update_timestamp] => 2018-04-10 07:00:42,[region] => 1736,[language] => 7,[currency] => 1,[image] => 2Viareggio.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[country] => 12,[namebackup] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[sales] => 0,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[latitude] => 43.383333,[longitude] => 11.2,[schoolcity] => y,[population] => 0,[cover_image] => Viareggio.jpg,[autotranslated] => y,[reviewsnum] => 0,[reviewspoints] => 0,[ownid] => 929,[lang] => es,[name] => Viareggio,[sysname] => viareggio,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[mecmtitle] => ,[mecmdesc] => ,[mecmkeys] => ,[idid] => 3389)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schools_Model] => Schools_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_contact2] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Datos de contacto de la escuela)),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre de la escuela,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onkeyup] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onblur] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onselect] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);)),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[address] => Array ([name] => Dirección calle,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[address2] => Array ([name] => Dirección Calle 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[cp] => Array ([name] => Codigo postal,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[respmarketing] => Array ([name] => Nombre de contacto primario,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp1_charge] => Array ([name] => Cargo,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[emailmarketing] => Array ([name] => Correo electrónico de contacto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[skype] => Array ([name] => Identificación de Skype,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[phone] => Array ([name] => Número de teléfono,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[fax] => Array ([name] => Fax,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[resp_reservations] => Array ([name] => Nombre de contacto reservas,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp2_charge] => Array ([name] => Cargo,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[email_reservations] => Array ([name] => Correo electrónico de contacto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[urlweb] => Array ([name] => Sitio web,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[currency] => Array ([name] => Moneda,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name),[tip] => Currency you use in your prices)),[company] => Array ([name] => Nombre de la empresa,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => As appears on the certificate of incorporation)),[regnumber] => Array ([name] => Número de registro de empresa,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[vatnum] => Array ([name] => Número de IVA,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => If no VAT number, please write EXEMPT)),[separador_bank] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Datos bancarios)),[bankname] => Array ([name] => Nombre del Banco,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banksortcode] => Array ([name] => Códigos bancario,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banknumber] => Array ([name] => Número de cuenta,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankiban] => Array ([name] => Código IBAN,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankswift] => Array ([name] => SWIFT,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress] => Array ([name] => Bank Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress2] => Array ([name] => Bank Address,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separador_comm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Comision)),[comm_course] => Array ([name] => Matrícula,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on tuition. To change this please email us at info@languagebookings.com,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_accomm] => Array ([name] => Alojamiento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on accommodation.,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin] => Array ([name] => Cuota de inscripción,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on registration fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => Array ([name] => Accom. tasa de colocación,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on the accom. placement fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Recogida,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on transfers,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comm_promotion] => Array ([name] => Promoción de la Comisión,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % This is the minimum commission accepted for promotions and special deals,[width] => 50,[default] => 20,[readonly] => 1)),[separador_info] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Información de la escuela)),[classrooms] => Array ([name] => Número de aulas,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[averageage] => Array ([name] => Nº promedio de estudiantes p/clase,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Edad mínima,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[leveltest] => Array ([name] => Prueba de nivel el primer día,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[nearestairport] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto más cercano,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[airportdistance] => Array ([name] => Distancia al aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Km)),[yearschoolopen] => Array ([name] => Año escuela abierta (primero),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[openingtimeshi] => Array ([name] => Horario de apertura de,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[continue] => 1,[tip] => to),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingtimeshf] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingdays] => Array ([name] => Días de apertura,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([0] => domingo,[1] => lunes,[2] => martes,[3] => miércoles,[4] => jueves,[5] => viernes,[6] => sábado))),[videos] => Array ([name] => Video,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Enter the Youtube URL for the promotional video of your school here)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Instalaciones)),[facilities] => Array ([name] => Instalaciones,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Facilities,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_accreditations] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Acreditaciones y sellos de calidad)),[accrs] => Array ([name] => Acreditaciones,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accreditations,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_terms] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Términos y condiciones)),[autoterms] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descripción)),[description] => Array ([name] => Información de la escuela,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide a short description of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[info_students] => Array ([name] => Información para estudiantes,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide useful information for the student about your school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[terms] => Array ([name] => Términos y Condiciones,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500,[tip] => Please provide the terms and conditions of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Galería de imágenes,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. Image must be greater than 800x600px.)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Subir imágenes:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_map] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Localización - mapa)),[coordinates] => Array ([name] => Coordenadas,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Presione el botón si desea que el sistema para localizar la escuela en el mapa y luego arrastre el pivote rojo a la ubicación exacta.,[setlocation] => 1)),[details] => Array ([name] => Detalles,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[location] => Array ([name] => Ubicación,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[practice_info] => Array ([name] => Info práctica,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[isready] => Array ([name] => Está listo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[visible] => Array ([name] => Visible,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[global_discount] => Array ([name] => Descuento global,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta llaves,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[followup_needs_editing] => Array ([name] => Followup_needs_editing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[transfer] => Array ([name] => Transferencias,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Aeropuerto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Salida de precio y llegada,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))))))),[] => Array (),[] => schools,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => city),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([0] => description,[1] => info_students,[2] => terms),[] => Array ([czo0OiIxMDgyIjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1082,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-04-24 15:15:23,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:24,[mainimg] => 53804,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => 43.874587,[longitude] => 10.246161),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:2:"27";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:2:"21";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:4:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:9:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:2:"no";s:4:"visa";s:2:"no";}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"16";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}}},[currency] => 1,[vatnum] => 01855470462 but EXEMPT,[comm_course] => 22,[commission_accomm] => 15,[commission_expense_admin] => 22,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Simona Pellegrini,[resp1_charge] => secretary,[emailmarketing] => infopack@centropuccini.it,[resp_reservations] => Simona Pellegrini,[resp2_charge] => secretary,[email_reservations] => infopack@centropuccini.it,[skype] => ,[phone] => +39 0584 430253,[fax] => +38 0584 961275,[urlweb] => http://www.centropuccini.it/,[address] => Via Vespucci 173,[address2] => ,[cp] => 55049,[classrooms] => 9,[averageage] => 8,[minimumage] => 16,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 30,[nearestairport] => Pisa Galileo Galilei,[yearschoolopen] => 1988,[openingtimeshi] => 845,[openingtimeshf] => 1330,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini srl,[banksortcode] => Puccini,[banknumber] => 0001661,[bankiban] => IT32P0626024803100000001661,[bankswift] => CRFIIT3P371,[bankaddress] => CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI PISTOIA E DELLA LUCCHESIA, Viareggio,[bankaddress2] => Via San Francesco 1/3, Viareggio,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 929,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 17,[1] => 5,[2] => 23,[3] => 12,[4] => 11,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 7,[8] => 6,[9] => 3,[10] => 14),[sysname] => centro-culturale-giacomo-puccini,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Pisa Airport Galileo Galilei,[precio] => 95,[precioiv] => 190,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Pisa Airport Galileo Galilei,[precio] => 95,[precioiv] => 190,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 123)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 12,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 90,[1] => 15,[2] => 1,[3] => 79),[pagehits] => 33005,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 25.487,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini srl,[regnumber] => REA LUCCA: 176379,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:28:"Pisa Airport Galileo Galilei";s:6:"precio";s:2:"95";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"190";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:1082;s:5:"ownid";i:1082;}},[location_lat] => 43.874587,[location_lng] => 10.246161,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1082,[lang] => es,[name] => Centro Culturale Giacomo Puccini,[description] => La escuela se encuentra en un edificio de dos pisos y contiene nueve aulas. Las instalaciones incluyen: - servicio de internet completo - una salida puerta terraza, gazebo y un pequeño jardín - Acceso discapacitados estamos ubicados en el centro de Viareggio, a poca distancia de la playa. La escuela es junto a un bosque de pino, donde usted puede ir a trotar, alquilar una bicicleta o jugar tenis. Desde la escuela, todo es accesible a pie.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Fundada en 1988, tenemos años de experiencia y nos especializamos en la enseñanza de italiano en Italia, la escuela es reconocida por: - a nivel nacional por el Ministerio italiano de educación, Universidad e investigación - regionalmente por el Toscano Departamento de educación - las autoridades suecas (Vår skola är godkänd av CSN och Högskoleverket) - alemán "Bildungsurlaub" que son miembros de ELITE de ASILS, AIL,,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => -La inscripción debe realizarse posiblemente 30 días antes del comienzo del curso o, para más tarde matrículas, inmediatamente. -En el recibo de la confirmación el importe restante debe ser pagada dentro de 30 días antes del comienzo del curso. -El pago debe realizarse por banco o tarjeta de crédito. Si la cancelación es es notificado hasta 15 días antes de que se mantendrá el principio del curso, 50% de toda la cantidad. Las cancelaciones en un día más tarde no dan derecho a reembolso alguno.,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:0:{},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 3585),[czo0OiIxNjk1IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1695,[insert_timestamp] => 2015-03-18 06:51:48,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:26,[mainimg] => 59255,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => 43.8671663,[longitude] => 10.245487599999933),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"7";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:2:"30";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"2";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:2:"14";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:6:{s:4:"main";a:3:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:11:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"1";i:11;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:9:"refundsub";a:1:{i:3;a:5:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}}s:4:"visa";s:7:"visafix";s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:3:"100";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"50";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"50";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:3:"100";}}}}},[currency] => 1,[vatnum] => 01522470465,[comm_course] => 50,[commission_accomm] => ,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Brunella Casucci Belluomini,[resp1_charge] => Managing director,[emailmarketing] => info@italianintuscany.it,[resp_reservations] => Italian in Tuscany Team,[resp2_charge] => Admissions,[email_reservations] => info@italianintuscany.it,[skype] => ItalianInTuscany,[phone] => 0039 0584 942246,[fax] => 0039 0584 424083,[urlweb] => www.italianintuscany.it,[address] => Galleria d’Azeglio 61/A ,[address2] => ,[cp] => 55049,[classrooms] => 3,[averageage] => 6,[minimumage] => 18,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 20,[nearestairport] => Pisa,[yearschoolopen] => 2010,[openingtimeshi] => 900,[openingtimeshf] => 1900,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Language Data Bank,[banksortcode] => 0626024803,[banknumber] => 27947,[bankiban] => IT85 M062 6024 8030 0000 0027 947,[bankswift] => CRFIIT3P,[bankaddress] => Cassa di Risparmio Pistoia e Lucchesia spa,[bankaddress2] => via San Francesco 3,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 929,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => ,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 13,[1] => 23,[2] => 12,[3] => 22,[4] => 11,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 7,[8] => 4,[9] => 21,[10] => 6,[11] => 19),[sysname] => italian-in-tuscany,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Pisa,[precio] => 90,[precioiv] => 170,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Florence Airport,[precio] => 150,[precioiv] => 280,[activa] => y),[2] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Viareggio Train Station,[precio] => 20,[precioiv] => 30,[activa] => y)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 12,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 124),[pagehits] => 7199,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => 0,[rating] => 0,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => ,[regnumber] => ,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => ,[location_lat] => ,[location_lng] => ,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 2015-03-20,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1695,[lang] => es,[name] => Italian in Tuscany,[description] => The main school is located in an elegant building in the centre of Viareggio, along the promenade and only 100 meters away from the beach. We are small and this helps us create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Small group and individual courses for adults are run all year round in our air-conditioned classrooms by experienced and qualified teachers (Ditals). Famous for its tourism and shipyard industry, Viareggio is an ecletic, elegant town of 60.000 inhabitants located in an area of the northern Tuscan coast named “Riviera della Versilia”. Renowned worldwide for its beautiful liberty style promenade and its sandy beaches, Viareggio attracts millions of tourists throughout the year because of the mild temperatures, its famous Carnival and the “Giacomo Puccini Opera Festival“. Only 20 Kms away from the international airport of Pisa and the Leaning Tower,Viareggio is the ideal place to enjoy all the delights of this enchanting region. Long golden beaches, rocky coasts, islands, the lake loved by Giacomo Puccini, the mountains where Michelangelo used to choose the white marble for his masterpieces, the gentle green hills with archeological sites, parish churches and medieval villages: all this and much more can be discovered through our social activities organised in the afternoon and during the weekend.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Our courses are for students who want to improve their ability in everyday Italian. The course involves practice in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, together with grammar and pronunciation. The main emphasis of the class is on practical communication to develop fluency and confidence.,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Cancellations will only be accepted if sent by e-mail to info@italianintuscany.it or in writing to our head office. If the cancellation is communicated 2 weeks or more before the course begins, the fees are refunded (except €200 deposit). If the cancellation is communicated less than 2 weeks before the course begins, 50% will be refunded (except €200 deposit). If the student VISA is denied, all fees already paid will be refunded, except for €100 (administrative fees).,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => ,[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => n,[idid] => 13882)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Courses_Model] => Courses_Model Object ([] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => es,[name] => Argentina Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 69),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar Australiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 27),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => es,[name] => Real de Brasil,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 79),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => es,[name] => Dolar Canadiense,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 37),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => es,[name] => Renminbi yuan chino,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 42),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso colombiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 74),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => es,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 1),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Rupia india,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 57),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 3),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Ringgit de Malasia,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 32),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso Mexicano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 64),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => es,[name] => Nueva Zelanda Dolar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 52),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => es,[name] => Peruano Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 62),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => es,[name] => Libra esterlina,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 2),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => es,[name] => Rublo Ruso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 191),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => es,[name] => Rand SudAfricano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 22),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => es,[name] => Franco Suizo,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 47),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => es,[name] => Baht tailandés,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 91),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 4)),[] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => es,[name] => Argentina Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 69),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar Australiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 27),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => es,[name] => Real de Brasil,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 79),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => es,[name] => Dolar Canadiense,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 37),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => es,[name] => Renminbi yuan chino,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 42),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso colombiano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 74),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => es,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 1),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Rupia india,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 57),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => es,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 3),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => es,[name] => Ringgit de Malasia,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 32),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => es,[name] => Peso Mexicano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 64),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => es,[name] => Nueva Zelanda Dolar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 52),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => es,[name] => Peruano Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 62),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => es,[name] => Libra esterlina,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 2),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => es,[name] => Rublo Ruso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 191),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => es,[name] => Rand SudAfricano,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 22),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => es,[name] => Franco Suizo,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 47),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => es,[name] => Baht tailandés,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 91),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => es,[name] => Dólar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 4)),[] => Array ([US] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => es,[name] => Estados Unidos,[title] => Encuentra cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos al precio mas bajo!,[description] =>

                                          Escuelas {LANG} Estados UnidosEstás buscando clases de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿Unas clases de {LANG} de negocios en Estados Unidos? ¿Te gustaría un curso intensivo de {LANG} en Estados Unidos? ¿O economicas escuelas de {LANG} Estados Unidos? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre miles de cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar cursos y clases de {LANG} al precio mas bajo para las academias mas destacadas en Estados Unidos. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de {LANG}. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de {LANG} en Estados Unidos.

                                          La Calidad en la Educación: Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                                          La elección de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos es como elegir la mejor escuela de {LANG} que usted puede permitirse. Los Estados Unidos de América se caracteriza no sólo por su progreso económico avanzada, sino también para el sistema educativo que prevalece en el país.

                                          Cuando piensa en la opción de estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de experimentar esto de renombre mundial y la educación de alta calidad que Estados Unidos puede ofrecer. La elección de realizar un curso de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también le permitirá saber lo que es vivir en uno de los paises más poderosos e influyentes del mundo en estos días.

                                          Las personas que estudian en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos también se exponen a la diversidad cultural de este país desarrollado. Estados Unidos es la encarnación de la cultura occidental, ya que son originalmente influenciados por sus vecinos países europeos. Estados Unidos es un crisol de diferentes culturas que representa el origen diverso de sus habitantes.

                                          Al estudiar en Escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, usted tendrá la oportunidad de sentir la diversidad del país que se muestra en su idioma, hábitos sociales, música, cocina, arte y folclore. Si usted decide realizar cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, también se puede explorar el país y el testimonio de su belleza y singularidad.

                                          Lugares Turísticos que se puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos

                                          Cursos {LANG} Estados UnidosMientras que usted está estudiando en escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos se pueden visitar algunos de los lugares para los que es famoso. Usted puede pasar sus tardes en el Times Square, donde la gente puede ver o admirar los teatros de Broadway y los cines que abundan el lugar.

                                          Usted puede obtener alrededor de Times Square ya sea caminando, en bicicleta, subirse a un autobús, o al alquilar una limusina propia. Usted también puede unirse a algunos tours que se ofrecen, especialmente para aquellos que estudian {LANG} en Estados Unidos. Estos tours le llevará alrededor de los mejores monumentos de la Times Square y tours de agua.

                                          Si usted es aficionado de los juegos en los casinos, entonces usted debe visitar el siempre famoso Las Vegas. Los casinos se encuentran en este lugar han sido el escenario de las películas más famosas que se muestran en la historia. Nevada, que está también en Las Vegas es donde se encuentra el condado de Clark. Condado de Clark es el paraíso para los jugadores y para los que quieren ir de compras y entretenerse.

                                          Si desea una aventura con la naturaleza mientras estudia en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos, entonces usted puede visitar el National Mall y Parques Conmemorativos. Este lugar tiene las tierras más antiguas y las más bellas protegida del parque donde se pueden ver algunas especies de la biodiversidad única.

                                          También puede encontrar algunas de las mejores monumentos públicos de Estados Unidos, que incluyen las memorias de ex-presidentes como Washington, Lincoln y Jefferson. Aquí, también se puede admirar los monumentos de la de Corea y la Guerra de Vietnam.

                                          Otro lugar que puede visitar mientras estudia {LANG} en Estados Unidos es el mercado Faneuil Hall. Este lugar es visitado por más de 20 millones de visitantes. Aquí, usted puede ver los lugares famosos como el Faneuil Hall, el mercado del Norte, y el Mercado Quincy. Malabaristas y magos son también un atractivo aquí en Faneuil Hall Marketplace.

                                          Estados Unidos es un lugar donde usted puede divertirse mientras realizas tu curso de {LANG}. Su estancia aquí, no sólo le ayudará a aprender {LANG} con el acento americano, que también le dará experiencias que pueden ayudar a entender mejor la cultura occidental. Cursos de {LANG} en Estados Unidos que se brindan en escuelas de idiomas tiene la más alta calidad de la educación que usted puede permitirse. No te pierdas tener la experiencia de tu vida al estudiar en escuelas de {LANG} en Estados Unidos de America!

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo de {LANG}. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[sysname] => estados-unidos,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Escuelas {LANG} Estados Unidos - Curso {LANG} Estados Unidos Barato,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de {LANG} en escuelas en Estados Unidos que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => curso ingles estados unidos, escuela en estados unidos, escuelas en estados unidos, escuelas estados unidos, escuelas inglés estados unidos,[idid] => 34)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([18] => 34,[66] => 5,[80] => 4,[93] => 3,[69] => 1,[71] => 1,[92] => 1,[98] => 0,[100] => 0,[94] => 0,[101] => 0,[102] => 0,[339] => 0,[340] => 0,[341] => 0,[342] => 0,[85] => 0,[84] => 0,[83] => 0,[63] => 0,[64] => 0,[65] => 0,[67] => 0,[68] => 0,[70] => 0,[72] => 0,[73] => 0,[74] => 0,[75] => 0,[82] => 0,[343] => 0),[] => Array ([20-25] => 1452,[15-19] => 784,[26-30] => 409,[10-14] => 96,[1-9] => 77,[31-35] => 11,[36-9999] => 7),[] => Array ([1-9] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 9),[10-14] => Array ([0] => 10,[1] => 14),[15-19] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 19),[20-25] => Array ([0] => 20,[1] => 25),[26-30] => Array ([0] => 26,[1] => 30),[31-35] => Array ([0] => 31,[1] => 35),[36-9999] => Array ([0] => 36,[1] => 9999)),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[key] => 1),[separador_type] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Tipo de curso)),[sku] => Array ([name] => Referencia del curso,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[tip] => Esto es solamente para su uso y no será visible para los estudiantes),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => Idioma impartido en este curso)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Clases semanales,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => per week),[listable] => 1),[duration_lesson] => Array ([name] => Lesson duration,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => Minutes)),[avgclasssize] => Array ([name] => Average class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[max_students_class] => Array ([name] => Max class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[age_min] => Array ([name] => Minimum age,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[classdays] => Array ([name] => Class dates,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([1] => lunes,[2] => martes,[3] => miércoles,[4] => jueves,[5] => viernes,[6] => sábado,[7] => domingo))),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class times,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Hora de inicio ,[continue] => 1),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00),[listable] => 1),[hend] => Array ([name] => end,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Tiempo de finalización ),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[certificate] => Array ([name] => Final de curso certificado,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[levels] => Array ([name] => Course levels,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[filler] => Array ([model] => levels,[label] => name))),[calification] => Array ([name] => Qualification,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[values] => Array ())),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Galería de imágenes,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. This gallery is shared with school gallery. Don't delete it. Image must be greater than 800x600px)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Subir imágenes:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descripción)),[title] => Array ([name] => Título curso,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción del curso,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo targeting es el método de determinación de la geolocalización de un visitante del sitio web y entrega de contenido diferente a ese visitante basada en su ubicación, como dirección IP del país. Eres capaz de establecer una lista de precios especial para estudiantes basados en un país en particular o un conjunto de países. De esta manera seremos capaces de manejar diferentes precios dependiendo de dónde viene el estudiante.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting para,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Todos,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Excluir seleccionado),[include] => Array ([name] => Incluyen seleccionado)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_price] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Fechas y precio del curso)),[charges_admin] => Array ([name] => Registration fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Por favor ingrese el cargo cobrado al estudiante por el derecho a participar en el curso de idiomas)),[material_type] => Array ([name] => Books & materials,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 3),[values] => Array ([included] => Array ([name] => Incluido en el precio,[default] => 1),[optional] => Array ([name] => No incluido en el precio y no es obligatorio),[mandatory] => Array ([name] => No incluido en el precio y obligatoria)))),[material] => Array ([name] => Book and materials price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Introduce la carga de los materiales y libros utilizados durante las clases)),[type_course] => Array ([name] => Comienza curso,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[values] => Array ([normal] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios temporada,[default] => 1),[fijo] => Array ([name] => Fecha fija precios,[default] => )),[events] => Array ())),[price] => Array ([name] => Lista de precios de curso,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)))),[separador_discount] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descuento,[description] => From this section you will be able to give a special discount and/or increase the commission rate for the selected period. Just add the percentage discount you want to give on the tuition prices added on the price list section, select the dates and click save. Done!

                                          This discount and or promotion will appear on our home page, in the special offer section, highlighted on the search results page and other sections of LanguageBookings.com and partner websites. The higher the discount and the commission given on the promotion, the more visibility your promotion will have.)),[discount_active] => Array ([name] => Discount Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[discount] => Array ([name] => Discount,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[default] => 1,[tip] => %,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => number,[step] => any),[1] => Array ([type] => greater_than,[value] => -1),[2] => Array ([type] => less_than,[value] => 100)))),[minweeks] => Array ([name] => Minimum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[maxweeks] => Array ([name] => Maximum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([0] => Unlimited,[1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[discount_publication_start] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar)),[discount_publication_end] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado)),[discount_reservation_start] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo)),[discount_reservation_end] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 03-05-2024,[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso)),[commission] => Array ([name] => Commission on tuition,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => This is the commission you will pay when we sell this course with this promotion.)),[separador_other] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Otra)),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[holidays] => Array ([name] => Holidays,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[price_particular] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Número de clases,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Precio total,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))))),[horary_course] => Array ([name] => Comment of horary,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keys,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array ([sku] => Array ([name] => Course references),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Lessons per week),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class time),[complete_name] => Array ([name] => Save Order,[function] => Closure Object ()),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => courses,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 1,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '7' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city = '929') AND `category` IN ('67', '67≤vel=3', '7') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[] => `order`,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => sku,[2] => lessons,[3] => order),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[form_validation] => CI_Form_validation Object ([] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] =>

                                          ,[] =>

                                          ,[] => ,[] => ),[Promotions_Model] => Promotions_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_promotions] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([description] => Constantemente desarrollamos nuevas herramientas para dar su escuela todo lo que necesita para ganar dinero y tener éxito. Por favor ingrese los datos específicos de su negocio, incluyendo precio, valor y título. Establecer los términos, países ser objetivo y el horario de su oferta. Usted será capaz de añadir múltiples ofertas de submarino para el mismo trato (principal). Cuando haya terminado, por favor haga clic en "Enviar para su aprobación" para presentar su oferta para su aprobación. Una vez aprobado por LanguageBookings.com, su trato será publicado y anunciado.

                                          Tips :
                                          · Un atractivo descuento a estudiantes y mostrarlo en el título de promoción.
                                          · No sólo competir en precio, sino agregar valor a su oferta de curso estándar

                                          )),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => Escuelas,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Seleccione la escuela de la promoción,[filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[status] => Array ([name] => Estado,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Only applicable if active is no),[data] => Array ([] => Por favor selecciona,[1] => Pendiente de aprobación,[2] => Necesidades de edición,[3] => Vivir,[4] => Inédito,[5] => Caducado),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Referencia de promoción,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => Idioma impartido en este curso)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([] => Select a language)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20),[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Número mínimo de estudiantes que tienen que reservar Together este paquete),[listable] => 1),[accomm_included] => Array ([name] => Alojamiento incluido,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([tip] => Seleccione Sí si el alojamiento está incluido en esta promoción,[values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[startpublish] => Array ([name] => Fecha de inicio de reserva,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional será publicado y se puede reservar)),[endpublish] => Array ([name] => Final reserva,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[class] => form,[tip] => Fecha de cuando este paquete promocional no será publicado y no puede ser reservado)),[startpromotion] => Array ([name] => Inicio del curso,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Desde cuando el curso llevará a cabo)),[endpromotion] => Array ([name] => Fin de curso,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Desde cuando se concluir o terminar el curso)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Título y la descripción de la promoción)),[title] => Array ([name] => Título promoción,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[tip] => Usar un título corto y pegadizo.),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción de la promoción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Por favor proporcione una breve descripción de la promoción/paquete),[multilang] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Imágenes,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo targeting es el método de determinación de la geolocalización de un visitante del sitio web y entrega de contenido diferente a ese visitante basada en su ubicación, como dirección IP del país. Eres capaz de establecer una lista de precios especial para estudiantes basados en un país en particular o un conjunto de países. De esta manera seremos capaces de manejar diferentes precios dependiendo de dónde viene el estudiante.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting para,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Todos los países,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Excluir seleccionado),[include] => Array ([name] => Incluyen seleccionado)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting países,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Trata de sub,[description] => Usted será capaz de añadir múltiples ofertas de submarino para el mismo trato (principal). Ahora cada cosa que ofreces puede tener múltiples ofertas diferentes tipos que es perfecto para dejar tu escuela ofrece una variedad de ofertas para atraer a todos los segmentos de mercado. Por ejemplo puede utilizar sub ofertas para ofrecer la misma oferta pero a precios diferentes. Por ejemplo una escuela podría ofrecer 4 semanas con un descuento del 25%, 8 semanas con un descuento del 50% y así sucesivamente. Otra manera puede utilizar sub ofertas es ofrecer un trato de amigos que se unen o algo secundario para las familias.)),[subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => dynamictable,[options] => Array ([template] => promotion_subdeal,[defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Nuevo acuerdo de sub,[fields] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[type] => Array ([name] => Tipo de elemento,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([days] => Array ([name] => Dias),[weeks] => Array ([name] => Semanas),[month] => Array ([name] => Meses),[years] => Array ([name] => Años),[other] => Array ([name] => Otra,[default] => 1)))),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Precio con descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Precio original,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[percentdiscount] => Array ([name] => Por ciento de descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[comision] => Array ([name] => Comisión,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Cuenta que quieres ofrecer a LanguageBookings.com,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))))))),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => Schools),[status2] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ()),[name] => Array ([name] => Reference Name),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons),[sendforapproval] => Array ([name] => Sent for approval)),[] => promotions,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Reviewmails_Model] => Reviewmails_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Lastname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => E-Mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[review] => Array ([name] => Review,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ()),[idi] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([default] => en,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name))),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => reviewmails,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => insert_timestamp DESC,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => lastname,[3] => email),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Images_Model] => Images_Model Object ([] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[key] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Foto de título (Pasante),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validate] => Array ()),[listable] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[238x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[349x220] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)))),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => images,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Packages_Model] => Packages_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[reference] => Array ([name] => Referencia,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500),[multilang] => 1),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ()),[include] => Array ([name] => Incluyen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([course] => Curso,[course+accomm] => Curso + alojamiento,[course+accomm+collection] => Curso + alojamiento + Colección)),[extras] => Array ([name] => Deal extras,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Dealsextras,[label] => name))),[bstart] => Array ([name] => Booking Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[bend] => Array ([name] => Booking End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cstart] => Array ([name] => Course Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cend] => Array ([name] => Course End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[url] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => ),[price] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([semanas] => Array ([name] => Semanas,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateInteger)),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Precio Neto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form validateFloat),[multilang] => ),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Precio Bruto,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateFloat))))),[course] => Array ([name] => Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[accomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[collection] => Array ([name] => Transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => packages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => reference,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Categories_Model] => Categories_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array ([segment] => Array ([name] => Segmento,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[idi] => Array ([name] => Pertenece a,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[categorytemplate] => Array ([name] => Plantilla de categoría,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => categoriestemplates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_country] => Array ([name] => Título para países,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_country] => Array ([name] => Descripción para los países,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_city] => Array ([name] => Título para las ciudades,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_city] => Array ([name] => Descripción de las ciudades,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Landing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => categories,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title,[3] => title_country,[4] => title_city,[5] => url),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Qualifications_Model] => Qualifications_Model Object ([] => Array ([idi] => Array ([name] => Pertenece a,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Url,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => qualifications,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Discount_Model] => Discount_Model Object ([] => 3,[] => Array ([descuento] => Array ([name] => Descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => %),[multilang] => ),[descuentomax] => Array ([name] => Descuento Máx.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => €),[multilang] => )),[] => Array (),[] => discount,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => descuento,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Pages_Model] => Pages_Model Object ([] => Array ([title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1,[visual] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Images,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([block] => imgupload,[dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[multilang] => )),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdescription] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sort] => Array ([name] => Sort,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[directaccess] => Array ([name] => Direct Access,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)),[tip] => this page will be listed on the sitemap)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => pages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => title,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => title,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Wishlist_Model] => Wishlist_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[user] => Array ([name] => usuario,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Users,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => wishlist,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => user),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Accreditations_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accreditations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 129,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Segments_Model] => Segments_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_small] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[long_title] => Array ([name] => Long Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[long_description] => Array ([name] => Long Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_large] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[segment] => Array ([name] => Segmento relacionado,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_country] => Array ([name] => Short Title Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_country] => Array ([name] => Short Description Country,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_city] => Array ([name] => Short Title City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_city] => Array ([name] => Short Description City,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[filter] => Array ([name] => Filtro relacionado,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Example: 0-14)),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Location Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle5] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Country Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => segments,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => segment = 0,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Accommtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Orden,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accommtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 15,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Roomtypes_Model] => Roomtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => roomtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Landings_Model] => Landings_Model Object ([] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[country] => Array ([name] => Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[segment] => Array ([name] => Segment,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcourses] => Array ([name] => Num Courses,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcountries] => Array ([name] => Num Countries,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcities] => Array ([name] => Num Cities,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[item] => Array ([name] => Item,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[itemtype] => Array ([name] => Item type,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => landings,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => language,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Regions_Model] => Regions_Model Object ([] => Array ([country] => Array ([name] => Country,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Countries,[label] => name))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => regions,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => country,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schoolsaccomms_Model] => Schoolsaccomms_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_schoolaccomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alojamiento)),[type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Accommtypes,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1),[food] => Array ([name] => Board,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([sin] => Sin comidas pero con uso de cocina,[desayuno] => Desayuno,[media] => Desayuno y cena,[completa] => Desayuno, almuerzo y cena),[listable] => 1),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Edad mínima,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Por favor ingrese la edad mínima que se acepta el alojamiento)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[tip] => Por favor escriba el número máximo de alumnos permitido quedarse en esta habitación),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25)),[together] => Array ([name] => Sólo estudiantes que van juntos,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si
                                          ),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Opción sólo para alojamiento compartido. Seleccione "Yes" Si este establecimiento sólo está disponible para los estudiantes reserva juntos, seleccione "No" Si este alojamiento puede ser vendido a los estudiantes en diferentes momentos o individualmente.)),[distance] => Array ([name] => Distancia de la escuela,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[continue] => 1)),[distancetype] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Ingrese el tiempo o la distancia promedio desde el alojamiento a la escuela),[data] => Array ([km] => Kilómetro,[minutes] => minutos caminando,[public] => minutes en transporte público)),[requires_collection] => Array ([name] => Recogida,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Mandatory
                                          ),[n] => Array ([name] => Optional,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Use "Obligatorios" Si el estudiante debe reservar el traslado para reservar este alojamiento, uso opcional si el estudiante no necesita libro transferencia con este alojamiento.)),[active] => Array ([name] => Activo,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Si
                                          ,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Si "Sí" y ahí está la disponibilidad de los estudiantes serán capaces de esta reserva, si situada en "No" no se publicará el alojamiento)),[school] => Array ([name] => Información General,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[searcheable] => 1),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Descripción)),[name] => Array ([name] => Nombre,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Descripción,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Galería de imágenes)),[images] => Array ([name] => Subir imágenes:,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[800x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Instalaciones)),[facilities_accomm] => Array ([name] => Facilities,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accommequipment,[label] => name))),[separador_accomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alojamiento)),[accommfee] => Array ([name] => Placement Fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => € If there is a placement fee please enter it here,[width] => 50)),[type] => Array ([name] => Pricing,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([semana] => Array ([name] => Por semana
                                          ,[default] => 1),[dia] => Array ([name] => Por noche)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Si su lista de precios por semana además de noche extra por favor, seleccione "semanales", si su lista de precios utiliza un precio por noche por favor, seleccione "por la noche".)),[min_days] => Array ([name] => Minimum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Número mínimo de noches que el huésped tiene que quedarse en el alojamiento)),[max_days] => Array ([name] => Maximum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Máximo número de noches que el huésped puede permanecer en el alojamiento)),[price] => Array ([name] => Course price list,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wk {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => accomms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)),[colspan] => 1)),[for_day] => Array ([name] => Per night,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Agrega precio,[fields] => Array ([comienzo] => Array ([name] => Comienzo,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Precio por noche,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))),[colspan] => 1,[defaultrow] => 1)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Img principal,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[individual] => Array ([name] => Room,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([y] => individual,[n] => shared))),[] => Array ([type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type),[food] => Array ([name] => Board),[name] => Array ([name] => Name),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => schoolsaccomms,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => main.id asc,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => school,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 237,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => es,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => )),[1] => index), Array ([0] => cursos,[1] => italiano,[2] => italia,[3] => viareggio)) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/core/CodeIgniter.php:357] #10 require_once(/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/core/CodeIgniter.php) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/index.php:214] Database Error

                                          A Database Error Occurred

                                          Error Number: 1054

                                          Unknown column '67≤vel' in 'where clause'

                                          SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-05-13' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '7' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '12') AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.city = '929') AND main.category IN(67,67≤vel=3,7) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC

                                          Filename: /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/core/MG_Model.php

                                          Line Number: 417